Military Technology

Vol 3 Chapter 2344: Wu Hao's philosophy of training sisters

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Wu Tong didn't say a word, but silently buried himself in the meal.

Wu Hao and Lin Wei looked at each other and smiled, and then they stopped talking about it. The so-called point to the end, Wu Hao has said it very clearly. Now that Wu Tong is an adult, it is impossible for Wu Tong to understand the meaning of his words, so there is no need to talk nonsense any more, otherwise it may be counterproductive.

Lin Wei naturally understood what Wu Hao meant, and immediately began to greet him warmly: "Xiaotong, come and try this, I like this dish made by your brother the most."

Saying that, Lin Wei put a piece of sweet and sour rib into Wu Tong's bowl.

"Thank you, sister-in-law." Seeing this, Wu Tong smiled and thanked him, but the smile was a little reluctant, and she could see that she was a little absent-minded at the moment.

Seeing this, Lin Wei glared at Wu Hao, and then pulled Wu Tong to talk and laugh.

As for Wu Hao, he didn't bother anymore, but did he pick up food for the two of them, and then he would say a few words when they were funny. So after this, the whole dinner ended in a happy atmosphere.

After the meal, Lin Wei took the initiative to take the heavy responsibility of cleaning up the dishes. Only Wu Hao and Wu Tong were left in the living room.

Wu Hao glanced at Wu Tong, who was still struggling, smiled, and ignored her, but brewed kung fu tea for himself. As for Wu Tong, after staring at Wu Hao for a while, he seemed to have made up his mind, and then sat down by the tea table.

Wu Hao raised his head and glanced at Wu Tong, who was a little nervous, then smiled and brought her a cup of tea, and then handed it to her: "Tast it, this is Wuyi's Dahongpao, which can soothe your emotions, promote digestion and metabolism, and refresh your mind. brain power."

"When did Xue Dad start to maintain health?" Wu Tong pouted, but still took the tea cup, then raised the cup and put it under the tip of his nose to smell it, and then took another sip.

However, Wu Hao didn't wait for Wu Tong's appreciation, but saw Wu Tong frown, and said with some disgust: "It's terrible, I don't understand why you guys like to drink these things."

"Haha, you're still young and you're not used to drinking it. It's alright, take it slow." Wu Hao added more tea to her tea cup with a smile, and then said to her, "No matter how much you run away or leave it behind. Clear the relationship, you are the sister of my billionaire, called the daughter of a wealthy family, this is not too much.

So, in daily life, you will inevitably deal with high-level figures in society, and these things still need to be learned a little bit. Although I say I don't force you, but when it comes to this kind of situation, if you can't deal with it, it should be ugly. I believe you won't lose the face of our parents, me, and your sister-in-law. "

Hearing what Wu Hao said, Wu Tong curled his lips and said a little unwillingly: "I see, I know, why are you so long-winded like my mother.

When I go back to school, I will join the tea art club and learn how to taste and brew tea. "

"Haha, hobbies, just casual." Wu Hao said with a smile.

Hearing his words, Wu Tong glanced at Wu Hao, then lowered his head and showed a tangled look. Seeing this, Wu Hao didn't make a sound to disturb it. At this time, it is better for her to think and decide for herself. After all, things like this are ultimately up to you to decide. Any persuasion from others is only relevant advice, and it is entirely up to you to listen to it or not.

Finally, Wu Tong raised his head, then gathered up his courage and asked Wu Hao, "Brother, did you know?"

I know what? Wu Hao asked with a smile.

Che, I don't believe that you don't know anything, otherwise you wouldn't be able to come back and call me for dinner, and the dining table told me the way. Wu Tong rolled his eyes at him and said angrily.

Wu Hao smiled slightly, then looked at Wu Tong with a doting look and said: "You are also an adult, so you know the proper measure. So if you want to say something like this, you will definitely tell me. If you don't want to say it, even if I ask you, do you think you will say it?

So ah, I respect your choice, it's up to you to say it or not. But please rest assured, I will always take care of you and protect you forever. "

Thanks bro. Wu Tong saw that his eyes were full of fog, then nodded heavily, and then sorted out his words and said, "Actually, he is a senior. He often comes to my store to play and take care of my business. Then we gradually got to know each other. I thought he was a good friend, but a few days ago, he suddenly came over with a big bunch of roses and confessed to me. I saw him come to me with flowers and gave it to me, and he was blinded. Surrounded by a group of people, this time staggeringly took the rose.

But I didn't promise him. I was very confused at the time, and then I ran straight back to the dormitory. But, this is the first time I have received such a large bouquet of flowers from a boy, and he is usually very nice, and…”

Speaking of this, Wu Tong's face turned red all of a sudden, then lowered his head and said, "He's quite handsome."

When Wu Hao heard Wu Tong's expression, he knew clearly in his heart that Wu Tong had a good impression of this bastard, otherwise it would be impossible to be so entangled.

So what are you going to do, accept him? Wu Hao asked with a smile.

Wu Tong looked at the smile on his brother's face, and finally put his heart down. She was very afraid that because of this incident, this brother who loved her very much would be angry, sad, and would reprimand him.

It seemed that there was nothing now, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

Wu Tong shook his head: "I don't know, I've been in a mess these days. I can't listen in class, and I'm always distracted by everything."

"Brother, what should I do?"

Having said that, Wu Tong got up and leaned over to Wu, took his arm, swayed and pleaded coquettishly.

Seeing this, Wu Hao shook his head helplessly, then pointed to the seat opposite and asked her to go back and sit down again, and then he looked at her seriously and said, "First of all, as your brother, I was very surprised when I heard the news. Panicked, scared, and angry. Thinking about which **** who ate a bear's heart and a leopard's gall, dared to provoke my sister.

So much so that I didn't sleep well last night, and I still have no energy.

It is precisely because I didn't have a good rest, so I also used this period of time to think about how to deal with this matter.

I thought of a lot of solutions, such as scolding you directly and ordering you to reject her. Or to find out who this kid is, and then let someone cover his head and beat him.

Or find this kid, and then do like in the TV series, give him a sum of money, let him stop pestering you or something.

I thought about this way a lot, but in the end I rejected it without exception.

Because you are my sister, and because I really love you, I think I should listen to your thoughts and respect your personal thoughts. "

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