Military Technology

Vol 3 Chapter 2164: pervert killer

Hearing Zhou Yonghui's words, everyone nodded to show their understanding. Indeed, it is only in the testing stage, and there is no need to install any self-destruction device. Compared with other state-owned units with big business, they are private enterprises.

The biggest difference between private enterprises and state-owned units is their sensitivity to costs. Zhou Yonghui and the others are naturally the same. Although they have not yet been in charge, the company has always been stricter in cost control.

Every money will be strictly reviewed, so as to clarify the whereabouts of every money. If Zhou Yonghui and the others don't do this, they will have a big somersault when they go back and review the account, and even affect the look of the next year's scientific research funding.

In this regard, they have suffered a few small losses, so naturally they dare not be careless.

There is nothing to see about these two launchers and the intelligent optical sight control system. They had already seen them in the laboratory yesterday. On the contrary, those experts exchanged excitedly while watching one by one.

Wu Hao and the others didn't stay here too long, and immediately came to the test site where the smart mines were previously tested to attack the simulated target.

The entire scene was in a mess, and various debris and debris were scattered everywhere. When the real smart mine attack site was still 100 meters away, someone found a few bright steel **** from the sand below and the cracks in the stone next door.

The closer you get to the smart mine attack site, the more steel **** you find. Even some weathered desert stones next door will see some steel **** hitting and embedded marks.

When everyone came to the target farthest from the attack site and saw the bullet holes scattered on the target, they couldn't help but discuss.

There are actually not many bullet holes on the simulated target, only seven or eight, but despite this, everyone has already determined that this person is basically immortal and half-crippled.

The bullet holes are distributed in the target's face, neck, heart, chest, abdomen, thighs, and arms. That's all, let's not talk about whether it hit the key, even the blood loss from so many wounds will make this person lose his combat effectiveness.

Everyone came to the second target. It was the same situation. The splash of the steel ball was not accurate, so it hit the target everywhere. On one of the targets, several steel **** were concentrated on the bottom and the base of the thigh, which made everyone feel a chill below. If you are hit by these steel balls, I am afraid it should be useless.

Immediately afterwards, everyone walked to the second circle of targets, that is, the mid-range targets. Several of these targets were tied with pork, so that everyone could more intuitively feel the killing power of this steel ball anti-personnel smart mine. .

At this moment, the pork that was tied to the target has been tattered by steel balls, and it can be said that there is no complete place on the surface. The whole meat skin was smashed, revealing the fat and lean meat between the red and white inside.

The penetrating power is very strong. There is no steel ball in the meat, and all of them penetrate. According to this calculation, these steel **** can easily penetrate people's muscle and fat tissue and directly hit the internal organs.


A young man at the scene changed his face, then ran to the side and vomited. His vomit made many people at the scene tumbling in their stomachs and couldn't help but want to vomit, but one by one they endured it again. However, there were still two people who couldn't help it, and then ran to the side and retched.

The bullet holes on the middle-distance target are relatively uniform, and the distance between the bullet holes is about three to five centimeters, which is relatively uniform, and the leg joints are all covered. If he is attacked by a steel ball anti-personnel intelligent mine at this distance, basically this person is considered to be dead, or even dead. Even if he was lucky enough to not die, it would have to be a serious injury.

Taking a breath, everyone finally came, in front of the target in the inner circle.

Looking at the damaged shelf in front of him, the target has basically been hit. On the few remaining targets, the dense bullet holes hit by steel balls, one next to the other, can make people with intensive phobia look crazy.

"If he is hit at this distance, then this person basically has no complete good flesh." Zhang Jun couldn't help sighing, looking at the dense bullet holes on the few remaining targets.

"To be honest, I feel a little bit distressed for the enemy who was attacked by this steel ball anti-personnel smart mine at this distance. What they must suffer before dying is the pain of piercing through the body. Maybe they were not directly concentrated by the steel ball to kill them. Died, most likely from the pain of the wounds all over the body.

Or maybe it was a fluke that he didn't die immediately, but was tortured to death, or he died while he was bleeding all over. "

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, many people at the scene broke out in a cold sweat. Even including many R&D personnel, they are all drumming in their hearts, what kind of perverted killer they have developed.

Perhaps these people will regret having invented the world's largest killer many years later, like Kalashnikov who invented the AK rifle.

Generally not, because people have a tolerance for pain. When there are too many wounds on the body, the whole person will be paralyzed and unable to feel pain. Lin Jiaming explained aloud.

Hearing Lin Jiaming's explanation, everyone didn't feel any better, instead, their backs got chills. This situation is even more terrifying, and everyone can't help but think of the helpless appearance of these enemies who were hit by the explosion of the steel ball anti-personnel intelligent This is the explosion site of this steel ball anti-personnel intelligent mine. Wu Hao said as he looked at a small dirt pit that had been bombed in front of him.

Yes, it is here. Because this kind of mine mainly relies on steel ball shrapnel, it does not have much power in its own explosion. Zhou Yonghui licked his face and explained.

When everyone heard his words, they couldn't help but roll their eyes, but there was no power. If it's more powerful, it's worth it.

Wu Hao nodded when he heard the words, then leaned down and grabbed a handful of soil that was still warm in the crater, turning over some steel **** and fragments in the soil. Wu Hao said to Zhou Yonghui: "The height of the explosion is too low, so the coverage angle is a little small. Enemies that are a little farther away can avoid most of the steel ball's attacks as long as they lie down.

You see, the farther away the target is, the fewer bullet holes will be hit below. "

Following Wu Hao's gaze, everyone looked over. Indeed, the farther away the target was, the fewer bullet holes would be hit in the lower body.

Seeing this, Zhou Yonghui also nodded and said, "That's right, this is a congenital defect of landmines.

At present, we have made corresponding improvements to this problem, such as redesigning the steel ball placement angle inside the steel ball anti-personnel smart mine, so that it can cover a larger angle.

Or it is designed to be a kind of jumping mine, which can jump when it reaches the target and explode in the air, so that it can cover a larger angle. Even if someone is lying down, it is impossible to avoid the attack. "

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