Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2428: Glasses-free 3D holographic projection technology

Facing the enthusiastic noise from the audience, Wu Hao was not in a hurry, but patiently gave everyone some time to digest, and then he waved his hand, and a burst of exciting music sounded, which also made the audience in the audience panic. The discussion stopped, and they all looked at the stage.

At the end of the music, Wu Hao flicked his hand and smiled at everyone in the audience: "The scene you saw just now, including the related demonstrations at the previous press conference, all of this comes from a technology, which is what we know. The latest technology developed is successful, naked-eye 3D holographic projection technology."

Hearing Wu Hao's introduction, everyone in the audience, including the audience watching the live broadcast, showed a look of surprise, so that's the case.

Is this the naked-eye 3D holographic projection technology? It's too real. If Wu Hao hadn't reminded them, they would definitely not have discovered that Wu Hao who had been standing on the stage for a long time was actually a fake, a dummy projected from a 3D hologram.

However, when did this 3D holographic projection of Wu Hao appear on the round platform, or from the very beginning, this Wu Hao was fake.

Wu Hao on the stage seemed to see the doubts in everyone's minds, and then smiled and said: "Actually, I was the one who was on stage at the beginning, but I went down to rest halfway, so I changed into this 3D Holographic projection image.

It was responsible for the subsequent presentations, and the performance seemed to be okay, and nothing went wrong. "

Wu Hao's words made everyone in the audience roll their eyes. It's not bad. It's obvious that they have managed to confuse the real with the fake. If he hadn't come out from behind the scenes in the end, everyone wouldn't know that Wu Hao on the stage is fake. Woolen cloth.

The reactions of these people in the audience naturally fell into Wu Hao's eyes. He smiled at the beautiful woman standing beside him and said, "Say hello to everyone and introduce yourself."

OK The beauty nodded, and then said with a sweet smile to everyone in the audience: "Hi everyone, I am Ke Ke, Mr. Wu's personal intelligent assistant. I am very happy to meet you in this way."


Is that the artificial intelligence?

This is too natural, is it really artificial intelligence?

It's so realistic, I don't really think it's a real person.

The expression is so natural, why is it a fake.

That's right, she is Coco, my artificial intelligence assistant. Many of you should have seen her, but they were all in the video, so when you see her, you may not react for a while and not recognize her, which is normal.

After all, everyone has never thought that the virtual characters in the video would stand in front of everyone like this, which is hard to imagine.

Speaking of this, Wu Hao turned his head to Ke Ke and said, "Go and do your work."

OK! Ke Ke slightly bent down to answer, and then waved again to the audience, and then his whole body turned into countless colorful butterflies, and then flew around.

Many butterflies flew to the auditorium, and many people reached out their hands curiously to touch, but they only touched a lump of air. The butterfly passed by and flew into the distance, the color became lighter and lighter, and finally turned into countless light spots and disappeared into the air.

As for Wu Hao, who was standing on the stage, he looked at the scene offstage, and said with a smile: "Actually, whether it is naked-eye 3D technology or holographic projection technology, the vision that was proposed was actually very early.

However, due to technical problems, this dream that people have been talking about has never become a reality. However, driven by such imagination, scientists have developed many technical products related to naked-eye 3D and holographic projection.

For example, the most common red and blue ray 3D movies, and laser 3D movie technology, wearing special glasses, everyone can watch 3D movies, very realistic, as if they really appeared in front of everyone.

In addition, there are 3D holographic projections projected through water mist and other media. Through a projector placed at a specific position, they are projected into a water mist together to form a very realistic naked-eye 3D effect.

However, it is difficult to control the water mist, so the effect of this projection method is relatively poor, and it can only be used for some stage performances and some scenic spots.

In addition, we have also developed some small or satellite holographic projection technologies, such as a single pyramid structure formed by four glass plates, 3D holographic projection refracted in the pyramid, and other technologies.

But so far, there is no technology that can realize naked-eye 3D holographic projection in such a large space, let alone such fine and high-quality naked-eye 3D holographic projection.

The key to restricting the development of this technology is how to project 3D holographic images in the air without any medium, which has always been a difficult problem for scientists.

Countless scientists have explored and thought of many solutions, but so far no one has really succeeded.

When we developed this technology, we also encountered this problem, and we were stuck on this problem for a long time, and even wanted to give up.

However, Emperor Tian pays off, and in the end we have overcome this key technology.

In fact, the source of inspiration is very accidental. Once again, members of our technical research team saw related videos about the northern aurora, so they suddenly thought of how these auroras are formed because there is no medium in the atmosphere.

At present, human research on the aurora is very limited. Scientists preliminarily speculate that there are three elements that form the aurora, namely the atmosphere, the earth's magnetic field, and high-speed charged particles blown by the solar wind.

So we were like, are we going to develop a device to simulate the aurora. As long as the aurora can be simulated, then we can create a naked-eye 3D holographic projection on this basis.

Because everyone knows that the formation of the picture comes from individual pixels, and each pixel is a luminous body of three colors, namely red, green and blue. Then we only need to control the aurora, and then divide them in a three-dimensional and orderly manner in the air to form a naked-eye 3D holographic projection picture or an object.

It is relatively simple to say, but it is very difficult to actually operate it. How to create something from scratch is a difficult problem we want to explore. For this reason, we have done countless experiments, and there were even accidents in the experiments, which caused several of our scientific researchers to be injured.

However, everyone did not give up. Instead, they became more frustrated and courageous. Finally, with the joint efforts of everyone, we successfully simulated the aurora! "

As he said that, Wu Hao stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, and saw the entire round platform, no, the entire conference site should be covered by the brilliant aurora. When everyone at the scene saw this scene, they couldn't help but gasped in amazement.

"You may have noticed that around our conference site, there will be a special large-scale projection device, which is the naked-eye 3D holographic projector we developed.

In order to be able to build a complete and beautiful, high-quality naked-eye 3D holographic projection site, we arranged twelve naked-eye 3D holographic projectors throughout the conference site. It is only under the joint action of these twelve naked-eye 3D holographic projectors that you can see this scene. "

Then, Wu Hao stretched out his fingers and snapped his fingers again!

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