Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2403: Is this a beauty trick?

After so many things happened, he wanted to dismiss him with a misunderstanding. It really took them as fools, or they were easy to bully. It really had the face of a capitalist.

Wu Hao sneered a few times, then turned serious, and said to Xu Xiaoya in the video: "You don't need your consent, we just inform you. After the arrival date, we will terminate the supply of products, I hope you will prepare early."

Hearing Wu Hao's resolute words, Xu Xiaoya showed indignation and gritted her teeth at Wu Hao: "Do you really want to do this absolutely?

Why, can't everything be talked about? I apologize for the various things we have done before, and I am willing to offer corresponding compensation. I also hope that President Wu will consider it carefully.

After all, our current cooperation is still very good as a whole. If we terminate the cooperation, not only us, but you will also suffer heavy losses. "

Hearing Xu Xiaoya's words, Wu Hao shook his head with a slight smile: "It is because of the good cooperation as a whole that we have been able to cooperate for the past few years. This is just a normal operation measure, not specific to you. As for any compensation, it doesn't matter. Now, the matter has come to this point, and there is no point in pursuing further investigations."

To tell the truth, recently I have been using reading books to keep up with updates, switching sources, and reading aloud tones. It can be used for both Android and Apple. 】

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Xu Xiaoya couldn't help but feel a little desperate. What she said just now was to deliberately anger Wu Hao, and then find some useful information from it. But Wu Hao always responded calmly and calmly, not at all like the calm and calm that he should have at his age.

The more this happened, the more worried she became. Could it be that the other party reached some agreement with other platforms, and then wanted to snipe them. This situation is not uncommon for her. In fact, the competition among the major online sales platforms has been fierce over the years, and various methods have emerged one after another. There are too many such examples.

I just didn't expect that this time, coming to such a place would make Haoyu Technology, their seemingly stable ally and partner, betray them and leave them.

Yes, betrayal!

In Xu Xiaoya's heart, she thought that the termination of cooperation between Wu Hao and the others was a betrayal.

Seeing Xu Xiaoya pondering, Wu Hao said with a smile: "I will let the professional team discuss with you about the follow-up related matters. Everything is based on the contract. Then first..."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Xu Xiaoya woke up and interrupted Wu Hao's words with a smile: "Mr. Wu, we have been old friends for many years, can you give my sister a solid understanding and let me be mentally prepared."

Yes, it's hard not to be soft. Although he had expected it, he was still a little bit overwhelmed in the face of such friendship kidnapping. On the other hand, he still has his own plans, and he still has to discuss cooperation with the A side in the future, and the relationship should not be too rigid.

So thinking of this, Wu Hao nodded slightly and said, "Okay, let me tell you the truth. At present, the business management and operation of the agricultural sector in our company is quite chaotic, so we plan to sort out and integrate this business and set up a company based on this. New subsidiary. In the future, Haoyu Agriculture will agree to manage and operate various projects related to the company's design of agricultural technology, and operate independently. So this time it is not intended to target you, but our own internal adjustment. "

Hearing Wu Hao say this, Xu Xiaoya couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that this matter had little to do with them, which also allowed her to take less responsibility. But despite this, she still smiled and said to Wu Hao: "Well, then there is no need to terminate the cooperation directly. Mr. Wu, what conditions do you have to mention, we will try our best to meet them. After all, we have cooperated for several years. , it would be a shame to just end the tow hook like that."

Hearing this, Wu Hao shook his head slightly and smiled and said, "Relying blindly on others will only make yourself weak and lazy. Our little seedling can't hide under a big tree all the time to keep out the wind and rain, it still has to grow up.

It is better to separate early, otherwise, the two trees may have to fight for the same land and the same sky.

Well, I have said what I have to say, let's do it first. When you have time to play in Anxi, I will be the host. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Xu Xiaoya wanted to speak again, but she had to swallow the words that were in her mouth, then nodded politely and ended the call.

Xu Xiaoya, who was distracted by this news, had no interest at all, and even had a headache. Rubbing his temples with his fingers, he kept thinking about the content of the call in his mind.

Haoyu Agriculture, what a big tone.

From the exchange just now, she finally knew Wu Hao's ambition.

Integrating related resources and becoming an independent subsidiary means that Wu Hao plans to enter the agricultural field on a large scale.

She can't understand why such a technology company suddenly wants to enter the agricultural field. No, in fact, they have already entered the field of agriculture. The previous intelligent unmanned farms and pastures, intelligent plant factories, and recently the more popular shy roses on the Internet. It should be said that Haoyu Technology has never stopped exploring the agricultural field, but it has always been very low-key.

Because of being low-key, they often ignore their existence. I didn't expect that this time they didn't want to be low-key anymore, and were going to go on stage from behind the scenes.

Thinking of this, Xu Xiaoya couldn't help but feel a chill on her back. She suddenly wondered if this might have been planned by Wu Hao long ago. In the early stage, when the starting strength is relatively weak, actively cooperate with them and use their strength to strengthen themselves. Then when I grow up, I can directly get rid of them and develop This just fits Wu Hao's last sentence, the sapling will eventually grow up. Their big tree can shelter the sapling from the wind and rain when it is young. But as the sapling grows, the big tree becomes useless. Not only is it useless, but it also becomes an obstacle to the growth of small saplings, grabbing sunlight, sky, and earth nutrients. Then there is no need for a big tree at this time, and it is even necessary to get rid of the big tree.

Such a simple truth, why didn't she think of it before, or that she was confused by Wu Hao's young and harmless face, is this a beautiful man's trick?

After thinking for a moment, Xu Xiaoya couldn't help laughing, then clenched her fists and made up her mind while looking at the gloomy weather outside.

In any case, cooperation must not be terminated when it is terminated. Taking advantage of the old lady, now I want to kick her away, how can there be such a good thing in the world. And if she can take the opportunity to strengthen cooperation with Haoyu Technology, then she can also use the technical resources that Haoyu Technology has to expand their current market share, so as to obtain greater benefits.

Thinking of this, her mind couldn't help but become active. Haoyu Technology has a lot of advanced agricultural technologies in its hands, such as the shy rose that caught fire a few days ago. If it can operate well, the annual sales are still very impressive.

Besides, if the shy rose can be cultivated, can the shy lily, the shy tulip, and the shy gerbera all be cultivated? With these varieties, you can firmly occupy the high-end flower market.

At present, the domestic cut flower market is about 100 billion yuan, of which the online sales of cut flowers are about 20 to 30 billion yuan. This is also a very large market. If you get it right...

Thinking of this, Xu Xiaoya couldn't help but press the phone button on the table and said, "Get ready, we will fly to Anxi tomorrow!"

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