Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 2096: Humanized Care

After listening to Zhang Bin's answer, Wu Hao nodded with a smile and said, "Although there are direct flights, it is still quite hard to go back and forth like this. You can only go back once a month, can your wife and children understand?"

Hearing Wu Hao hearing this, Zhang Bin smiled and nodded and said, "I definitely didn't understand it at first, and I even complained a little bit. There were some crises at one point. But, fortunately, all these have passed. The company takes good care of us. Yes, we not only offer discounts on air tickets, but also take care of family members. Every year, family members are given several air tickets for coming to the base for reunion.

In addition, for their family members who are separated from us, the company will also arrange special personnel to take care of them. If there is anything, just make a phone call, and everyone who can help will do their best to help. So gradually, she was able to understand it.

The only thing I'm sorry for is the children, who always feel that the time they spend together is too short. "

Hearing what Zhang Bin said, Wu Hao also smiled and nodded. This is also the relevant welfare measures they provide to employees who have been away from home for a long time and are separated from their wives and children, aiming to compensate and reward these employees for their efforts and encourage them to continue to stick to their respective positions.

For example, for some employees who work in different places and cannot be reunited with their families. The company will reimburse them part of the cost of round-trip air tickets within a certain limit, so that these employees can often have the opportunity to come back to reunite with their families.

In addition, the company will also give these employees' family members a few air tickets every year to take them to the place where the employees work to live and live for a period of time.

In addition, for those employees who stick to their jobs outside for a long time and have no time to take care of their families, the company also arranges special personnel to greet these family members. When they have any urgent needs and ask for help, these special personnel will also respond in time to reassure employees who work in other places.

During the holidays, if these employees are unable to come back, the company will also arrange a special person to send relevant condolences to the homes of these employees to visit and comfort their family members.

It is precisely because of such a series of humanized measures that these employees who stick to their posts in different places can work with peace of mind. It also lowered the turnover rate of these employees to a very low standard.

Under these warm and humane care, the family members of the company have also successively established employee family members' communities. These family members help and take care of each other, and thus have produced many touching stories.

For example, an engineer working in Haoyu Aerospace, her wife is pregnant and giving birth. And the project he is in charge of is approaching the launch, and he cannot do without it, leaving his wife alone at home.

Originally, there were still more than two weeks before the labor, but because of the fetal gas, the situation was very critical at the time, and the amniotic fluid broke, but the person could not go to the hospital at home, which made this young couple who did not know the place very anxious. I didn't know what to do for a while.

After the engineer's department leader learned about the situation, he immediately contacted the company. The company arranged for a special person to go to the home urgently to take the pregnant woman to the hospital, and arranged for a special person to accompany her.

As for the engineer, after completing the task, he rushed back as soon as possible, and the child and mother were about to be discharged from the hospital.

Another employee's mother suffered a broken bone while dancing square dancing. His wife had long since passed away, leaving the mother alone. The employee happened to be out of town and couldn't come back in time. In the end, I could only ask for help in the company's internal community. Employees and some family members who were informed of the situation came to help one after another, and the entire hospital corridor was covered with people for a while. This also caused many patients in the hospital to look sideways, thinking that some leaders were hospitalized.

There is also an employee, who was trapped in the city flood due to the heavy rain, and the situation is very dangerous. As a last resort, he could only ask for help in the company community. In the end, the company's security department sent someone in a rubber boat to rescue him.

There is also a family member of an employee in the company who is seriously ill and urgently needs money for treatment. In the end, he had no choice but to ask for help. After seeing it, the employees in the company actively donated money. In one day, all the donations exceeded one million.

After the company knew about this, it donated 300,000 yuan to the employee. What is even more touching is that the donations left by the employee's family after the operation last night were discharged from the hospital.

As a result, under Wu Hao's suggestion, the company established an internal charity fund specifically for employees themselves. The main source of this part of the fund is the company's grants and the receipt of donations from employees. All funds are used for medical expenses subsidies for employees and their families. Account information is open and transparent, and every employee can check to ensure that every payment can be used for real.

This series of measures has also made employees very enthusiastic about this public welfare project, and the number in the fund account is also growing rapidly, becoming the largest medical public welfare fund project among domestic enterprises.

In addition, the company has also purchased a commercial medical insurance for employees and their families, which is used for reimbursement and compensation for the treatment expenses of employees and their families. UU Reading

There are so many touching examples, and it is precisely because of these mutual help and the company's humane care that employees and their families love and support the company even more. Some employees even wanted to resign, but were opposed by their families. In the eyes of these family members, perhaps the salary of the new position will be higher than here, but can there be meticulous human care here? I am afraid not.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded and replied: "It's really hard work. We can study it later and adopt a rotation system as much as possible, so that everyone can have the opportunity to go home to accompany their wives and children.

The housing prepared by our base for the employees is about to be delivered, as long as you meet the conditions, you can apply for it. In this way, the wife and children can be taken over to live for a few days every year.

Of course, we will continue to enrich the infrastructure here and increase related service industry jobs, which can also attract some family members to settle down here.

The Northwest Research Center I hope is not only a scientific research base in the desert, but also a new technological city in the desert. It is different from the existing urban style system, and more futuristic sci-fi style. We will also experiment with our latest technologies in this desert city, such as a city-level driverless transportation system and so on. "

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