Military Technology

Vol 4 Chapter 2368: Arrow Falls 9 Days (Continued)


Therefore, there are new requirements in the design and material of the arrow body. The arrow body will not crack and expand due to the influence of air flow after the arrow body is slightly wounded, and the arrow body material must also have a self-healing property. That is, it can heal itself after being wounded, so that the fuel in the arrow body will not leak out.

In fact, they have already used this self-healing material on the Oasis-1 inflatable experimental cabin, but the material on the spacecraft is still very different from the material on the rocket body.

The material on the arrow body needs to be as light as possible, and the characteristics of the material itself will be different for different scenarios. To this end, the Materials Laboratory and the rocket project research team have specially developed a new type of self-healing material used in the rocket body and the internal fuel storage tank.

This material is very thin, only a few millimeters. It can be sprayed on the inner wall of the entire rocket body. When the rocket body is damaged and the material is broken, the material will accumulate to the window due to pressure friction and air, and eventually Block the wound and achieve closed 'self-healing'.

Similarly, it can also be sprayed in the fuel tank, and when the tank is damaged, it can also be repaired in time.

And this undoubtedly increases the overall weight of the secondary rocket. Although the proportion is small, it also squeezes the weight of the load, so it can only be made up from other places.

Therefore, in order to balance the weight and strength of the arrow body, the project technical research and development team struggled for a long time to overcome it.

As the stuck picture on the big screen returned to normal, everyone finally saw the first-view picture through the surveillance camera outside the secondary rocket. At this moment, the flying wings on the arrow body have been opened, and the entire arrow body is gliding rapidly in the air.

The thermal insulation material on the arrow body has been ablated into a green ochre color, and it has fallen off in many places. However, judging from the data transmitted by the external camera of the rocket body and the arrow body sensor, the entire rocket body remained intact, which made everyone's dangling hearts finally let go.

Everyone in the hall applauded involuntarily, because this most dangerous period has been passed safely, and now everyone is looking forward to the next critical moment.

Throwing the parachute, although it is a small action, is crucial. At this speed, whether the parachute can be thrown smoothly is the focus of everyone's attention. In addition, after the parachute is thrown, the gliding arrow body should be decelerated, and the attitude of the entire arrow body will be adjusted through the parachute and the flying wings and grid wings on the arrow body, and the inclined gliding track will be turned into a large-angle direction. The parabolic trajectory below.

The countdown numbers on the big screen are constantly decreasing, and everyone is engrossed, holding their breaths, waiting for this final moment.

"Three, two, one, throw the parachute."

Many technicians who understand the whole process can't help but count down silently in their hearts.

I saw a flick of the screen, and several objects were thrown out attached to the cable, and quickly opened, and three small deceleration parachutes were opened in series, which also caused the falling speed of the arrow body on the screen to decrease rapidly.

"Flying wings put away!"

With the throwing of the parachute, the gliding wings of the secondary rocket begin to retract, and the grid plate is adjusted, so that the rocket's attitude is removed from the previous one, and the angle is gradually increased, becoming a large-angle downward attitude.

"The parachute is disconnected!"

After completing this series of actions, the parachute loses its function and immediately disconnects itself.

"The main engine ignited successfully!"

Following this announcement, there was a warm applause in the hall again, and this most critical step was completed.

You know, in the two most thrilling stages of the whole process, one is the re-entry flight, and the other is the ignition of the main engine. Once the main engine is damaged or malfunctions during the descent, the ignition fails. Then this second-stage rocket will directly hit the entire shooting range like a ballistic missile, and there may be a deviation, and it may just land on the head of the command and control management center of the landing site.

This secondary rocket still has residual fuel in it, plus its own weight and gravitational acceleration, its power is really no less than a powerful missile. Even if they are safely evacuated to the underground shelter, the losses will be huge.

"Mr. Wu, the effect of watching outdoors will be better. Do you want to go outside?" Yu Chengwu on the side suggested with a smile at Wu Hao.

Wu Hao smiled when he heard the words, looked at the moving people around him, then got up and said with a smile: "Okay, then let's go to the rooftop to witness this great moment in person."

Immediately, surrounded by a group of people, Wu Hao and Yu Chengwu walked out of the hall to the central rooftop.

When I came to the rooftop, there were already many staff from the center, including the chef of the cafeteria, the cleaning aunt, and some other staff. After seeing Wu Hao and the others, they greeted each other warmly.

In order to facilitate these people to watch, two large screens were also erected at the scene, and the telemetry tracking picture of the rocket on the large screen in the hall was broadcast live simultaneously in real time.

Wu Hao and the others came to an observation position with an excellent view, which was actually the position where he watched the stars last night. Standing here, you can have a panoramic view of the entire Yatuhai Lake Basin, and the landing site and coordinates in the distance are also clearly visible.

Through the pictures on the big screen, Wu Hao and the others could clearly see that the rocket was already over the Yatu Sea. Because the surveillance cameras on the rocket body of the secondary rocket have been arranged to the ground scene The optical sighting equipment on the rocket body has been able to automatically capture the reference marks on the landing site.

"Come on, isn't that?" someone at the scene suddenly shouted loudly.

Following this person's gaze, everyone saw a bright spot in the sky.

"Yes, yes, this is our rocket."

"Is it smashing and glowing?"

"That's the tail flame of the rocket, and the reflection of the sun."

Under everyone's attention, this bright spot is getting bigger and bigger, and Wu Hao can see it more clearly with the help of the telescope.

The entire rocket body can already be clearly seen. The words Haoyu Aerospace on it have been somewhat damaged due to the re-entry of the atmosphere, and the bottom of the rocket body has been blackened.

It's getting closer, it's getting closer, and under the eager eyes of everyone, the rocket is getting closer and closer to the ground.

The entire body of the rocket also fell into the eyes of everyone. Although they were far apart, everyone at the scene saw it very clearly. Many people took out their own shooting equipment and wanted to record this precious moment.

In the telescope, Wu Hao could see more clearly. He saw that the speed of the rocket was getting slower and slower, the tail flame of the engine was getting longer and longer, and the huge roar could be heard even at a distance of eight or nine kilometers.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, the rocket's tail flame blew on the landing field, sending up dust. A burst of white smoke rose, and the rocket landed smoothly on the landing site.

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