Military Technology

Vol 4 Chapter 2359: Yatuhai Landing Field Command and Control Management Center

After staying in the core area of ​​the landing site for a while, Wu Hao was accompanied by Yu Chengwu to the command and control center of the landing site nine kilometers away.

The entire command and control management center is located on a stone mountain about one or two hundred meters high on the north shore of the Yatu Sea. It is said to be a stone mountain, but it is actually a hill lined with strange rocks. Affected by high and low temperature and wind erosion for a long time, the stones on the entire mountain have been cracked into large and small rubble, and there is no soil or vegetation.

The command and control management center is located on the south side of the top of this stone mountain. The overall frame is made of steel structure module components, produced in different places, and then installed directly. That's why the construction here is so fast.

If the traditional concrete structure is installed, the amount of work will be large. Leaving aside the rest, the problem of the water source required by this building is enough for everyone to have a headache. The spring water in the village close to the south bank is obviously not enough. Otherwise, the herdsmen in that village would not have been relocated as a whole.

The steel structure does not need to consider these problems. After the production is completed off-site, it is transported to the site for assembly. It has strong adaptability to mitigation, good comfort, and lower cost. Just after the infrastructure is completed, it can be assembled like building blocks.

Following a mountain road, the vehicle drives directly over a small square on the top of the road. The entire square should be regarded as the largest earth and stone building in this control and management center.

In addition to some parking spaces and greenery, basketball courts, tennis courts, and other outdoor sports venues are also planned in this square. It is precisely because the living environment here is very difficult, so Wu Hao and the others are also doing their best to ensure everyone's living and working conditions, so that everyone can work and live as comfortably as possible.

After getting off the car, Yu Chengwu introduced them to the side: "The entire command and control management center of the landing site is divided into four parts, namely the warehouse and maintenance workshop at the foot of the mountain, and the entire command and control management center below. Emergency shelter. There is also the themed building of the command and control management center here, as well as the living area here.

In order to ensure that the staff can work and live here for a long time, we are equipped with complete living facilities here, such as staff apartments, public restaurants, small clinics, and supermarkets. It can guarantee the basic needs of life and work of nearly 200 staff at most. "

Do these people need to stay here forever? When Wu Hao heard Yu Chengwu's introduction, he couldn't help but care.

Yu Chengwu smiled and shook his head: "The conditions here are relatively difficult, so we use a three-plus-three-plus-three rotation system. Usually, there are special personnel here to be responsible for management and maintenance. They are all the staff of our Northwest Research Center. Rotate every three months.

And our technical team also adopts the three-three system, that is, it is divided into three work teams, which are rotated every three months. Of course, this is under normal circumstances. If you encounter some major tasks, then naturally all members must be present, such as this time. "

Wu Hao nodded slightly when he heard the words, this is a way. Especially working in such an uninhabited area, living and working conditions are difficult. Adopting a three-month shift system not only reflects fairness, but also reduces the inconvenience of work and life for employees who work here for a long time.

It is very difficult for everyone to stick to work here for a long time. The work and living allowances must be generous, and we cannot lose everyone. Wu Hao instructed Yu Chengwu and the people behind him when he heard the words.

In terms of employee compensation and benefits, Wu Hao wants to be very generous. In his view, this is the most basic and core guarantee to ensure the core competitiveness of their company. If the salary and benefits do not go up, and the employees do not have the passion to fight, how can they work, how to struggle, and how to work hard.

It is also because of his persistence in this regard that Haoyu Technology has a very low annual employee voluntary turnover rate and has become the most popular technology company in China for job seekers.

You can rest assured that we have given full work and living allowances to the employees who come to rotate, so there is not much resistance to coming to work here. Yu Chengwu responded with a smile, then paused and said, "It's just that the road from the research center to here has not been paved, so the traffic is a bit inconvenient, and the supplies are not very convenient."

Hearing Yu Chengwu's words, Wu Hao instantly wondered what he was thinking about tomorrow, and then said with a smile, "Look for Qi Guangkun in this regard, hurry up and improve."

Yes, thank you Mr. Wu. Hearing Wu Hao's answer, Yu Chengwu and the staff behind him all laughed.

Wu Hao smiled when he saw this, and then accompanied by Yu Chengwu, came to the comprehensive command and control management hall.

The entire comprehensive command and control management hall is divided into upper and lower three floors. The middle is hollowed out, glass is laid, and a central patio passage is reserved to connect all the three floors together.

On the outside, there is a whole glass of glass with a very transparent view, which can overlook the entire Yatuhai landing site.

"The top of the entire three floors is the aerospace measurement and control center, which is responsible for the measurement and control of rockets and other returnable spacecraft landing here, while the middle layer is the landing site command and control center, responsible for the normal operation of the landing site and rocket recovery control. Work.

As for the bottom layer is the management center of the landing site, which is responsible for the entire management of the landing site and the execution of tasks.

The three independent departments on the third floor are independent of each other and closely linked together, which is convenient for unified dispatch and command. "Yu Chengwu proudly introduced to Wu After listening to Yu Chengwu's introduction, Wu Hao looked around and looked at the facility environment in the entire command and control center, but he couldn't help but smile bitterly, and then pointed at Yu Chengwu. Cheng Wu joked: "It seems that I still underestimated your ambitions, in your planning, I am afraid this is not just an ordinary landing ground. "

Oh, I know I can't hide it from you. Yu Chengwu smiled, and then nodded at a technician. He tapped on the keyboard a few times, and the entire transparent glass curtain wall on the third floor instantly darkened, and then blocked the sunlight that came in from the outside. All kinds of data and information began to be displayed on the curtain wall, and Yan Ran became a large display screen.

Wu Hao looked at it with some difference, then nodded his head and regained his calm, and joked at Yu Chengwu: "No wonder I saw in the report that you have recently purchased a lot of transparent display glass, which was originally used here.

Sure enough, this listing, the pockets are full, and the money is generous. "

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