Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 2108: Impostor?

Compared with the sleepless nights of many people that night, Wu Hao had a good rest and slept until dawn. Because of the biological clock, he basically woke up at seven or eight. May occasionally sleep in on weekends, but usually wake up and then go back to sleep. After getting up, taking a shower and changing clothes, Wu Hao came to the restaurant. At this moment, the hotel service staff had put breakfast on the table. Seeing Wu Hao coming, he quickly opened the lid.

The breakfast is very rich, there are millet porridge, mutton buns, vegetable salad, bacon, whole wheat bread, skim milk and other things.

Wu Hao had a good appetite today, so he chose a Chinese breakfast. He only ate two mutton buns, a bowl of millet porridge, and a little vegetable salad and fruit.

After breakfast, Wu Hao also began to enjoy the leisure time after the meal. Pick up your own transparent folding tablet and start brushing up the press.

This can be considered a habit he has developed for so long. Every morning, he takes a little time to pay attention to current affairs news. In other words, this is a must for every entrepreneur and even some leading cadres. Paying attention to current political news will help you understand and understand the dynamics of the world social market and help you make better business decisions.

However, this leisure time did not last long, and Wu Hao heard a few footsteps walking in. Looking up, Zhang Junzheng led Zhao Jiaping and Wang Xi over.

Seeing this, Wu Hao smiled and greeted: "Good morning, have you eaten, let's eat together."

Zhang Jun greeted him and walked to the seat opposite. As a result, the service staff wiped his hands with a hot towel, then picked up a bun and ate it. Zhao Jiaping and Wang Xi shook their heads and refused, saying that they had eaten in the morning.

Wu Hao did not face this either, but let the two sit down and asked someone to pour them a cup of coffee. It can be seen that the eyes of the two are full of bloodshots, it should be that they hadn't slept all night last night.

You worked hard, did you gain anything? Wu Hao looked at the two drinking coffee and asked with a smile.

Yes, great gains. Wang Xi immediately opened the document bag he brought, and then took out a document from it and handed it to Wu Hao, saying, "This is the relevant data that we have been able to contact with Zheng Qiuheng and Wang Haitao's project team in the past year in the past year. information, as well as related damage reports as assessed by us.

According to Zheng Qiuheng's account, I think the other party should not have access to the core data of this project team, so the loss should not be serious. But we must also pay attention. We don't know whether the other party has Zheng Qiuheng and Huang Haibo, and we don't know how much Huang Haibo stole from here. "

Are you sure there is no core data involved? Wu Hao asked Wang Xi while flipping through the information in his hand.

Wang Xi nodded and explained: "Every visit to our database and the retrieval of replicated data are recorded, and every record is clear and verifiable. Through our investigation, we have not found it yet. Everything has to wait for the relevant personnel. The result will be known only after the interrogation is caught.

Therefore, for the safety of these data, I suggest arresting these people immediately, preventing the other party from continuing to steal secrets, and digging out the roots of these people. "

Wu Hao didn't answer, but turned to look at Zhao Jiaping, on your side, have you confirmed the identity of the personnel?

"Confirmed." Zhao Jiaping took out a transparent folding tablet, unfolded it and slid it a few times, and projected the data on a screen not far from the dining table, saying, "At present, we have confirmed this Nange and Hua The huge identity of my son, this Nangemin is called Qiu Nansheng, 48 years old this year, from Fuxi. A year ago, he followed a chef team of Fuxi to the Northwest Research Base to work as a kitchen assistant. After an amazing introduction, he was responsible for the procurement of materials for the restaurant at the base. Work.

We contacted Fauci's security department through the local security department overnight, and reviewed Qiu Nansheng's personal information, and found nothing suspicious or suspicious. The only thing is that this Qiu Nansheng once lived in Southeast Asia for half a year. According to his resume, he helped cook in a local Chinese restaurant and did odd jobs, but from the current point of view, it should be unreliable.

If he was not a veteran, he should have been developed into a spy at that time. Of course, there is also a possibility that the real Qiu Nansheng has been killed, and this person is an impostor. "

Impostor? Zhang Jun, who was eating, stopped when he heard the words and looked at Wang Xi.

Yes, this possibility cannot be ruled out. Zhao Jiaping nodded and said, "This Qiu Nansheng has been married for a period of time, but divorced very early, and has a daughter who has now graduated and worked. This Qiu Nansheng has always lived alone and has been running outside. If the other party wants to forge his identity, he will use his name To replace it, this is the best choice.”

"How to replace, Qiu Nansheng's data and household registration system are all over the entry and exit. How can you find the exact same person, unless plastic surgery." Zhang Jun is a little unconvinced.

"We just suspect, there is no conclusive evidence." Wang Xi said with a smile: "The best way to replace others is plastic surgery. Through plastic surgery, you can very realistically imitate each other's face and even body shape. An experienced J spy , You can imitate some behaviors and habits of the imitated object through observation and Not only the face, but also the voice can be plastic surgery, and through the continuous adjustment of the vocal cords, various sounds can be imitated.

Of course, I hope we think more, this is a spy developed and trained by the other party. If it is really an impostor, then the other party may have more than this technical information.

We have contacted the security department on Fauci's side to see if we can learn more about this Qiu Nansheng through the visit. "

"Well, where is this Qiu Nansheng now?" Wu Hao asked.

"The man is in Anxi, but he seems to be going to the city with the convoy to purchase supplies this morning. We have arranged for someone to monitor it to prevent him from escaping." Zhao Jiaping said.

"Our arrival will definitely arouse the vigilance of the other party, so he will definitely respond when he goes out to purchase at this time. Monitor closely, on the one hand, to prevent him from escaping, on the other hand, to find out who he is going out with and whether he is passing news." Wu Hao heard the security and said.

"You can rest assured that we have contacted the local security department for assistance in this regard. Now more than ten years ago, with the current monitoring methods, it is impossible for him to take out our vision. In addition, just in case , we have applied to secretly launch a high-altitude drone for real-time monitoring and tracking, so as to be prepared."

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