Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 244: Future smart home life

In fact, this price is still a little expensive to many people. After all, it is customary to buy cheap things. Various bracelets introduced by other manufacturers are generally at one or two hundred dollars.

Wu Hao came up with nearly four hundred bracelets, which made some people unacceptable. You are not a famous international brand manufacturer. Why do you sell so expensive?

The response from the audience, Wu Hao naturally took a panoramic view. He grinned in his heart, and smiled, his complexion said: "The so-called one penny and one penny, how exactly this product is, you will know after experience.

Next we will launch Smart Home Terminal 2.0. This product is developed based on user feedback from the previous generation of products and combined with new technology.

The new-generation smart home terminal has many upgrades compared to the old one. First of all, we have comprehensively upgraded the appearance. The new technology is used to make its appearance more technological and fashionable.

In view of the previous user's abandonment of the external microphone, it is more troublesome and the effect is poor. So this time we built a microphone radio array into this smart home terminal. Eight groups of microphone array radio can make you call it anywhere in the room and talk with it easily.

For many people, this kind of embedded microphone radio array seems to be insecure, easy to be monitored and leaked privacy.

In this regard, you can rest assured that our smart home terminal, like our smart voice assistant, uses a closed system, which prevents hackers from attacking this product and using this product to monitor.

In fact, our system has not been breached since we released a one million dollar reward last year. And up to now, we have not suffered a personal data and privacy breach incident due to our products.

So we, have we used these devices to collect users' privacy information? "

Having said that, he paused and looked solemnly at the more than 600 guests who said, "Here, I assure you and promise that we have never added a sniffing program to our system to collect relevant information. privacy.

And if the user allows it, only the corresponding language data of the user is collected. Such as your language habits, tone, tone and so on. This information does not involve utterance content, but only generates relevant voice data packets for individual users.

Our users will find that my smart voice assistant is getting smarter and more understanding of you. This is the result of this special optimization of voice packets.

Of course, we will also collect these data to optimize our system. But these are data features and do not involve the privacy of personal data.

This is true of our smart voice assistant, and so is our smart home terminal. "

Papapap ... the applause was given to him by the audience. To be able to make the gray industry and part so clear on this stage, it really takes some courage, because it will offend many people.

After the applause, he continued: "And the data is collected without labeling and encoding, but only big data analysis. That is to say, even if we do not know which data was transmitted back from the device, this also Make these data information more secure.

When the user no longer uses our product and chooses to log out, the personal voice data packets that you store in the personal management background will be cleaned up synchronously, which also prevents these information outflows from causing confusion to the user.

If there are still some users who are worried about what to do, we set up a physical switch behind this smart home terminal.

Users do not need this microphone radio array function or if they are worried about it, they can turn it off manually. In this way, it cannot be turned on unless it is manually turned on again. "

"This function is good."

"It's not really necessary, it's safe enough."

"666, specializing in all kinds of bars."

"I'm worried about the price right now. Is the price of such a multi-functional device going up?"

"Oh, he said, I believe without you, naive."

"Don't treat everyone as dark as you think."

"Don't make people think so bright, naive."

"Whether there is anyone, naturally someone will do the evaluation, anyway, I feel good using it in the previous generation."

"plus one!"


On the Internet, more than a dozen media this time set up special topics for the conference and conducted real-time tracking reports.

As a result, a large number of netizens are also watching the actual situation of the press conference, and there was a lively discussion.

The so-called public-private wife said that the wife is reasonable, how exactly this product is, no one can say before seeing the real thing.

Taking a sip of Bingquan mineral water placed next to the stage, Wu Hao went on to say, "Compared with its stylish appearance, its powerful inside is more experiential.

In this year, with the outstanding performance of a generation of smart home terminals, we have established cooperative relationships with many domestic and foreign big-name appliance manufacturers and jointly established a set of smart home appliance control standards.

With this set of standards, our smart home terminals can be better linked with these home appliances to provide better services for home users.

What kind of family life will be in the future, I think we have given preliminary answers.

We have combined more than 300 domestic and foreign brands of home appliances, kitchens and bathrooms, and we want to bring people better quality smart technology home life. "

As Wu Hao spoke, the big screens on the back began to flash the logos of these brands. Basically, most home appliance brands are included, and domestic brands account for the majority.

In the past, trying to establish this set of standards was basically impossible because too many benefits were involved.

Until Wu Hao's strong intervention ~ ~ can be considered to break this inherent pattern. And Wu Hao ’s strong technology in intelligent control has become an object that these home appliance brands can hardly surpass. Therefore, in this case, all major home appliance manufacturers have chosen to cooperate and want to seize the opportunity of the smart home appliance market.

As more and more home appliance brands come to cooperate, under the leadership of Wu Hao, everyone discusses together to form this set of smart home appliance control standards.

"At this moment, most of the representatives of these brands have come to our conference site. Let us thank them for their arrival with warm applause, and also for their continuous support for us and for the smart home plan."

Under his instructions, several beams of light passed through the front row of guests, and the illuminated guests waved their hands, which also caused applause from the crowd.

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