Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 237: Personal Security Team

[Unmodified version]

Smart Bluetooth headset, this is Wu Hao's official name of this product abroad. Compared with the intelligent voice assistant, the name is more pointed, and of course, it is not too noticeable.

After all, playing the banner of Bluetooth headset can save a lot of trouble. If it is an intelligent voice system, then it is more troublesome.

They talked to Zhang Jun for a while, and the party ended with a phone call. In fact, the call didn't come, and the party was almost over. After all, they have to work tomorrow, and they ca n’t be drunk.

It was Lin Wei who called on the fifteenth day of the first month, so she called and asked him to go out for a lantern festival. At first he wanted to refuse, but he heard Lin Wei's voice unconsciously.

After taking a bath home and changing clothes, Wu Hao came to the agreed mall door. And Lin Wei, waiting for him here with a bag.

Today she wore a short red down jacket with a black low-necked sweater. Wearing a pair of black tight slacks, a pair of Martin boots, looked full of British spirit. Of course, what satisfies Wu Hao or lets passers-by turn back is her tall figure and exquisite face.

How come. Seeing him coming, Lin Wei quickly greeted and complained.

Sorry for being late. Wu Hao put his baseball cap over his head and apologized. Because there are many people at night, in order to avoid being recognized and cause unnecessary trouble, he made a simple disguise.

Jeans, sneakers, short down jackets like Lin Wei, plus a baseball cap. Looks very much like a fashionable boy who is going to school.

This one is pretty handsome tonight, why haven't I seen you wear it before? Lin Wei looked at him and praised him.

Really, just bought it. Wu Hao laughed.

Lin Wei walked to him and sniffed, then frowned, "You're drinking."

I've showered, you can smell it, dog nose. Wu Hao asked himself.

You are the dog too!

Lin Wei kicked him with a stance, and embraced his arm and said, "If you say you drink, I won't let you out."

Oh, it's okay, it's more comfortable to go out for a walk. Lin Wei suddenly grabbed her arm, Wu Hao coughed a bit awkwardly.

Seeing that Wu Hao didn't pull his arm away, Lin Wei tightened her expression, and her face turned red: "Today, why don't you see your idiot?"

The follower in Lin Wei's mouth was naturally Li Wenming. In the past few days, every time Lin Wei dragged him out to play, Li Wenming would follow, so Lin Wei had a big opinion on this wood.

He's resting today, so he's replaced, and that's the back. Wu Hao signaled that a tall man, seventy or eight meters away, was wearing a long down jacket and was about twenty-five years old.

This person is called Cao Wei. He is twenty-four years old and once served in the Airborne Brigade Reconnaissance Company. He has won the second place in the air force competition and has a solid hand. This time Wei Bing went to the army to recruit, and they saw this boy at first sight.

At that time, many units wanted it, but Wei Bing came over. After a series of assessments, the security department finally incorporated him into Wu Hao's personal security team.

Besides that, there is one person in Wu Hao's security team. This man is a girl, or veteran woman soldier, and his name is Lu Fei.

Unlike Wei Bing and Li Wenming, the girl is from the Navy and is a marine amphibious reconnaissance company.

As the size of the company is getting larger, the security department also urgently needs a women's security team to take charge of security tasks in special cases.

For example, for the inspection of women, etc., male security team members are a little embarrassed in this regard, and accidents may cause some trouble.

Therefore, the security department formed this women's security team. Although the team was still under construction, Lu Fei was sent over first.

The reason for such a girl to join his security team is mainly to deal with some special security tasks. After all, like Li Wenming and Cao Wei, the goal is too obvious and not suitable in some occasions.

On the contrary, female security personnel like Lu Fei, wearing casual clothes, are not easy to be found or not obtrusive.

Of course, Lu Fei has another identity, that is, her personal assistant, responsible for some of his personal work and life.

This matter was co-authored by Zhang Xiaolei and Li Wenming, and there was no special recruitment. But as Zhang Xiaolei's work gets more and more busy, she certainly can't take care of it. And since the company's internal adjustments, her work has become more busy, for which he also assigned two staff.

And Li Wenming, as the leader of his personal security team, is no longer suitable to be an assistant for him and buy him early all day, so he needs such a person to be responsible for this.

Since the establishment of his personal security team, a shift system has also begun. In the past, Li Wenming was in charge alone, so there was a lot of pressure. This time, Wu Hao intentionally let him rest for a few days in the New Year, so that the two newcomers can adapt to it first.

So tonight, he only took Cao Wei out. Maybe it was the first time to perform such a separate guarding task. Wu Hao didn't let him follow too closely, so this made Cao Wei very nervous. Basically, he was watching the situation around him intently, ready to rush forward all the time.

Of course, he was not only nervous about performing such a task alone, but also because he was too long and out of touch with society, so reintegrating into the society again made him somewhat uncomfortable.

Everyone adapts differently. Maybe for Cao Wei, it takes a little longer.

Lin Wei glanced at him, then embraced Wu Hao's arm and said with excitement: "Let's go to the lantern festival, I heard that this year's lantern festival is particularly lively."

Oh, they say so every year. Wu Hao chuckled.

This year is different. I heard that there are still some new lamp shapes on display. Lin Wei grabbed his arm and walked out quickly ~ ~ This phrase sounds familiar to me.

Although his mouth was vomiting, he still allowed Lin Wei to take a quick walk in the street. Cao Wei, who had been watching the clearing up afterwards, quickly followed him.

Upon entering the lantern festival, Lin Wei was just as excited as the child, dragging him around and starting to wander around.

I want to eat marshmallow! Lin Wei watched as she watched a small stall making colorful marshmallows.

How old are people and still eat this. Wu Hao advised.

Regardless, I'm going to eat. Lin Wei shook his arm and coquettishly.

Okay, buy, buy, wait in line! Wu Hao said helplessly, how could a girl who was quite capable, how to throw Jiao so tired and crooked.

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