Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 2079: Fire and anti-theft defense exhibition

After a short rest, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun came to Haoyu Aerospace's research center here.

Haoyu Aerospace's vice presidents, Yang Xiaoyun and Zhou Xiangming, had already brought people to wait for them outside, and they greeted them when they got out of the car.

Mr. Wu, Mr. Zhang, you are welcome to come to our Haoyu Aerospace Northwest Research Center for inspection and guidance. Compared with the more casual Zhou Xiangming, Yang Xiaoyun has become much more formal.

She was wearing a white business uniform and stepping on high heels, and greeted Wu Hao and Zhang Jun warmly by shaking hands.

Haha, Xiaoyun, you've worked so hard these days, it's really not easy to manage such a big company. Wu Hao asked Yang Xiaoyun cordially.

Hearing this, Yang Xiaoyun looked at Wu Hao and said with a smile: "It's not hard work, Mr. Wu, if you say something like this, I won't have to work hard for anything."

Hehe, what is this? Wu Hao nodded at her with a smile, and then said: "After this period of time is over, you can take a good vacation. Forget it abroad, don't run around, let's go domestically, find a place to play for half a month, Put on your family members, and the expenses will be reimbursed!"

Thank you Mr. Wu! Hearing Wu Hao's words, Yang Xiaoyun raised the corner of his mouth and thanked him happily.

On the other hand, Zhou Xiangming pointed at him Wu Hao a little sourly: "Mr. Wu, you can't favor one over the other, we have been working hard during this time."

Haha, you, you are indispensable. Wu Hao looked at Zhou Xiangming and said angrily: "You are all the same, but you have to take turns, you can't all go away at once, and you can't stop all projects."

Don't worry, we still understand which is more important. Zhou Xiangming replied with a smile.

Ok. Wu Hao nodded and walked in first. The entire hall is decorated in a futuristic spaceflight sci-fi style. Above the head is a galaxy. The huge high-definition screen simulates the entire galaxy, which is slowly moving, making people look up involuntarily.

As for the opposite side, this row of models and physical exhibits are placed. Among them are the physical objects of the return cabin of Walker 3, the physical objects of the first return landing of the first stage of the Jianmu-2 rocket, and some other objects. Well, it is a display of rocket models and other related models.

Wu Hao said with the real object of No. 3 Walker: "Why is this thing placed? Didn't I ask you to get one for the headquarters campus?"

"Hehe, we plan to wait for the follow-up research of the Walker-4 return capsule to be completed, and then transport it back to the headquarters park for display. After all, the return capsule of the first manned spacecraft in the Walker series is more meaningful. " Zhou Xiangming explained with a smile.

Hearing Zhou Xiangming's words, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun couldn't help laughing bitterly, Zhang Jun looked at the inquiring eyes of several people and said helplessly: "I'm afraid this idea can't be realized, this time I went to Beijing, and found both the Air and Space Museum and the National Expo. We hope to get the return capsule of the Walker 4 spacecraft as a permanent exhibition review."


Hearing Zhang Jun's words, everyone present showed a wry smile. Indeed, if only these two ordinary museums want it, Wu Hao and the others can absolutely refuse. Why?

But these two museums are of great significance. One is the most authoritative professional museum in the professional field and represents the highest level of national aerospace, and the other is a truly national-level museum that gathers everything and is all-encompassing.

To be honest, it is a good thing to be exhibited by them, it is a kind of affirmation and praise for their achievements. Logically, it should be given to them. But just like what Zhou Xiangming said, the return cabin of the Walker 4 is of great significance. Wu Hao and the others also hope that they can be displayed in the headquarters park, so as to show everyone their achievements and strength.

Therefore, in this matter, Wu Hao and the others are actually a little embarrassed.

You agreed? Zhou Xiangming asked Wu Hao.

Wu Hao looked at the people who were looking at him, and then nodded helplessly: "I promise, it's all to see, it's better to put it in these two museums, it can better reflect the achievements we have achieved, on behalf of Our current strength in aerospace."

Hearing what he said, everyone present nodded. Although Wu Hao didn't say it, everyone could feel the helplessness in Wu Hao's heart. Indeed, when people find them on the grounds of achievement exhibitions, can they refuse to agree? If you don't agree, it means you don't have enough ideological awareness. Isn't this not making you feel uncomfortable for yourself?

Of course, from another point of view, independence is not as good as public happiness. Rather than letting some people watch it, it is better for more people to watch it. Putting it in these two museums can indeed be seen by more people than in Haoyu Science and Technology Park.

And the meaning is different. In Haoyu Science and Technology Headquarters Park, it can only be regarded as a landscape sculpture to tell their achievements and strength, while in the museum, it represents the achievements and strength of the domestic civil aerospace industry.

So after a little thought, Wu Hao finally agreed, even though he was a little reluctant.

Then you promised that house. Zhou Xiangming was a little curious.

What do you think? Wu Hao didn't answer directly, but looked at Zhou Xiangming.

Zhou Xiangming thought for a while, then shook his head: "It stands to reason that its best destination should be a professional museum such as aerospace, but I guess it can't compete with a museum with a national prefix."

Hearing Zhou Xiangming's words, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun looked at each other, and then laughed bitterly. Seeing their also instantly understood. Sure enough, in the field of cultural and blogging, the phrase "fire prevention, theft and defense of the country" is really not what the blogger is talking about.

However, will the Air and Space Museum be reconciled? Yang Xiaoyun asked.

Zhou Xiangming raised his eyebrows when he heard the words: "What can I do if I'm not reconciled, what is it if it can't compete on its own?"

Eh, don't say it, what's the matter? Zhang Jun said with a wry smile.

Ah, what do they want? Wouldn't they still want to ask us for exhibits? We don't have enough. Zhou Xiangming said with a sullen face.

Isn't it there? Zhang Jun looked at Zhou Xiangming's reaction, pointed to the return capsule next to him, and said with a smile.

No, they want this too. Zhou Xiangming's mouth widened, and then he said helplessly and aggrieved.

Wu Hao patted his shoulder with a smile and said: "Okay, isn't it just a return capsule, give them to them, it's been here for so long, it's time to move the place so that more people can see it. It's also propaganda for us, isn't it?"

But, this... Zhou Xiangming opened his mouth, but didn't say anything.

The Air and Space Museum also has difficulties, and they can't help it, so they came to us. We can't just ignore it. This is also a professional museum in the aerospace field and has a close relationship with the aerospace authority. We can't just pretend to ignore it.

So after thinking about it, let them take them away, we don't lack one or two.


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