Military Technology

Vol 3 Chapter 2213: "Burning" Pool Party

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Since turning his attention to company affairs, Wu Hao has never been at leisure. After being busy for more than half a month, he finally completed a bunch of things. It was clear in the book, which made him somewhat relieved.

After returning from the Northwest Research Base in an emergency, he never had time to relax, either with his brother-in-law's affairs or with the company's affairs. After tossing for so long, he was a little tired physically and mentally.

So while everyone was free on the weekend, Wu Hao and the others also organized a weekend party to relax themselves. The location did not choose their home, but a resort hotel. They have made reservations in advance and the hotel will not be open on weekends.

Now that a resort hotel has been acquired, it is naturally impossible for them to be the only ones. No, Wu Hao not only invited all his friends, but also called some middle-level leaders of the company who had free time, as well as some other people.

Of course, these people do not need their greetings, there are special personnel in charge, they only play their own. And the place where they are, outsiders can't get in.

On the edge of the pool, a group of people are swimming and playing in the pool wearing swimsuits. In this hot summer, there is nothing better than playing in the water to cool off the heat.

After coming out of the pool, Wu Hao took the towel from the waiter and wiped his scalp, then walked to the rest area and sat down. I asked the waiter for a glass of freshly squeezed juice and drank it slowly.

It didn't take long for Zhang Jun to come over with a big belly, then sat down heavily, and asked the waiter next to him for a beer. Looking at the juice in Wu Hao's hand, he couldn't help complaining: "I said, didn't you come out to relax today, why are you drinking any juice, just have a glass of cold beer, how refreshing it is. Drunk, Go straight to bed and think about nothing."

Wu Hao smiled and gestured to the freshly squeezed juice in his hand and said, "This is delicious!"

And, too lazy to care about you. Zhang Jun glanced at him when he heard the words, and then drank his beer on his own.

Wu Hao smiled, then looked towards the swimming pool. Zou Xiaodong and Yang Fan were playing with a group of girls with water guns, especially the unmarried girls, who were having a good time. A cool bikini has become the brightest existence in the pool.

On the other hand, Lin Wei, Zhou Xi and Tong Juan all wore conservative one-piece swimsuits. But even so, it can't hide their impressive figure. Although in terms of appearance, they may not be as good as these young bikini girls, but their temperament is quite different.

Their every move is very charming, and their clothes are more conservative, but they are more attractive.

However, these women did not join the pool battle, but were chatting while drinking ice wine by the edge of a small pool. Although everyone is familiar with it, it does not mean that they can chat, and naturally several different circles have been formed.

Just like those young and beautiful bikini girls, they looked at Wu Hao with very warm eyes. But they all knew how to be measured, and they didn't get close to them after they didn't receive a signal from Wu Hao and the others.

On the contrary, Zou Xiaodong and the others who are single, naturally don't have to worry about these. And this also made these girls very excited, and one by one naturally moved over.

Zhang Jun glanced at Zou Xiaodong and that kind of bikini beauty in the pool, and said a little sourly: "It seems that this **** Zou Xiaodong has another prey tonight."

"Envy?" Wu Hao turned his head to look at him and joked with a smile.

"And, I will envy him." Zhang Jun immediately retorted, but his eyes already explained everything. Seeing Wu Hao's expression of disbelief, Zhang Jun said angrily, "I'm not a lower-body animal like him, you'd better manage him, it's too bad for the company.

Among us, he has the most lace news. "

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Wu Hao shook his head with a smile, then looked at the happy Zou Xiaodong in the pool and said, "He has not violated laws and regulations, nor the company system, so what right do we have to interfere with his private life? Woolen cloth.

Just let him go, as long as it's not too much. "

Regarding this aspect, he really talked to Zou Xiaodong, and the two talked a lot. In the end, he promised that he would not intervene in this matter in the future, but Zou Xiaodong had to assure him that he would not have played it, nor violated laws and regulations, let alone Lun L's morality, and this red line could not be crossed.

Otherwise, once offended, he will not cover up for him, much less help him settle. How to deal with it, and in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and the company system, to investigate his relevant responsibilities and related losses. And will decide whether to ask him to remove the board as the case may be.

Such requirements can not be described as lax, and even a little rude. But Wu Hao said it very clearly, and also gave Zou Xiaodong a vaccination in advance, so that he could take it easy and stick to his bottom line.

As for Zou Xiaodong, he readily and reassured him that he was just playing and would never violate this red line.

In fact, Zou Xiaodong did exactly that, and he didn't need to step on those red lines. Because as long as he speaks, with his charm and strength, many things can be easily achieved.

This is a materialistic world and a money-worshiping society. Although money is not everything, there are many things you can do with money. Some things don't require you to speak. As long as you have money, these people will come to you willingly.

So for a long time, although this kid played crazy, he didn't overdo it. At least that's what Wu Hao knows, he doesn't know anything else. And he won't bother about these things. They have a good relationship, but they haven't been able to point fingers at each other's private life. No matter how Zou Xiaodong chooses, no matter how unreasonable it is, this is the right of others, and they cannot interfere.

"How do you define the word excessive?" Zhang Jun stared at Zou Xiaodong in the pool for a while, and then suddenly asked.

"Hehe, I don't have an answer, I rely on my own self-consciousness." Wu Hao smiled and shook his head.

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Jun was stunned for a moment, then took a deep look at Wu Hao, then looked at Zou Xiaodong in the swimming pool and sighed and said, "I hope he can really understand this, what we have done has already been done. Enough."

Hehe, Wu Hao smiled, then looked at Zou Xiaodong who was surrounded by several girls in the pool, smiled and said: "Zifeiyu, how can you know the joy of a fish. There are some things, no matter how much we persuade us. cannot be changed.

It's going to rain, my mother is going to get married, we can't stop it. "

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