Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 242: Life bracelet

After changing the PPT of the page, Wu Hao introduced to the audience: "The entire bracelet is designed with a concealed buckle. After wearing it, it looks like an ordinary sports bracelet.

But in fact, the wristband of this bracelet is hidden inside. Here, we integrate the world's most advanced health monitoring sensors. Of course, this is not unusual, because everyone will say so when each bracelet is released.

But what I want to say is that these sensors are perfectly integrated into such a thin wristband, we are definitely pioneers.

In this bracelet, we have implanted our Beidou navigation system, barometer, six-axis inertial sensor, PPG heart rate sensor, infrared wear monitoring sensor and so on.

And this bracelet also supports intelligent measurement of blood oxygen saturation SpO2, detecting blood oxygen value at any time, to grasp the changes of your body. We recommend that the following people pay attention to blood oxygen conditions, such as those engaged in high-intensity mental workers, elderly people, people in high mountains or plateau environment, hypoxia, snoring, etc.

Combined with AI intelligent heart rate algorithm; automatically convert non-visible light to monitor heart rate at night, without interruption, more intimate. Real-time monitoring of sleep heart rate and breathing quality can analyze sleep structure. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao paused to give everyone a digestion time, and then said: "Yes, we have added a sleep quality monitoring function and SpO2 to measure blood oxygen saturation in this bracelet.

In other words, as long as you wear it, it can monitor our physical condition in real time without interruption 24 hours a day.

And it will remind according to the real-time physical condition of the wearer, but how to remind such an integrated bracelet without a screen. "

Wu Hao sold a key and then answered with a smile: "In the bracelet, we have a set of intelligent breathing lights. This group of intelligent breathing lights can be changed into different colors and flashing frequencies according to the user's physical state.

When your heart rate breath is steady, it flashes very rhythmically, and the light turns into a mild green.

When you exercise, it will change different colors according to your exercise volume, heart rate, breathing, and blood oxygen saturation.

When your exercise volume exceeds the limit your body can withstand, its flicker frequency will increase and the light will turn into a dazzling red. "

"So what to do when the user's physical signs appear dangerous, such as cardiac arrest, difficulty breathing?"

Throwing this question, Wu Hao waited and watched the reaction of the audience. The guests from the audience reacted differently, but they all watched him intently, eager to hear his answer.

"When there is such a crisis situation, we have a total of three ways to deal with it. First, first, the breathing light on the wrist will flash red and blue high-frequency lights alternately.

As you know, this kind of light is originally a kind of special rescue and emergency light, and it is universal in any country in the world.

Therefore, this kind of high-frequency flashing red and blue lights can be more noticed by others, thus finding out the crisis situation of the wearer and giving a helping hand.

The second is that it can connect to our smart voice assistant, or a cell phone, and play related distress signals through the cell phone.

At the same time, it also allows you to set up emergency contacts to call, or directly dial the relevant emergency help phone.

And it can report the patient's detection situation remotely in real time. If the rescuer arrives, it can also serve as an emergency call line for doctors in the emergency center to remotely guide rescue.

Everyone knows that in this crisis situation, every minute is crucial. In fact, 80% of cardiac arrests can be released from danger if they receive timely palpitative resuscitation and rescue intervention.

Here, I also appeal to the people of the world. If you find a patient who is in danger like this, please extend your helping hand in time. Your little move can get him out of danger. "

Papapap ... The crowd under the stage burst into warm applause, and some excited people stood up and clapped their hands firmly.

If all that Wu Hao said is true, this bracelet really has such a function. So after the sale, I don't know how many lives can be saved. This is definitely a huge act of kindness and deserves everyone's respect.

As long as it is normal, no one will not care about their health. According to Wu Hao, everyone looks forward to this bracelet.

When the applause of the crowd gradually fell, the venue was quiet again. Wu Hao said in a warm tone to the crowd: "I know, I have said so much that you may not believe it and think that I am exaggerating. This is a gimmick.

I don't want to promise you anything here, and I don't want to emphasize any explanation. This bracelet is now in our new product experience area. After the press conference is over, everyone can experience it in the past.

We hope that it will become your health bracelet and life bracelet, and even more that it will become your life guardian. "

The applause gradually fell, and he drank back to the middle of the stage, and then changed his voice: "The powerful function is inseparable from the strong and long-lasting battery life. We equip this bracelet with our own new triple lithium battery.

This is not a gimmick, but a hard technology.

So how hard is it? "

"In the previous feedback on the use of our intelligent voice assistant, a large number of users reported that our products have insufficient battery power.

This is indeed a problem, and it is still a difficult problem to solve. Everyone knows that lithium-ion battery and polymer battery technology are widely used in electronic products, or what kind of lithium-ion polymer battery is.

These batteries are the same. To get huge capacity, you have to increase the size and weight.

And our products are relatively small, so the batteries used in these products are smaller and lighter. This also severely limits the capacity of the battery and affects the battery life of the product. "

"In order to change this defect ~ ~, we made a difficult research in this area, and finally achieved a breakthrough in the field of lithium ion battery technology.

Only on March 10th did we obtain a patent for this new lithium-ion battery technology. We then decided to apply this technology to our products.

Originally this was a major technology, enough to hold a special technical conference, but we still put it on this conference.

Because we feel that no matter how good the technology is for the product, a single technology is not too important compared to a product with excellent overall performance. "

After sweeping the crowd, Wu Hao smiled: "So much said, let me introduce you to this new type of lithium battery technology that we have hardly developed."

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