Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 2085: Convenience is a priority

In a warm applause, Wu Hao ended his speech.

Judging from everyone's reaction, Wu Hao's speech was effective. At least the smiles on everyone's faces really came out of the heart, which could not be concealed.

After finishing the speech, Wu Hao and the others also came to the most eye-catching place in front of them.

As the person in charge here, Zhou Xiangming smiled at Wu Hao and introduced: "After the return capsule was transported here, we immediately opened the warehouse, and after taking out the relevant experimental equipment and equipment that entered space with the ship, we carried out the spacecraft. Dismantling analysis.

This move is mainly to study the relevant impact of this mission on the entire return cabin equipment, which is also to verify whether the return cabin has the ability to be used twice. From the current point of view, the state of the return cabin is good, and it fully meets the needs of secondary use. It only needs to replace some thermal insulation materials on the surface.

In addition, we also collected a lot of suggestions and opinions from the astronauts, and then conducted research on these opinions and suggestions and made corresponding revisions. For example, there is no toilet in our spacecraft, which is a very common problem.

It should be said that all two-storage spaceships do not have toilets. Only the traditional and honest spacecraft with the three-storage structure will have a toilet in the orbital cabin.

The new generation of spaceships in various countries are all two-storage structures, so basically there are no toilets. Because it is not necessary at all. The main task of these spacecraft is to transport astronauts to and from the space station. It only takes six or seven hours for fast rendezvous and docking, and such a short time is not needed at all.

But if the spacecraft is in orbit for too long, a toilet needs to be set up. This time, we set up a suggested toilet inside to meet the astronauts' related toilet needs.

This design was naturally praised by the astronauts, and in space navigation, it also solved the astronauts' big trouble. But as for the astronauts, the problems encountered in the process of use have given us many valuable suggestions for revision.

For example, the location of the toilet is a bit inappropriate. Every time the astronauts go there, it is very inconvenient, and even some water droplets will flow out because of this. In the end, the astronauts have to use suction mouths and paper towels to absorb these water droplets.

In addition, there is no privacy protection for this toilet, although I can't take pictures, but I always feel a little indecent. It's okay to be alone, if there are too many people and there are people of the opposite sex, it is definitely not suitable. Therefore, the astronauts suggested that in the future, a folding and storage curtain or something should be installed outside the test to cover the shame, so that it will not cause embarrassment or something. "

Wu Hao and the others nodded when they heard the words. This seems to be a small problem, but it is indeed a big deal. After all, if people want to live, eating, drinking and sleeping is essential, especially in the universe, especially in a zero-gravity environment. If this problem cannot be solved, then it will definitely not work.

So after listening to Zhou Xiangming's introduction, Wu Hao immediately smiled and looked at him and asked, "How did you solve it."

Hearing his question, Zhou Xiangming swiped the screen in front of him with a smile, and brought up a 3D schematic diagram of the return cabin and introduced it to the crowd.

"Actually, the toilet in the return cabin is generally ineffective, which is why so many new-generation spacecraft do not have it. It is mainly responsible for the transportation of personnel and materials to the space station.

Using the rapid rendezvous and docking technology and the rapid return technology, it is basically possible to reach the space station or return to the ground in six or seven hours. Reasonable meal control before the task can completely solve this problem, and all countries do this.

Of course, there is also such a situation as the astronauts said, that is, the spacecraft has been flying in space for too long, so at this time, such a toilet is needed to solve the big problem of the astronauts.

Before, we installed a proposed toilet on it, which can temporarily activate people's urgent needs. After listening to the relevant opinions and suggestions of the astronauts this time, we have re-optimized the space utilization pattern inside the spacecraft after research.

On the left side behind the seat in the manned return cabin of the spacecraft, a space for a seat is abandoned and a closed toilet is installed. "

Speaking of which, Zhou Xiangming also showed a schematic diagram of the location of the toilet in the return cabin on the screen.

"One of the good things is that our spacecraft adopts a modular design, so it will be more convenient to disassemble the seat and install the toilet. We can choose to install the seat or install the toilet according to the needs of the mission.

Even if we choose to install toilets, our spacecraft can accommodate up to seven astronauts. The carrying capacity is also in the leading position in the same kind of spacecraft. "

It looks a little small. Is it convenient to accommodate an astronaut in it? Zhang Jun looked at the 3D design schematic on the with some doubts.

absolutely okay. Zhou Xiangming replied with a smile: "In fact, the interior space of this toilet is not small. We made full use of the space design layout of the spaceship return cabin, which is small at the bottom and large at the bottom. The whole toilet was designed into this half-orange petal style, with the top and bottom. , the bottom is large. This also makes it easier for the astronauts to sit inside, and there is a relatively wide space below. On the top, there is a transparent window that can see the outside, and the astronauts will not be claustrophobic when they stay inside.

In addition, we also involved a ventilation and ventilation filter device in this toilet, which can collect odors such as toilets, thereby improving the environment in the cabin and ensuring the health of the astronauts. "

This is also a big problem reflected by the astronauts, that is, after convenience, this kind of open toilet is prone to produce some odor, and it will exist for a long time. Staying in this kind of space may not be a good experience. Still own taste. If there are a few astronauts inside, the taste is unimaginable.

Adding so much weight means we're sacrificing a considerable amount of carrying capacity and adding a lot of launch cost. Zhang Jun said after listening to Zhou Xiangming's introduction.

Hehe, we have also taken this into consideration, so we have also strictly controlled the weight of the toilet, using lightweight materials, which can greatly reduce the weight while ensuring the strength. The entire toilet adds up to the weight of an astronaut.

So it depends on how to choose in the mission. If you encounter that kind of short-distance transportation mission, you can not equip it at all. If it is a long task, he is still very needed. After all, convenience is also a big thing for people, and we can't turn a blind eye.

Especially in the future, space tourism will be more inseparable from it.

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