Military Technology

Vol 4 Chapter 2361: lighthouse in the desert

This time period is also the dinner time for the staff here, so there are staff entering the restaurant one after another. After seeing Wu Hao, they also greeted him enthusiastically.

This is also the cultural feature of Haoyu Technology. You work hard when you are working, and you can rest naturally when you are free. Everyone will not surround you and flatter you because you are the big boss.

In fact, this is also a major feature of today's young people. There are not so many rules, habits or characteristics in the old generation of workplaces. Everyone has a salary and a job. You are my superior leader at work, but outside of work, everyone is an ordinary person, and no one is worse than the other. Naturally, there is no need to bow down to you.

Of course, there will also be some employees who secretly take a photo with the device and send it to their colleagues or girlfriends to show off. There is a very strict confidentiality system in the company, but outside of work, these are nothing, as long as it is not confidential, no one will care who you chat with or communicate with.

After dinner, Wu Hao let Yu Chengwu go and didn't let him stay by his side. After all, as the launch is approaching, his general manager is also the main engineer, and the aerospace experts also have a lot of work to do, so there is no need to waste all their time on him.

So after letting Yu Chengwu go, Wu Hao led Shen Ning and the two staff to wander around the command and control center of the landing site.

To be honest, he hasn't seen the night scene for a long time, let alone the starry sky.

It is located next to the desert in the northwest. Liao is uninhabited, the weather is clear and there are no clouds, so it is a good time to appreciate the stars. As for Wu Hao, he immediately brought Shen Ning to the top rooftop. This is an open-air observation center. Through the optical observation equipment here, the flight attitude of the rocket will be able to be tracked in real time as it falls.

In addition, the rooftop is also a good place for visual observation. In the future, it will also be open to some leaders and communication personnel who come to visit, as well as family members and tourists to watch the landing and landing process.

Standing on the roof, the entry wish, the shadow of the entire Yatuhai Lake Basin is faintly visible, and the landing site in the middle of the lake and the surface can show a clear outline under the illumination of the lights. It is like a lighthouse on the sea, guiding the returning fishing boats to the direction home.

That's right, at the moment they are a lighthouse, a lighthouse in the desert, guiding the second-stage rocket on the way home.

Looking up, the entire sky is colored, and the gorgeous colors of the Milky Way render the entire sky into colorful colors, as if a paint box was scattered on the sky, and it is very dreamy.

And in this splendid sky, there are densely packed stars. One obstructs the other, scattered throughout the starry sky, big, small, bright, not so bright.

Among them, the most eye-catching, the most dazzling, and the most familiar to everyone is of course the Big Dipper. In fact, there are many dense stars around it, but these stars are far less bright than these seven stars.

meteor! Shen Ning pointed to the starry sky in the distance and suddenly said in surprise.

Wu Hao heard the words and looked at it with his eyes, and sure enough, a meteor fell into the sky and quickly fell under the shadow of a distant mountain.

The two staff members who accompanied Wu Hao and the others smiled at them and said, "The air here is very clean, so we can see such a magnificent starry sky. When we first came, we were also struck by the beautiful scenery here. The stars are attracted."

"Actually, we have a lot of meteors here, and we can see a lot of them every day. Some meteors may not be extraterrestrial meteorites, but debris from re-entry of spacecraft such as rockets or satellites.

Compared with natural celestial bodies and meteorites, the debris of these artificial celestial bodies burns more fully in the atmosphere, so they can emit a more dazzling light and are more beautiful. "

It's so beautiful, we don't see these in Ansi. Shen Ning's eyes could not help revealing meaning and infatuation.

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head when he heard the words. Girls are like this, and they are always very obsessed with beautiful things. There are some people who don't care about the beautiful things in front of them. Some people may even give up their original beauty because they love one thing. This kind of person is certainly admirable, but not everyone can learn it, and not everyone has the courage to do it.

Realistically, there may be many people who will criticize this behavior. After all, this kind of giving up everything for a dream or a hobby is too rash and irresponsible for everything, including the people around you.

However, personal choice, personal freedom, no one can interfere, and there is no right to interfere. Can only respect, can only bless! ~

Wu Hao looked up at the starry sky and couldn't help being in a daze. He had looked up at the starry sky countless times, curious about the vast universe and the unknown things. But when you really look up at the stars, you will marvel at the vastness of the universe.

For ordinary people, or those who do not understand the universe, astronomy or the world, these stars are just stars. Some people may think of some myths related to stars, such as the twenty-eight constellations, broom stars , Zhou Tianxingdou Great Array and so on. People who know a little bit just think that these are stars and planets that are very far away from us, that's all.

But for professionals who fully understand the starry sky and the universe, they are even more shocked. You know, the stars in the sky, except for these planets in the solar system, all other stars are stars.

To put it simply, except for the planets such as gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, the shining stars in the sky are all suns. And this starry sky has trillions of even tens of trillions, hundreds of billions of billions of stars, and there are so many stars.

And with so many stars, it's not known how many planets will surround them. Then on these unknown planets, how many planets have life.

At present, the criteria for extraterrestrial planets with life that we humans judge, only refer to our own standards, which means that this extraterrestrial planet must be similar to and close to the indicators of our earth. To put it bluntly, it is like the earth.

For example, these exoplanets must be located in the habitable zone of these stars, that is, the sun, that is, not far from the sun. Too close could be like Venus, which is hot, active, and concentrated in sulfuric acid, unsuitable for life. And if it is too far, it will be like Mars, cold, the mass is too low, the core is cooled, the geological activity is scarce, there is no atmosphere, and so on.

For another example, these extraterrestrial planets must have oceans, and the ratio of oceans to land must be seven to three, and so on.

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