Military Technology

Vol 3 Chapter 2193: Let him choose his own destiny

However, if the bio-printed organ tissue heart repair technology is to be used, Lin Lei needs to undergo multiple operations, and implant repair operations on the damaged part of his heart in batches.

The benefits of doing this are obviously obvious. It can never cause future troubles and restore the heart to health, but it is very risky. Because these multiple heart surgeries are inherently risky.

And this is a new technology used, which has not yet been used, let alone clinical practice, but animal experiments in the laboratory are feasible. So whether this technology can be successfully tested on humans is still unknown.

Secondly, once the implantation repair operation fails, it may also bring some other problems, thereby affecting the entire heart, and even cardiac necrosis, affecting the patient's life and other risks.

Therefore, whether or not to use this new technology is still controversial within the expert group.

According to the opinions of some experts with conservative views, doctors cannot cure all diseases with their medical skills. What they can do is to try their best to give patients a better life after recovery. As far as Lin Lei's current situation is concerned, conservative treatment can also allow the patient to recover, although the quality of life may be affected to some extent after recovery. But as far as the patient is currently losing his left leg and left eye, the impact on the heart is not too great. So instead of taking risks, it's better to use a more mature traditional solution.

Regarding these two plans, there was endless debate within the expert group, and there was no unified opinion, so Sun Lao and Director Tong had to report these two plans to Wu Hao at the same time.

As for Wu Hao, he didn't make a decision when he saw it. Although he was biased towards new technology solutions, after all, it was about human life, and it was also the life of his brother-in-law, so it was safer. Besides, he did not have the right to decide, so he presented the two treatment plans to the old man and his mother-in-law as they were, and informed them of the pros and cons of the two sets of plans, so that they could choose and decide.

After learning about the two sets of treatment plans, the old husband and his mother-in-law were also a little difficult to choose. These two treatment options have their own advantages and disadvantages, one can quickly solve the immediate problem, and the treatment technology is more mature and the risk is less.

The disadvantage is that once this method is used, the new treatment plan is basically abandoned, that is, the biological 3D printing organ tissue heart repair treatment plan. In addition, in the next few decades, Lin Lei's heart problems will gradually become serious with the passage of time, and he has to undergo follow-up treatment until his heart is finally replaced. If this is better, it should not be a problem to last for 20 to 30 years. If it is worse, it will be ten years or even shorter.

The use of biological 3D printing organ tissue heart repair treatment technology can be done once and for all and never have future troubles. It can completely treat heart problems and make patients free from heart problems after recovery. The disadvantages are also obvious. No clinical trials have been conducted, and the risks are relatively high. At this stage, several consecutive surgeries are required, and the failure of the surgeries may bring serious problems and so on.

So for these two sets of plans, the old man and his mother-in-law didn't know what to do for a while, so they found more helpers hoping to come up with ideas, such as Lin Wei, Lin Wei's uncle and other relatives.

Among them, Wu Hao's opinion is naturally the most valued by the old husband, mother-in-law and Lin Wei. On the one hand, because Wu Hao is also a member of this family, he naturally has the right to express his own opinions. On the other hand, of course, because Wu Hao is also an expert in this field, he knows more things.

Therefore, after learning about these two treatment options, the father-in-law's mother-in-law and Lin Wei kept asking Wu Hao for his opinion. In this regard, Wu Hao just explained to them the advantages and disadvantages of these two treatments in a very rational and fair manner, but did not give a direct answer.

It's not easy for him to give this kind of answer. If something goes wrong, it will cause anger and resentment. It's not human inside or outside. So he wouldn't be foolish to do such a thankless thing.

This is not because he shirks his responsibilities, but he also needs to pay attention to ways and means to help others. He can't put himself in and make trouble for himself.

The treatment plan of the bio-3D printed organ tissue heart repair technology was originally proposed by Qin Ziheng and the others under Wu Hao's instruction. It was nothing more than giving Lin Lei and his father-in-law a new choice.

As for how to choose, it depends on their own decision. Wu Hao cannot interfere, let alone participate.

But they obviously didn't give up. No, Wu Hao, who had just been working in the company, was dragged to the hospital by the fiery Lin Wei.

In the single ward where the old husband and his mother-in-law lived, those relatives were not there, only the old husband and the mother-in-law. Seeing Wu Hao coming, the two quickly stood up.

Seeing this, Wu Hao couldn't help showing a wry smile.

"Uncle, auntie, I really can't make this decision. Logically speaking, I should avoid it."

"I know, Auntie knows. But Xiaohao, this is related to Xiaolei's life. You, brother-in-law, can't ignore it. You know more about this than us, and we trust you. What do you say, let's do it? Just do it." Mother Lin immediately took Wu Hao's hand and said expectantly.

The old man standing by the side also said: "You just have to give the answer. It's up to us to decide whether to do it or not. You don't have to bear the responsibility. In case of any accident, we won't blame you."

Yes, we assure you that no matter what the outcome is, we will not blame you, and Xiaolei will not blame you either. Mother Lin added quickly when Father Lin's words fell.

Lin Wei, who was standing beside Wu Hao, also said angrily at him: "My parents have promised What else do you want. Isn't it just for you to give an answer, it's so difficult ?"

Seeing this, Wu Hao smiled wryly, and then pressed his hands at the three of them and said, "Don't get excited, the reason why I don't participate and don't give my opinion is mainly because I am afraid that I will affect your correct and rational judgment. .

I don't want to mistrust my words and make the wrong choice because of your trust in me. After all, this is related to Xiao Lei's life. To be honest, the pressure on me to be trusted so much by you is also a lot.

You want me to say, to be honest, I have no answer. Although I trust my technical team after all, our new technology. But after all, this technology has not been clinically tested, and we do not know exactly how.

Applying this technology to Xiaolei, to be honest, I have no idea.

But, if you use the traditional plan, then you can only follow this plan. I believe that you have consulted many experts in the past few days. There is no guarantee for how long this treatment plan will last.

So how to choose, I think it is better to tell Xiaolei truthfully and let him choose instead of struggling with it. "

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