Military Technology

Vol 4 Chapter 2365: Arrow Falls 9 Days (Part 1)

The countdown to the first and second level separation is one hundred seconds.

One hundred seconds to prepare!

On the big screen, the red numbers on the countdown board kept flashing, reminding everyone that their work is about to start. Although it is said that the first-stage rocket and the fairing will no longer land on the Yatuhai landing site this time, the remote control of the first-stage rocket and the fairing will be handed over to the Yatuhai landing site command and control management center. .

Although this is a first-stage rocket body that has been successfully recovered six times, the measurement and control team in the hall of the command and control management center still does not dare to be careless. item data changes.

Typically, the first stage of the rocket separates between one hundred and two hundred seconds. This is mainly based on the size of the first-stage rocket, which determines the amount of fuel, the thrust of the engine, and the orbital height to be launched, so the working time of the first-stage rocket varies. Like this mission, the first stage of the rocket needs to work for 167 seconds.

It takes almost three minutes, so during these three minutes, the entire measurement and control team needs to pay attention to the data information, for fear of omissions and misinterpretations.

One minute to separate ready.

At this moment, the rocket has risen to high altitude, and through the optical telemetry imaging screen, everyone can clearly see the rocket and the tail flame. In fact, at this height, the observation of the rocket body by optical telemetry equipment is very limited, so the main thing is to observe the working state of the engine at the bottom of the first-stage rocket in this process.

To put it simply, it is to observe the tail flame injected by the engine. Under the whole condition, the tail flame should tend to be stably burned and injected, and there will be no fluctuation. Only when the engine fails, the ejected tail flame will naturally have an effect, which is very conspicuous in the optical infrared observation equipment.

Thirty seconds!

Ten, nine, eight...three, two, one, one and two separate.

With the announcement from the Northwest Space Launch Site, the successful separation of the first and second stages of the rocket can also be seen on the big screen.

Yatuhai, the first stage of the rocket has been successfully separated, and the remote control has been handed over to you.

Yatu Hai received!

The big screen in the hall is divided into two halves, and one half is the previous monitoring interface, including the Jianmu-2 rocket that has been successfully ignited and is pushing the load to continue to rise, as well as the various measurement and control synchronously transmitted back from the northwest launch site. data.

The other half argued for the first-view footage captured by a surveillance camera on the landing stage of the rocket. In the picture, the grid plate of the rocket was successfully opened, and it began to control the rocket to adjust its attitude in the air, and then fell like a drop.

Below is a yellow desert, and you can vaguely see some towns and roads, and the outline of the lake. The horizon in the distance is a semicircular blue skyline that leans toward the fog, and the sky above is a deep blue sky.

This time the first-stage rocket body uses the latest improved technology, that is, it got rid of the previous Jianmu-2 rocket's first-stage body, which needs to rely on parachutes to decelerate at medium and high altitudes.

This time, the first-stage rocket body of the Jianmu-2 T-type rocket has been upgraded and transformed, so that it can have the same rocket body as the first-stage rocket body of Jianmu-7. During the whole return process, the rocket engine is ignited. Recoil deceleration.

This change makes the return and landing of the first-stage rocket body more direct and does not require so many actions. In addition, it also saves the space and weight of the umbrella bag, which can carry more fuel and increase the carrying capacity of the overall rocket.

Moreover, compared with other returnable reusable first-stage rockets, this first-stage rocket, including the new first-stage rockets of the Jianmu-7 series rockets, adopts a gradual deceleration linear landing method. The engine doesn't start 100 percent at first and then slows down the rocket.

This is not the case. It may be that the thrust of the rocket loss engine may only be 5% at the beginning, and then the thrust will increase a little bit with the change of the landing height. Wait until about 50 meters from the ground, the thrust reaches 98%, and then continue to accelerate, wait until one meter from the ground, the thrust rises to about 99.5%, and then slowly land and land, The rocket engine shuts down.

The advantage of this is that it saves fuel, which can greatly save the fuel consumption of the rocket during the landing process, and can continuously decelerate the rocket at a minimum cost. Another major reason is that the faster speed at the beginning is convenient for the rocket to control its own landing attitude, avoid being affected by the medium and high air flow, and can greatly shorten the entire landing time.

The No. 1 landing site position No. 2 reported that the core-stage rocket was three kilometers above the ground, the landing attitude was normal, the landing speed was normal, and the landing gear was opened normally.

Yatuhai understands.

The No. 1 landing site reported that the landing site area is clean, the ground wind speed is one meter, and the humidity is suitable for landing.

Yatuhai understands.

As the height of the first-stage rocket continues to decrease, the numbers on the big screen also decrease, and the entire speed changes very fast. In the blink of an eye, the height of the rocket from the ground is only a thousand At this time, two drones hovered in the high altitude of the No. 1 landing site, just through the lens on the drone, you can watch the rocket during the entire landing process more closely.

The two drones also received instructions and flew towards the rapidly descending first-stage rocket.

Through the drone lens, you can clearly see that the grid wings on the first-stage rocket are constantly changing, controlling the flight attitude of the rocket.

Five hundred meters, three hundred meters, one hundred meters!

The landing speed of the first-stage rocket body is getting slower and slower, and the long tail flame ejected by the final stage-stage rocket body blows dust on the ground, and the rocket is also covered by these flying desert dust.

The rocket slowly landed close to the ground, and as a puff of white smoke rose, the first-stage rocket landed smoothly on the landing pad.

OK, clap clap clap!

There was a burst of warm applause at the scene. For the entire first-stage rocket reward recovery measurement and control team, their main task has been completed. Next, it is only necessary to cooperate with the on-site rocket recovery and transportation technical team to transport the first-stage rocket body to the rocket workshop of the Northwest R&D Base for maintenance, storage, and waiting for the next mission.

Such a beautiful completion of the first-stage rocket recovery task, Wu Hao naturally took the lead in giving warm applause, and Yu Chengwu and others on the side also applauded.

Just as everyone was laughing and admiring, the original first-stage rocket measurement and control screen on the big screen was immediately switched. In the main window screen, two huge red and white paragliders were flying in space with two fairings hanging on them. stand up.

In a window screen, three orange helicopters have begun to circle in the air, waiting for the arrival of the target.

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