Military Technology

Vol 4 Chapter 2386: living plants

He was like this, not to mention Shen Ning and a few others. The result was a guinea pig just so casually, which made Shen Ning and the others feel a little scared.

As for Yang Fang, she took off her gloves with a smile, and threw them into a nearby yellow medical trash can, then squeezed some hand sanitizer to wash her hands, and wiped them up to this day.

After doing this, she smiled and said to everyone: "I'm used to it, don't take it offense. This mouse has completed its mission, and then we will send it to the laboratory for analysis and observe its body. Penetration of toxins.

Finally, the corpses of these mice and these medical wastes will enter the incinerator, and they will be buried in deep pits after harmless treatment, so as to prevent these wastes from polluting the outside environment. "

Wu Hao glanced at Shen Ning and the others who were still frightened, and then smiled at Yang Fang and asked, "Tell me about this Venus flytrap, why did it breed such a dangerous species, it should be leaked out. Diffusion will have a serious impact on the entire natural ecosystem, and even destroy the biological chain ecosystem in some places."

"Hehe, pure debris is an experimental exploration. You can rest assured that these plants cannot be leaked without permission. We have two main purposes for cultivating this Venus flytrap. The first aspect is to find a catcher. Some of the controllers in the Venus flytrap have the genes that respond to the movement. The Venus flytrap should be regarded as a relatively rare type of active plant in the world. We hope to extract these genes that control the movement of plants, and then implant them into other plants. On some plants, so that these plants also have a similar function like a Venus flytrap.

As a simple example, we want to cultivate a flower that blooms quickly when people are approached or touched. Then after a while, it will put away itself and wait for the next touch.

And the gene that controls the bloom of this flower when touched, we intend to extract from the mimosa. The leaves of the mimosa are susceptible to being touched by the outside world, and we intend to implant this gene into flowers.

This is not for novelty, nor is it all about looking good, in fact it has great application value.

For example, fruit propagation of pollen-borne plants in this desert has always been a big problem. Because there are fewer insects in desert areas, it is not conducive to pollen transmission. Compared with some areas with more insects, the pollination time in desert areas is much longer.

However, due to the harsh natural conditions in desert areas, high temperature, drought, and sandstorms. These flowers may have not been pollinated, but dried up by the high temperature and drought, or withered by the wind and sand.

And if we implant the gene of mimosa into these plants. Then the flowers of these plants can be directly put away when they are affected by high temperature or external force. In other words, flowers only bloom when bees and insects rest on them, allowing bees and other insects to pollinate.

Similarly, the gene of this Venus flytrap is actually similar to that of Mimosa. We also hope to find the genes that control the responsiveness of plants by comparing the genes in these active plants. "

After listening to Yang Fang's explanation, everyone finally understood. I didn't expect such a dangerous and disgusting plant to be able to be used in this way, and the gene extracted from such a plant is injected into the flower, making people touch and bloom, which is amazing. Thinking of this, everyone's fear, disgust, and disgust disappeared, and they couldn't help but dream about the flowers that touch and bloom in the future.

As for Wu Hao, he nodded with a slight smile and said, "Continue!"

Yes! Yang Fang responded, and then went on to introduce: "In addition, we also hope to cultivate a special job of trapping rats and plant it in some areas with severe rodent infestation.

For example, there was a news report a few days ago that a grassland in Mongolia was severely infested by rats, causing a large number of grasslands to be destroyed and herdsmen to suffer heavy losses. Conventional no-bad-mouth rodent hunting is difficult to achieve.

Chemical poisons can easily pollute the environment and cause damage to the ecological chain. Therefore, experts are also very troubled about how to eliminate rodent infestation.

If there is a rat trap like ours, then we can plant it in these grasslands with severe rat infestation, which can greatly curb the rat infestation. More importantly, this is a biological mouse trapping method, which will not pollute the environment and will not affect other animals and people. It is very safe, efficient and cheap. "

Hearing Yang Fang's words, Wu Hao couldn't help frowning and looking at her and asked: "The idea is good, but is it really feasible? Let's not talk about the rest, just say this plant is safe? Once it is like other invasive plants In that way, if it spreads wildly on the grasslands, it will be a huge disaster for the ecological environment of these areas.

It can hunt mice, which means that it can hunt some small animals, such as rabbits, hedgehogs, minks, foxes, including some birds, which are the main components of the ecosystem.

In addition, is its gene stable? If it is unstable, it will also pollute some surrounding grassland and cause a serious ecological crisis. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Yang Fang smiled and replied: "First of all, let's answer your second question. Regarding the question you are worried about, we are still in the process of observing the experiment, and we cannot obtain accurate experimental results. .

However, from the current series of observation experiments, its genes are relatively stable, and there will be no problems in gene expansion and gene contamination. Of course, this is only the current result, everything is based on the final experimental test results.

Then there is the first question. Your concern is not unreasonable, and this is what we have been paying more attention to. To this end, we have also done a lot of work, and strive to minimize this threat, or simply eliminate it.

In order to prevent the spread of such plants, the simplest and most direct problem is to eliminate its reproductive ability, so that it cannot give results, or the fruits cannot mature and cannot germinate.

In addition, we want to require that the branches and leaves of this rattrap do not have the ability to be cut again. Whether it is natural causes that cause these plants to break into the ground, or man-made causes and catalysis, they cannot take root and sprout.

In this way, it can greatly prevent the wild spread of the rat weed after it is terminated. "

After hearing what Yang Fang said, Shen Ning, who was standing behind Wu Hao, couldn't help but question: "There is no fruit, so it can't be cut, so how can this plant reproduce."

"Hehe, it's very simple, laboratory cultivation." Yang Fang replied with a smile: "It's like an orchid cultivation, we only need to take a bud from the plant, put it into the medium for cultivation, and wait until it grows up. , and then removed for cultivation.”



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