Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 2082: mission emblem

As Wu Hao said, the listing of Haoyu Aerospace is related to the future development of Haoyu Aerospace and the implementation of related major projects. After all, if you want to support these large projects at the same time, it is definitely not enough to rely on them alone, and a lot of funds are still needed. Therefore, listing is the only way for Haoyu Aerospace, which is also the top priority of Wu Hao's work in the future.

However, as Yang Xiaoyun said, as the first private aerospace company to go public in China, if it wants to go public successfully, it must face many problems, even related to relevant regulatory policies and other issues.

So although they are looking forward to it and are eager, this matter still has to be patient and take it slow.

After a few more rants, Wu Hao and the others rejected Zhou Xiangming, Yang Xiaoyun and the others' idea of ​​going upstairs for a discussion, and asked them to lead them directly to the laboratory.

Zhou Xiangming and the others knew about Wu Hao's character and style. So they didn't persuade them too much, and immediately led them to the research center of the Walker series spaceship project.

As soon as they walked into an empty laboratory, Wu Hao and the others were attracted by the return capsule of Walker 4 in the middle.

This Walker-4 return capsule is not placed upright, but is placed sideways and tilted. The protective shell above has been extended, exposing some skeletons, cables and equipment inside.

Through the disassembled window, Wu Hao and the others were able to clearly see some of the equipment and electronic components inside.

Around this Walker-4 return capsule, there are two working areas that are suspended from the ceiling and stand in an arc. The two working areas are like a 60-70-degree fan, which encloses the return capsule of Walker 4.

There are five or six screens on the fan work table in each fan work area. The screens are placed up and down, and a larger screen is hung above.

Several technical researchers are standing in front of this fan work station, typing on the keyboard and working. There are also a few technicians who are surrounding the return cabin of Walker 4 and dismantling the related equipment inside.

Looking inward from the center of the return cabin of Walker 4, there will be three large working areas, which are also fan-shaped. Each workspace is an independent project research team. The three research teams jointly conduct related technical research on the return capsule of Walker 4, which is independent of each other, but also cooperates with each other in a unified manner.

Seeing Wu Hao and the others coming, these researchers looked up and then got busy again. Many people also communicated with each other in a low voice, and it could be seen that everyone was very happy with Wu Hao and the others.

Zhou Xiangming stepped forward, clapped his hands at everyone, and then announced loudly, "Everyone, stop the work at hand, President Wu and President Zhang are coming to visit everyone, everyone is welcome!"

Saying that, Zhou Xiangming was the first to start applauding, and the other scientific research staff present also stopped their work, stood up from their workstations one after another, and then applauded enthusiastically.

Seeing this, Wu Hao smiled and squeezed his hand, then took the microphone handed over by the staff, and smiled at everyone: "Everyone, don't be restrained, we are mainly here to visit and condolence to everyone this time.

In fact, Mr. Zhang and I have always wanted to come, but because of work, we have no time. This time I came to the Northwest Research Base, and I listed this event as the first stop in my itinerary.

The reason why we attach so much importance is to tell everyone that we have not forgotten you, and we have not forgotten the brilliant achievements of our Walker series spacecraft, which cannot be separated from everyone's hard work and efforts over a long period of time.

Your sweat, your hard work, we all know and we all remember. This time, Mr. Zhang and I came to visit and condolence on behalf of the board of directors of the company.

Of course, according to the good tradition of our company, this visit and condolences are not just verbal, but must be practical and come out with something real that everyone can really enjoy.

Don't worry, we are ready for you! "


Long live President Wu!


Hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone present cheered and boiled, what could be more happier than this moment.

When the applause and cheers from the crowd subsided, Wu Hao continued to speak: "I won't talk about the other flashy words, let's talk about the actual benefits directly.

First of all, we are definitely not empty-handed. This time we have brought you a lot of condolences, including local specialties specially brought back from the South China Sea. I heard that many of you regret not going to the South China Sea in person. It doesn't matter, we brought back the local specialties for everyone, everyone has them, and they will be distributed to everyone when they come back. "

Hearing his words, the long crowd cheered again. Indeed, many people present envied the technical staff who went to the South China Sea to participate in the launch mission. And now Wu Hao brought them local specialties, which made up for their regrets.

"Besides this, there are other things, and these things have been distributed to everyone one after may be a bit too much, if you want to keep it for yourself, then keep it for yourself. If you can’t eat it, you can also share it with your friends and family, and we will help you with the delivery of cold fresh food, so that your relatives and friends can enjoy the joy.”

Speaking of this, Wu Hao glanced at everyone, and then continued: "Secondly, we have prepared a small souvenir for all the technical staff involved in the development of the Walker series spacecraft and the Jianmu series spacecraft.

The mission badges of the Walker manned spacecraft and the mission badges of the Jianmu series of launch vehicles are designed and customized by us. "

While Wu Hao was speaking, pictures of the two badges appeared on the big screen. Among them, the mission badge of the Walker manned spacecraft is round, surrounded by a circle of Chinese and English names, the middle background is the earth, and the pattern of the Walker manned spacecraft is on it. The mission badges of Jianmu series launch vehicles are in the shape of a shield. The outer circle below is the name text in Chinese and English, and then the ribbon of wheat ears extends from the bottom to the top. The bottom of the middle is the earth, and the top is the starry sky background. The wooden launch vehicle leaps up.

Wu Hao introduced to the crowd sideways: "The two mission badges are mainly divided into three materials. This time, we will distribute two of them, one is made of sterling silver, and the original badges are all sterling silver. Pressed, the workmanship is very fine, very beautiful. There is an independent number on the back of each mission badge, showing its uniqueness and uniqueness.

The other one is made of pure gold, and the gold content of the entire mission badge is about 98%. We also thought about using 999 pure gold, but the texture is too soft and not suitable for storage, so we can only mix some other metals in it to ensure that it has enough strength and is not easy to wear. "

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