Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 217: Too clever girls don't like people

Seeing his strange eyes, the short-haired girl couldn't help looking at herself, and then asked him, "Is there anything wrong?"

"Eh, no, cough, hello." Wu Hao responded and smiled.

"Hello, this is Lin Wei." "The girl pouted and smiled, and then extended her hand generously.

"Lin Wei?"

Wu Hao took a moment's hold, then shook her hand mechanically, and then quickly let go of it.

Seeing Wu Hao didn't answer, Lin Wei, a short-haired girl, glanced at him, and then smiled, "This is the first time you've come to this reception."

Wu Haowen nodded and said, "Yes, for the first time."

"Some are not used to it." Lin Wei asked.

Wu Hao said lightly, "OK."

Seeing Wu Hao's carelessness and lack of interest, Lin Wei couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed. As a girl, she can take the lead to talk, can't you a gentleman be a gentleman. Even if you do n’t feel any interest, at least you do n’t have to show it so plainly that people can't come down to the stage.

Thinking of this, Lin Wei couldn't help glaring at Wu Hao and was about to leave, and heard someone shouting behind him: "Slightly, Xiao Wu, you are here!"


"Mr. Lin?"

"Huh?" Wu Hao couldn't help looking at the girl in front of him, Dad? Is this girl Lin Honghan's daughter. No wonder it looks so familiar. It turned out that the **** the plane.

"Xiao Wu, I haven't seen you for a long time." Lin Honghan laughed as he held the glass.

"It's been a long time, Mr. Lin, I didn't expect to see you here." Wu Hao showed an unexpected expression.

"Oh, this charity sorority, I participate every year." Lin Honghan smiled and looked at his daughter Lin Wei, then smiled at Wu Hao: "I just saw there with a few friends, it just looks good To you, so come and say hello.

How do you know each other? "

"I just knew she was your daughter." Wu Hao glanced at Lin Wei who was still sulking and said a little awkwardly.

"Haha, I slightly dragged me to this party with me this year. On the one hand, I want her to have a long experience, and on the other hand, I want her to get in touch with young talents like you and learn more. The advantages of you. "Lin Honghan enthusiastically directed at Wu Hao.

"Xiao Wu, talk to her more. You are about the same age and have more topics together."

"Um, dad, don't be busy. People don't bother talking to us." Lin Wei glanced at Wu Hao, and then he was angry at Lin Honghan.

"Huh?" Lin Honghan glanced at Wu Hao, then turned his head and reprimanded his daughter: "What are you talking about, it's so big, change your bad temper."

Xiao Wu is excellent in all aspects. You should contact him more and learn the advantages of him, which will be very helpful for your future development. "

Saying Lin Honghan turned to Wu Hao and said, "Little Wu, my daughter has been used to being spoiled since childhood. Don't mind."

"Um, no, it was my fault just now, I apologize." Wu Hao smiled.

"Huh!" Lin Wei glared at him, but didn't leave.

At this time, a majestic man's voice came: "Lao Lin, why are you here, looking for you for a long time."

"Hi Uncle He." Lin Wei smiled and greeted when she saw the person coming.

"Slightly here too, they are all grown up, so beautiful!"

The man then turned to look at Wu Hao, and then touched Lin Honghan, who was standing beside him, and joked, "Lao Lin, is this your son-in-law?"

"Old Ho, what do you want to say?" Lin Honghan retorted, and then smiled at him and introduced: "This is Wu Hao, the founder of Haoyu Technology, a promising young talent."

"You are Wu Hao. It ’s better to meet each other. It ’s really a talent." The middle-aged man praised him, and then he took out a business card from his arms and said, "What a shame, Xiangxiang, thank you!"

Wu Hao took the business card with both hands and looked at it, "Chairman of Dadong Group."

Wu Hao looked up again and looked at the middle-aged oily man with a big belly in front of him. Dadong Group, a well-known real estate developer in the province, has operations in surrounding provinces. The ability to make real estate on such a large scale is a testament to its power and relationship.

"I'm sorry, Mr. He, I didn't bring my business card." Wu Hao showed an awkward expression. Generally, business cards should be exchanged on such occasions. But Wu Hao didn't bring it, and he didn't like to carry such things with him to deal with people.

"It doesn't matter, young people don't like this thing to understand. There is my phone above, we often contact, I am very interested in some of your business, let's talk when I have time." He Xiangrong waved his hand.

"Okay." Wu Hao nodded, and carefully closed the business card. Although I don't like it, in the face of the opponent, I still have to give it.

"Ha ha, Lao Lin leave them to the young people here, let's go chat there, a few old friends are still waiting for you." He Xiangrong patted Lin Honghan's face with enthusiasm.

"it is good!"

Lin Honghan nodded, and then said to the two of them: "Weiwei, Xiaowu, you exchange more, we'll see you later."

Seeing the two men leaving, Wu Hao was finally relieved, and dealing with such old businessmen is really a tiring thing.

"Don't you like him?" Lin Wei stared at Wu Hao and smiled.

Wu Ha glanced at the two who had gone far away, then shook his head and said, "I just met, I don't know if I like it or not."

"Cheat, if you like it, it's impossible to say that you didn't carry a business card." Lin Wei shook her head and determined.

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head with a bitter smile: "I really don't have a business card and I don't like that thing."

"Hehe." Lin Wei laughed, and then signaled Zhang Xiaolei, who was standing not far away, looking at him: "That's your secretary over there, she's been looking over here. If you beckon, she's sure Immediately, I don't believe your secretary will not have your business card. "

Wu Hao took a look at Zhang Xiaolei, who was looking over here, and then chuckled at her with a smile: "The girl is too clever, but not very attractive."

"Really, it seems that you have a good impression of me in front of me." Lin Wei showed a proud expression, then jumped in front of him and asked: "Honestly, you have a very bad attitude towards me. Do you think of me as the women outside the door? "


Wu Hao glanced at this woman with a speechless look ~ ~ and then showed a toothache expression.

"Really, why don't you die." Lin Wei lifted her legs and gave a flick of his foot, then dissatisfied at him: "What's your look, just don't bring sunglasses."

"Sorry, you appeared suddenly. I didn't respond." Wu Haoyu apologized with a smile.


Lin Wei snorted softly, and then looked at Wu Hao with a weird expression: "I said, shouldn't you be the first time a girl talks like this?"


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