Military Technology

Vol 3 Chapter 2154: Ecological Poverty Alleviation Project

Although Zhao Jiaping wanted to say more, but when Wu Hao waved his hand, he opened his mouth, but finally gave up his persistence.

After talking for a while, the two got up and said goodbye.

Zhang Jun and Shen Ning were left in the entire room, which made a few people feel free.

Zhang Jun tore open a package of beef jerky and handed it to Wu Hao while eating, "Come on?"

Wu Hao looked at the beef jerky in Zhang Jun's hand, then shook his head slightly. This is the point, eat this thing, don't be afraid of indigestion.

Seeing Wu Hao's thoughtful look, Zhang Jun couldn't help but say, "If you don't want to come forward and talk to the local authorities, then let me go and talk to them."

Wu Hao shook his head slightly when he heard the words: "I believe it can be negotiated, but it's just a little embarrassing. The local government is counting on us to drive their development, but after these years, in addition to paying some land fees every year, come here Except for some daily necessities and sales of vegetables and meat, it seems that it has not brought them any benefits. The only thing that has seen improvement is the tourism industry, and now it has been affected by this matter. If it is closed due to this, it will undoubtedly be It's a loss of a large part of the source of income locally. And those people who are far away from relying on tourism for food may also face unemployment."

You are thinking too much. Zhang Jun glanced at Wu Hao and joked: "Don't think of yourself as the savior, we have never been anyone's savior. Just be yourself, help others within your ability, and don't put yourself down for helping others. Bringing it into trouble is not worth the gain.”

Speaking of this, Zhang Jun paused, glanced at Wu Hao, and then continued: "If you really feel bad about it, then donate to a school, nursing home, or other farmers' market, trust them. Will be happy to accept it.”

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Wu Hao shook his head slightly: "So what is the difference between us and those companies and those capitalists."

Wu Hao thought for a while, and then said to Zhang Jun: "Can we use our own advantages to drive local development and let all the people benefit from it."

Take advantage of our own strengths? Zhang Jun was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "In this place, if you need resources without resources, if you need transportation without traffic, and if you need a market without a market, how to develop.

We can't get ourselves caught up in driving local development. I absolutely disagree. "

Of course this is impossible. I mean the development of local advantageous industries. Wu Hao said to Zhang Jun, "Do you remember the cultivated plants we saw at the Plant Science Research Center this afternoon?"

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Jun paused for a while, and then reacted: "Do you mean to use these cultivated plants to drive local economic development?"

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "I have such an idea. At present, our progress in drought-tolerant plant technology is very gratifying, and a variety of drought-tolerant plants have been cultivated.

My idea is this, can we cooperate with local governments to promote the cultivation of these drought-tolerant plants in the desert and Gobi areas around us, so as to form large-scale forest areas. Then, a variety of desert farms have been opened up in these forest areas to grow some of the drought-tolerant cash crops or crops that we have cultivated.

For example, the desert drought-tolerant roses we cultivated, some of those drought-tolerant varieties of melons and fruits, and so on.

In this way, on the one hand, we can control the desert next door, prevent wind and sand, and plant trees, which can produce huge ecological and economic benefits.

Through our fast-growing technology, we can plant large areas of woodland in a short period of time. On the one hand, these forests can directly generate income through carbon trading. On the other hand, the sudden formation of large-scale woodland next to this desert will inevitably attract the attention of all parties. In this way, there will be popularity and topics, which will naturally attract a large number of tourists.

This time 17bXwX Zhang Si. Through tourism, it can promote the development of the local economy.

At the same time, it is possible to further increase the income of local farmers by planting economical actions, including certain drought-tolerant rose varieties, producing rose products, certain rose essential oil, rose dew, etc.

In addition, like some other melons and fruits, it can also further drive their local economic benefits. So even without us, they can still make money from these things. "

After listening to Wu Hao's words, Zhang Jun nodded his head and raised a question that he was more worried about: "Of course this can bring some benefits to the local area, but whether your ideas can be implemented or not is still a question. Unknown.

Don't forget, there are widespread doubts and concerns about genetically modified plants in all sectors of society at present, and the state is also cautious in this regard, and the control is very strict. Our drought-tolerant plants are all genetically modified and gene-edited. Whether they can be approved for large-scale planting is still unknown.

If I don't solve this problem, the others are all in I thought of this problem. Wu Hao nodded and explained: "It would be difficult if we were to look at ourselves. But it would be much easier if we asked them to help us apply.

And in itself, we are a poverty alleviation public welfare project. We're not going to make much money out of it, so I don't think there should be much resistance.

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. As for the social level, don't bother about them for the time being. Let them say, we do our thing, and the grades will speak for themselves. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao paused, and then changed his tone: "Of course, we can't be so rash, and we still need to make preventive preparations. For example, the planting range of these fast-growing drought-tolerant plants, as well as the biological isolation barrier This also requires planning in advance.

Well, let's put the idea in writing first, and then we'll refine it gradually. "

With that said, Wu Hao turned to look at Shen Ning, who was on the side: "You have heard what we said just now, and I will leave this matter to you."

OK, when do you want it. Shen Ning nodded, then asked Wu Hao.

Make a big tyrant. Don't worry too much, you can do it slowly, by the way, you can check the data, ask some experts, etc. to improve it, and you can also add some personal thoughts or something. Speaking of this, Wu Hao looked at Shen Ning and said, "If you do it well, I'll leave this project to you to take care of."

real! Hearing Wu Hao's words, Shen Ning's eyes lit up, but then his eyes darkened.


Seeing Shen Ning's expression of hesitating to speak, Wu Hao said angrily, "Don't worry, you are not the only one in the Secretariat, and there will be no chaos."

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