Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 222: Li-ion battery optimization technology

After the New Year's Day, it came to the middle of the winter, and the weather became colder and the human heart became more impetuous.

People in a busy year have long been out of work. Now they are thinking about going home to reunite with their loved ones.

The start of the annual Spring Festival transportation has opened the largest population migration cycle on the planet. This year's Spring Festival transportation ticket source is still tight. In order to allow employees to work with peace of mind, Wu Hao specially opened the company's dedicated network for everyone to grab tickets.

But even so, there are still a lot of people who haven't grabbed the tickets to return to the New Year. Some people immediately decided not to go back this year, while others were looking for other ways.

For example, there is an employee in the company's marketing department. His family is from the northeast. In order to get a ticket to go home, he took a different approach. He first bought a flight to Laos and then transferred to Northeast from there.

Although the fare is a little bit more expensive, I can finally go back. This is the tradition of our Chinese people, and it is also the blood and blood relationship that can be found in the bones. No matter how much suffering you experience, you are reuniting your family.

While nothing happened a year ago, the company's department integration and adjustment work began. Although experiencing some turbulence, the whole is still under way.

However, Zhang Jun and Dong Yiming were in charge of all these, and Wu Hao himself got into his personal laboratory.

"Hey, how did you hear that a few days ago you went to that charity party and met a girl and heard that you gave someone a few hundred thousand pendant lots." The big screen shows an image of Zhang Jun sitting in the office This guy now likes to dress like dogs.

A large custom-made suit made him more and more a general manager's head, but his weight of two hundred and three had forced him to start dieting and lose weight.

Wu Ha glanced at this guy in the big screen, and then continued his busy work and said, "What are you doing so gossip, hurry up your work."

"What gossip, I'm concerned about your life-long events, okay. I heard that the girl is not bad, your kid should hold on tight." Zhang Jun smiled at him wretchedly.

"Get out of the way, let's take care of yourself."

Wu Hao stunned angrily and then said to him, "How is your situation today?"

Seeing Wu Hao taking the business seriously, Zhang Jun immediately smiled and said solemnly: "It's not going well. There have been many problems in the merger of the marketing department and the operating department. There have also been some internal disputes. It may take time for the two groups to merge.

In addition, there is a lot of trouble in the production department, especially in terms of setting up a departmental framework. In this regard, Dong Yiming and I are working out a solution with Lin Jianliang to see if we can dig a few key positions from other places first, and the others will be replenished slowly after the year. "

Wu Hao nodded and said: "At present, this is the only way, but you have to pay attention to it. The management can delegate power, but the personnel appointment must be firmly grasped. Can't other people interfere with it clearly?"

"Relax, I'm not a fool."

Zhang Jun smiled, and then asked him: "Shen Xiaoxian asked me to inform you that the annual meeting will start at 7 tomorrow night. The company will be closed tomorrow afternoon, don't forget it."

"Can't forget it." Wu Hao smiled back.

"What have you been playing with in the lab these days? Are there any results?" Zhang Jun looked at the various devices placed behind him with a camera and was curious.

"There has been some progress, but it is still being tested."

"Well, I don't want to talk about it, I'm busy first. You pay attention to rest yourself, don't forget everything when you get busy." Zhang Jun ordered a few words to him and quickly went offline.

As soon as the picture on the big screen flashed, Coco's avatar appeared: "The call is over."

Cocoa, how many times have quick charge-discharge experiments of samples one to five.

"The experiments of the rapid charge-discharge cycles of samples 1 to 5 have been tested 273 times at 80% full charge, and 1,326 times in the case of half power. . "

"What about the sample?" Wu Hao asked, looking at the data on the big screen.

"The capacity decay of sample No. 1 is 10% after cycling, and the actual electricity in the sample is currently 72%. The capacity decay of sample No. 2 after cycling is 10% to 14%. The actual power is 68. 8%. The capacity of sample 3 after the cycle is attenuated by 7%, and the sample ... "

"So, the best body is currently sample number three?" Wu Hao asked.

"Yes, from the current test situation, the sample No. 3 has the lowest capacity attenuation after cycling, and the shape is the most stable."

"Seven percent, it's worth ..."

"For 5.6 percent, sir!"

"Coco!" Wu Hao looked at the image of Coco on the screen.

Coco smiled on the screen. "Yes, sir."

"Don't answer before me in the future."

Coco still smiled slightly on the screen. "Okay, sir!"

"What's the strength of my program?" Wu Hao patted his head, then sat down and took out the sample labeled No. 3.

This is a battery that Wu Hao is testing. In simple terms, it is a lithium-ion battery, but he has optimized the battery technology.

In fact, the structure of the battery itself and the formulation of the electrolyte are optimized. In simple terms, the energy storage density in a single volume is increased.

Take two pieces of lithium ion, which are also 30 grams, as an example. At present, the main lithium ion batteries on the market, 30 grams can hold one thousand milliamp hours of electricity. After optimization by Wu Hao, the lithium ion battery, which is also 30 grams, will have a capacity of about 1,300 mAh, and its energy storage density will increase to about 30%.

Of course, this is just experimental data in the laboratory. Wu Hao also achieved a relatively ideal result only by using the knowledge stored in his brain and joining the materials that can be used in the current contact.

Specific results require further experimental data to obtain ~ ~ and the development of a battery depends not only on its capacity, but also on a series of other factors.

For example, whether this battery is safe or not, the news of the battery explosion has been repeated. In a modern society that values ​​safety performance, if a product's safety is not guaranteed, it will lose its competitiveness.

Take a mobile phone brand as an example, because a mobile phone exploded several times a year. As a result, this mobile phone brand has been greatly affected worldwide, and even caused a serious crisis of brand trust. In the end, the mobile phone company had to apologize and recall all overseas mobile phones of this brand.

In addition to this, there are also whether the materials used inside the battery are safe and reliable, whether they are toxic, and how much pollution they can cause.

Finally, the most important thing is how much this battery is manufactured. If the cost is too high, it will lose market competitiveness.

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