Military Technology

Vol 3 Chapter 2179: big boy

But compared to these, the three were obviously more concerned with the operation going on in the operating room over the glass.

The operating room does not seem to be large, with an operating bed in the middle, a shadowless lamp on it, and an intelligent multi-tentacle medical robot. There are some medical equipment, all kinds, and some large and small screens.

Six or seven doctors wearing green surgical gowns were surrounding the operating table, nervously performing the operation. With various high-definition cameras arranged on the operating table, everyone can see the whole process of the operation very clearly and intuitively.

It can be seen that Lin Lei is undergoing two operations on his body, one is an open operation, and the other is a debridement operation of the limbs.

Seeing the concerned expressions of the three, especially the concern, love and nervousness in Lin Honghan's expression, the Dean Liao picked up a microphone and said behind the glass.

Director Tong, how is the patient's condition now?

Hearing this voice, a doctor in the operating room stopped immediately, glanced at the glass on this side, and then continued busy with his work, while saying: "Director, the patient's condition is not very optimistic, and he has a lot of body. Fractures, multiple organ damage and rupture in the body, as well as head injury and so on.

Now we are working hard to bring him back from the dead line. At the same time, on this basis, improve the quality of life of patients after rehabilitation as much as possible. "

Hearing Director Tong's words, Director Liao's expression also became serious. He glanced at Wu Hao and Lin Honghan, then nodded and said, "I must try my best to treat this patient, at any cost.

No matter what you need, we will definitely provide you with the highest quality medical resources. "

Hearing Dean Liao's words, the doctors and nurses surrounding the operating table paused for a while, then looked at each other and resumed their busyness, but their movements became more agile.

As for Director Tong, there are some different meanings from Dean Liao's remarks, and they have already understood the patient's identity before, so they are more serious.

"You can rest assured, and please rest assured to the patient's family. It is our duty to save the dying and help the wounded, and we will do our best to treat the patient."

President Liao nodded and ended the call, then introduced to Wu Hao and the others: "These are all members of this expert group, this is Mr. Sun, who is a specially-appointed expert in trauma emergency care in our hospital. Originally, he has already retired to take care of his life, but this time the situation is special, so we specially invited him here."

Hearing Director Liao's introduction, Wu Hao quickly shook hands with the spirited old man in his 60s and 70s and greeted him: "Elder Sun, I'm sorry to trouble you this time."

What's the problem? It's our duty as doctors to save lives and heal the wounded. If I can save a person's life, what's the point of my trip. Lao Lao smiled, and then said to Wu Hao: "Mr. Wu, I have heard your name for a long time."

You and Dean Liao can both call me Xiao Wu. In front of you, I will always be a junior. Wu Hao quickly said modestly.

Haha, okay, then I'll call you Xiao Wu, which is a cordial title. Sun Lao smiled and said: "After the patient was sent, we immediately performed a millimeter-level scan of the patient's whole body through MRI.

The scan data has generated a 3D digital model of the patient's human body through the set of intelligent 3D imaging equipment you have developed. And through this set of models, we can understand the patient's data information very clearly and intuitively. "

Saying that, Elder Sun nodded at a young doctor in his thirties next to him. As for the young doctor, he walked to the side of an 80-inch high-definition screen, and then started to control it. This is a high-definition primary color display screen specially developed by Wu Hao and his team for the hospital, which is specially used to display some high-definition images of medicine.

Soon, a naked digital 3D model of Lin Lei appeared on the big screen. Sun Lao put on the glasses hanging around his neck, then walked to the big screen and introduced them to the three and other doctors who were observing and studying.

"Let's start with the patient's limbs.

First, the upper limb, the left arm humerus fracture, the ulna fracture, the left index finger and **** fracture. The right arm is on the inside of the vehicle, so it is not too serious, only some consultations and glass scratches, only some debridement and bandages are needed in this regard.

Because there are many fractures, but they are not fatal. At present, we have carried out a simple fixation treatment on them. This is waiting for the follow-up surgery for treatment, so there is no rush for now.

This is the upper limb, the lower limb, the left femur is fractured, and the right tibia is fractured. More serious here, comminuted fracture, this also needs to be treated later. There are also several toes on both feet, which are severely squeezed, and it is very likely that amputation is required, which is not a big problem. "

At the same time as Sun Lao introduced, the young doctor was also manipulating the big screen to show everyone the injuries of these parts.

Millimeter-level MRI enables very precise imaging of all tissues and organs of the entire human body from the outside to the inside. The resulting digital 3D human body model can display these data information very intuitively.

For example, when Mr. Sun was introducing the fracture injury, the young doctor directly extracted the bones of the digital 3D human model of Lin Lei and displayed it separately.

Seeing that the bones of his son's nephew and brother-in-law's whole body were extracted and displayed on the big This made the three people watching have different moods. Lin Honghan's expression naturally showed a hint of distress and pity, especially seeing so many fractures, Lin Honghan's eyes immediately turned red.

As for Lin Lei's uncle, when he saw such a realistic skeleton displayed directly on the big screen, his stomach actually reacted a little. In addition, the operation process was broadcast live on the big screen next to him, and the blood was dripping, making him feel like he wanted to nausea. . But in front of so many people, he endured it.

As for Wu Hao, he looked at the injuries on the skeleton on the screen with a rational attitude. Naturally, I am also secretly amazed in my heart, this kid's life is really big, and it is still like this.

"This is a limb. Although there are many fractures and injuries, it will not be life-threatening for the time being. We have arranged for debridement and fixation. After the patient's life correction is stabilized, we will perform surgical treatment depending on the situation.

The trouble now is the entire torso and brain. Although there are airbags to protect the patient's head, the vehicle is constantly shaking and bumping when the vehicle rolls down the mountain. Here, there are injuries, and there has been intracranial hemorrhage, and intracranial pressure has risen.

At present, we are already carrying out emergency hypotensive treatment, and we can only perform intracranial surgery after the intracranial pressure is normal. "

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