Military Technology

Vol 3 Chapter 2185: Powerful technology that pulls people back from the dead

"so serious!"

It was Lin Honghan who spoke out. He didn't expect his son to change his mind. As a father, how could he have the heart to see his son's heart removed and replace it with a cold robotic heart.

When Lin Honghan was arranged, other people in the room, including Wu Hao, also felt the same way.

Facing the questioning voice of the patient's father, Director Tong was not annoyed by being interrupted. As a doctor and an emergency specialist, he has seen too many such scenes and family members, so he naturally understands the reactions of family members.

So he nodded to Lin Honghan and everyone and explained: "In fact, since the patient was sent for rescue, we have been paying attention to its heart problems. Judging from the ECG monitoring performed on him by the county hospital and the helicopter , his heart has experienced ventricular fibrillation, and attended a short-term stop, very dangerous.

Upon further examination, we found that the heart had multiple tears and was delivered with a lot of fluid. We've done extractions and stitched up the tear. But whether this heart can recover, and to what extent, we cannot guarantee this.

If the heart recovers well, then the patient's quality of life should be good. But that's all, because his heart was severely damaged, he would definitely not be able to do any kind of strenuous exercise in the future. Some daily strenuous exercise, even aerobic exercise such as running, must be stopped.

This is the best result. If the heart recovery is not ideal, it will seriously affect his normal life in the future. It may even lead to a series of diseases due to insufficient heart function, which may be life-threatening at any time.

Of course, this is already a better result. And now the worst case is that the patient's heart recovery is very poor, then this will not affect normal life, but will be life-threatening at any time. "

"So we also need to monitor the patient closely and use ECMO to relieve the stress on the heart and allow it to recover. If the recovery equipment is not ideal, then we have to perform surgery at any time. Or risk continuing with heart repair surgery, See if you can fix it. Or just replace the intelligent bionic artificial heart.

I have noticed several cases of intelligent bionic artificial heart transplant patients. Their recovery is very good, and they can basically return to normal life. There is no problem in running and climbing. In this regard, Mr. Wu and the others are experts, and they have more say. "

Speaking of this, Director Tong glanced at Wu Hao and the others, then said with a smile: "Actually, we should thank Mr. Wu and the others for coming up with an intelligent bionic artificial heart, which gives our treatment a place to maneuver and also allows us to get rid of Worry for the future. It has benefited countless patients and saved their lives when they were in danger.”

Wu Hao smiled when he heard the words, then glanced at Lin Honghan, and then gestured to Director Tong to continue.

Director Tong nodded and then continued: "The next step is the liver and kidneys. The liver is ruptured. This has stabilized the condition. Next, we need to perform surgery to repair the damaged location of the liver.

As for the kidney, the left kidney with more severe crushing and collision was more severe and could no longer be preserved. We had already removed it in the previous operation.

The patient's right kidney is in good condition, so there is basically no problem. There are many single kidney patients who can have a good quality of life after recovery, and the five-year and ten-year survival rates are very ideal.

And we also noticed that Mr. Wu and the others have also developed an intelligent bionic artificial kidney. After the patient's condition is stabilized, they can also be installed on the missing left side if needed later. "

"Anything else?" Wu Hao didn't express his opinion, but continued to ask Director Tong.

Director Tong shook his head: "The rest are small losses, and basically there are no major problems. We will repair them during the operation."

Wu Hao nodded, then sat up straight and said to the crowd: "So now there are two issues that need to be studied and discussed, one is Xiaohao, that is, how to deal with the patient's left leg, amputation or conservative treatment? is the first question.

And the second one is about the surgical repair and treatment of the damaged heart of the patient, as well as the post-operative recovery, right? "

Director Tong nodded: "Yes, these two issues are more difficult at present, so we would like to hear your opinions on this."

Hearing Director Tong's words, Wu Hao turned to look at Huang Zhixin and Qin Ziheng and said, "What do you two think?"

Hearing Wu Hao's question, the two stopped writing and looked at each other. It was Huang Zhixin who brushed the line and said, "There is no problem with intelligent bionic electronic organs.

This time, we brought our latest models of intelligent bionic artificial heart, intelligent bionic electronic eye, and other intelligent bionic electronic organs. We can also provide customized intelligent bionic electronic prosthetics for them if needed in the future. "

Hearing Huang Zhixin's words, everyone nodded slightly, and couldn't help but sigh at the power of Haoyu Technology. These are technologies that can really pull a person back from the dead end. UU Reading is really amazing. .

To be honest, they all want to see these technologies, but if they really use these technologies, it means that their treatment has failed. To put it bluntly, these technologies and these artificial electronic organs make up for the failure of their treatment, or clean up the mess.

Among the people present, only Lin Honghan did not express anything. He must not be able to accept such a result for a while, let alone be happy.

Compared with Huang Zhixin, Qin Ziheng's words are more cautious: "Everyone knows that our 3D bioprinting technology is currently in the initial stage of research and preliminary clinical trials. To be honest, the experimental data we currently have is relatively small. Whether this technology is reliable in clinical treatment, we cannot guarantee this.

Of course, if needed here. We are willing to do our best to help. "

Speaking of this, Qin Ziheng paused for a moment, and then continued: "We need to extract some organ tissue cells from the patient, and then send them to the laboratory for cloning and cultivation. Only when enough somatic cells are cultivated can we carry out biological activities. 3D printing.

And we are still intelligently printing some small-sized organs and tissues, like some large complete organs, we cannot print them out. Moreover, the entire clone cultivation time and printing time are relatively long, so I can't guarantee whether it can keep up with the treatment and it will work. "


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