Military Technology

Vol 3 Chapter 2330: Imagine Moon Migration

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Jiang Nan smiled, flipped through the notebook in his hand and said to Wu Hao: "You seem to have always been very optimistic about the lunar immigration project. In the past, you have explained your lunar exploration and immigration on many occasions. plan.

Why, why are we so optimistic about lunar immigration, a dream that seems so far away. And there is nothing on the moon, so why spend so much trouble getting to the moon? "

"Yes, lunar colonization has always been my dream and goal. In fact, all of our spaceflight programs are built around this goal."

Wu Hao said with a smile: "I have been comparing voyages with human exploration of the universe. For our human ancestors hundreds of years ago, they were also in awe, and no one has ever tried to sail so far.

The same is true of our Zheng He fleet, which is also exploring and advancing step by step. In that era, it took extraordinary courage to have the courage to fight against the waves and sail on the boundless bounds.

For people at that time, the big voyage was like today's space exploration project. Even if it is so dangerous and difficult, the sea still does not stop us from exploring the unknown. Only then did the discovery of the New World, and the global route.

It is precisely because of the continuous exploration of these navigators that today's world map is formed and the entire time is completely connected.

Today, what we are doing is the same as the original big voyage. We are constantly entering deep space, just to prepare for the next step.

The moon is a very special extraterrestrial planet. It is the satellite of our earth and the closest exoplanet to our earth. Therefore, if humans want to explore deep space, they must pass through the moon. This is like the Zheng He fleet hundreds of years ago. If they want to enter the Indian Ocean, they must pass through Malacca.

The position of the moon is like the port of Champa, or the port of Semarang. It will be a supply station for our human beings to go to deep space and explore deep space, and also a trestle and a post station for our earth in the universe.

Our earth's gravity is too great, so if a spacecraft wants to fly out of the earth, it must consume a lot of fuel, so this greatly restricts the spacecraft's range.

The gravitational force on the moon is very small. If we build a supply base on the moon and let these departing spacecraft fill up with fuel here, very little fuel will be lost, allowing the spacecraft to fly farther. .

Therefore, the geographical location of the moon is very important. Whoever controls it will control the gateway to and out of the earth in the future. Now, various aerospace giants in various countries have launched their own lunar exploration plans, and actively participated in lunar exploration and the construction of lunar scientific research bases.

Everyone is seizing the opportunity, hoping to have a greater right to speak in the future lunar exploration.

If we don't strive for it now, it is very likely that we will lose the right to speak in this area, or others will seize some better areas.

"Fairy Wood"

For example, our Wangshu-1 intelligent lunar rover has carried out scientific exploration of large areas of the moon and obtained a large amount of precious exploration data.

Through these data, we can know what kind of resources are distributed where, and where the resources are abundant, which is more suitable for us to establish a scientific research station or a future lunar city and so on.

The construction of these scientific research stations and lunar cities is not just a matter of randomly drawing blocks on the moon. First of all, we have to find some regional plates that are relatively stable and whose topography and landforms meet the conditions. Secondly, we need to find resources in this region with abundant reserves, such as some metal mineral resources, water resources, etc. These are the reserve mineral materials for the construction of scientific research stations in the future, and the resources that human life depends on in the future.

If we don't preempt it in advance, then these good places may be taken away by others, and it will be very difficult for us to step in. "

Finally, there are resources. Wu Hao looked at Jiang Nan and said.

resource? Jiang Nan repeated the word with a puzzled look at him.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "Yes, resources. For a long time, people's impression is that the moon is very barren, there is no oxygen, it is just sand and stones.

In fact, the lunar soil contains abundant reserves of various mineral resources, such as manganese, titanium, iron, copper, gold and silver, etc., as well as the well-known water resources, as well as the most famous helium three resources and so on.

The resources on earth are limited, how many years can these resources be used by human beings?

In the future, after the resources on the earth are exhausted, human beings can only reach out to the universe in order to obtain the resources needed for development, and the nearest moon will be the primary goal.

It is possible that our perception of other mineral resources is not strong, but helium-3 resources should be said to be the most scarce and most desired clean energy for human beings at present. If we can collect and transport the helium-3 resources from the moon back to the earth, we can solve the current energy shortage problem on the earth.

With the continuous progress of artificial solar technology, fusion power generation will become a reality, so the demand for helium three resources will also be very urgent.

We expect that within ten years, the first fusion power station will likely be built, and we intend to use five years to establish an initial lunar scientific research base on the moon, and start mining helium-3 resources, and then ship it back to Earth. "

After talking about this, Wu Hao paused for a while, and then continued: "Besides, it is the space resources, the space on the earth is very limited. The rapid increase in the population has also led to more and more space on the earth. Crowded. The birth of a large number of people needs to occupy a lot of space and land, which will not only reduce the area of ​​arable land on the earth, thereby reducing the food supply, but also seriously crowding out the space for other animals and plants.

And on the has vast space resources. If settlements and lunar cities are established on the moon, then we can immigrate a large number of people from the earth. In this way, the space congestion situation on the earth can be greatly reduced.

Of course, these are very late. We know that the environment on the moon is harsh and it is not suitable for human settlement. Therefore, the moon is actually more of a transit station, and the new home of mankind should still be on other planets. "

"Like Mars?" Jiang Nan interjected and said.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "Judging from the current Mars exploration results, Mars is indeed a relatively suitable planet for human habitation. But that's all, there is also no oxygen on Mars, and the atmosphere is thin.

The most important and most difficult thing is that Mars is 240 million kilometers away from the nearest distance. How to get there and how to achieve large-scale immigration is also a big problem. "

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