Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 2094: The leader's report

Went to transfer a few more projects. Seeing that the time was almost up, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun also finished their inspection of Haoyu Aerospace.

Although it was seven or eight o'clock at this time, the sun was still setting outside. The rest area of ​​the entire base also became lively, with people walking, playing ball, jogging, and some sitting in twos and threes chatting, making love, and a peaceful scene.

According to custom, Wu Hao and the others should have a meal with Zhou Xiangming and the others. But today because of the itinerary, it can only be declined. He has to rush to the next place, because tonight, he will have dinner with some of the staff representatives.

The venue for the dinner was not in the large restaurants of the base, but in the hotel restaurant where Wu Hao and the others lived. It's too early to be done here. A long table with a dozen chairs on either side, this is where they ate tonight.

After changing clothes, Wu Hao appeared at the scene, and these employee representatives were already waiting at the scene. Seeing Wu Hao appear, they all applauded.

Wu Hao smiled, then greeted everyone, and then said, "Everyone sit down, let's sit down and talk."

Immediately, Wu Hao greeted the dozen or so staff representatives, and took the position in the middle of the dining table very naturally and casually. Seeing Wu Hao sitting down, these employee representatives also sat down.

Wu Hao looked at him with excitement and a little nervousness and restraint when he saw everyone, then said with a smile: "Everyone, relax, let's just have a simple and pleasant dinner, it's not a formal occasion, no need It’s so restrictive. How comfortable it is, everyone who knows me knows that I actually prefer this relaxed and happy atmosphere. It’s too formal, and I don’t like it, and it may even be a little nervous and restrained.”


Hearing Wu Hao's words, the atmosphere at the scene relaxed, and everyone laughed, showing a curious look.

Wu Hao continued with a smile: "Don't believe it, this is true. I still remember the first time I was on the stage to give a speech, I was very nervous. The moment the person on the stage stood, his legs were shaking involuntarily, and his face was full. For everyone watching from the audience, I was very nervous, and even stood there for a while, not knowing how to start.

But fortunately, I quickly adjusted and tried to talk after taking a deep breath. At first, there will be some stuttering, but when I talk, I will enter the state, and the whole person will relax and gradually get used to it.

In fact, before several press conferences in the back of our company, I would be nervous, afraid of making mistakes on stage, etc. But when you actually go on stage, the tension dissipates.

In fact, being nervous is not a bad thing. Moderate tension will make you perform better. The kind that is not nervous, on the contrary, is more prone to chaos in many cases. For example, your President Zhang, he always boasted how good his mentality was before, and he was not nervous. As a result, at an important meeting, he went wrong and lost his life. "


Seeing Wu Hao teasing Zhang Jun who didn't come, everyone present pursed their lips and laughed knowingly. They also didn't expect that Wu Hao would share his embarrassing things with them, as well as the embarrassing things of his friends. This time, the distance between them was shortened, making everyone feel more cordial, and the tension and restraint gradually subsided.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Wu Hao smiled and nodded, and then continued: "Actually, I have already planned this dinner today. I also want to meet and chat with you all in this way. Let us know some of your real thoughts. And of course, let you know some of our company managers' thoughts.

Everyone, don't worry, today's event is purely a private gathering and chat, and it has nothing to do with the high position of the position. Everyone is a friend. So everyone can speak freely, say whatever comes to mind, and say what you usually don't want to say, and what you don't dare to say.

And I can assure you that the content of our chat tonight will not be passed on, let alone the ears of your leaders. So everyone should seize this opportunity, and if you want to make a small report on the leadership, hurry up, the opportunity is rare. "

Ha ha ha ha……

Wu Hao's words aroused laughter from the audience, and he was also infected by the humor of the big boss of his own company. But let's forget about making a small report. In case, of course, some people here took it seriously, and showed a feeling of eagerness to try.

Wu Hao looked at the crowd, then beckoned: "Then serve, let's chat while eating."

Seeing Wu Hao greeting him, the waiting staff immediately began to make arrangements. The first is some cold dishes, these are more like banquet dishes, no matter what kind of Chinese and Western food, you can mix and match at will.

Of course, for the sake of hygiene, use public chopsticks and racks to avoid cross infection.

Taking the wine glass from the waiter, Wu Hao said with the champagne, "Come on, let's all have a toast."

Cheers, everyone raised their glasses and touched Wu Hao, then took a sip.

As for Wu Hao, he also picked up the shelf and put some cold dishes in his plate, and then smiled at the crowd: "Do it yourself, order whatever you want. In order to save food, everyone has to finish today's food. , You can't leave without Haha, everyone laughed, and then they each started their own dishes, and then slowly began to eat.

Wu Hao ate a few mouthfuls of food, then looked at the ID card in front of a girl in an orange dress, about 27 or 8 years old, and said with a smile, "Your name is Zhou Ruolan, right?"

Yes, Mr. Wu. Hearing Wu Hao being the first to greet her, the girl immediately wanted to stand up nervously, but Wu Hao pressed her hand and motioned to sit down again.

Nice name, from that department, how many years have you been working here? Wu Hao praised with a smile, and then asked.

Wu always works at the Institute of Automation Machinery Technology, specializing in the research of robot motion control systems, and has been working at the base for more than a year. This girl, Zhou Ruolan, replied slightly nervously to Wu Hao.

Working on robot motion control system research, cool job, there should be very few girls in your project team. Wu Hao asked with a smile.

Zhou Ruolan nodded and replied, "There are only three girls in our project team, but there are more girls in the intelligent control system."

Will girls feel boring in this profession? Wu Hao asked with a smile.

Zhou Ruolan shook her head again and again: "It's not boring at all, but it's interesting, because this is the field I like and want to study. When I see the results of my work applied to the robot, I feel a sense of satisfaction and pride. ."


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