Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2438: Are you a real person?

The most amazing thing in the whole press conference is the naked-eye 3D holographic projection technology, which also has an independent exhibition area in the exhibition hall. In addition to displaying related technical products, such as projectors, control hosts, etc., a small naked-eye 3D holographic projection system was also set up to display related naked-eye 3D projection content.

In addition, there are two other places in the park where these two kinds of naked-eye 3D holographic projection technologies are being displayed. One is the venue for the press conference last night, the lobby of the Tianshu Activity Center, and the other is the artificial hall in the center of the park. lake. These two places represent two different technologies, one is real naked-eye 3D holographic projection technology, and the other is water mist naked-eye 3D projection technology.

Judging from everyone's experience and perception, there is not much difference in the perception of these two technologies, as if they both look equally shocking. We are talking about the naked-eye 3D projection of water mist. In fact, everyone does not feel the existence of water mist. It’s just that after staying by the artificial lake for a long time, some dense and small spots will hang on your hair and sweater. Water droplets, human skin can not feel it.

Although it is daytime, the effect of the naked-eye 3D projection technology of water mist on the artificial lake is still very shocking, and it is not affected by the bright light of the day at all. It even looks very real in many cases, like a fairyland, which makes people inadvertently think of another strange natural phenomenon caused by water mist and air refraction, mirage.

Mirage is a natural phenomenon formed by the refraction and total reflection of light. The reason for its formation has not been really understood yet, but scientists speculate that it may be closely related to weather conditions, meteorological conditions, geographical location, and geophysics.

Could it be that. Wu Hao and the others conquered this technology and created a real mirage?

This kind of question was actually raised on the Internet after the artificial lake mist naked-eye 3D projection performance after the press conference last night, but everyone didn't pay attention to it at the time. Now this conjecture has been raised again, and has been recognized by more and more people.

The venue for the press meeting was chosen in the glass-curtain corridor beside the artificial lake in the center of Haoyu Science and Technology Park, which has been cleaned up and arranged for a meeting venue.

On the front is the lush green greenhouse plant landscape with birds singing and flowers, while behind it through the glass curtain wall, you can see the entire artificial lake and the architectural landscape around the artificial lake. Of course, here, you can also see the naked-eye 3D holographic projection of water mist that is being performed over the artificial lake.

The invited reporters had already packed up their guns and took their seats, waiting for Wu Hao's arrival. Before his arrival, these reporters were preparing the questions they would ask next. After all, such an opportunity is very rare.

Soon, following a commotion, Wu Hao in casual attire, surrounded by a group of staff, came to the meeting site.

After greeting these reporters, Wu Hao came to the stage and took a seat.

The face-to-face meeting starts now. This meeting lasts for 30 minutes. Please cherish every opportunity to ask questions and consciously abide by the order of the scene. Okay, please raise your hand and ask questions. Shen Ning, as Wu Hao's secretary assistant, immediately assumed the role of host. In fact, she has done this job several times, so naturally she seems a little handy.

Let the reporter in the yellow suit in the second row ask questions. Shen Ning glanced at the reporters who raised their hands in the audience, and still gave this opportunity to their old acquaintance, old friend, Su Qian, a beautiful reporter from CCTV.

Given the opportunity to ask questions, Su Qian took the microphone and stood up, smiled at Wu Hao and said, "Hello, Mr. Wu, we meet again. I am Su Xi, a reporter from CCTV. I want to ask you a question first. Now Are you a real person standing in front of us?"


Hearing Susie's question, everyone at the scene, including Wu Hao himself, burst into laughter. Indeed, the scene last night was indeed a classic. After watching the press conference for so long, they didn't know that Wu Hao on stage was actually a fake.

Wu Hao smiled and pointed the water glass next to Su Qian, then nodded and said: "Everyone can rest assured, I must be me today."

The water glass can't be fake, can it? A reporter shouted at the scene.

Ha ha ha ha…

Hearing this reporter's words, many reporters at the scene laughed again. Obviously, everyone still doesn't believe that Wu Hao in front of him is real. 】

Wu Hao, on the other hand, showed an embarrassing look, then walked up to the reporters in the front row with a smile, and stretched out his hand. Seeing this, the reporters froze for a moment, stood up one after another, and quickly reached out to hold Wu Hao's extended hand.

Tell them, am I real?

No, it's fake. The reporter said something humorous into the microphone.

Ha ha ha ha…

A knowing smile broke out again at the scene. Because the handshake scene just now proved that Wu Hao on the scene is real.

Wu Hao waved to the reporters behind with a smile, then returned to the stage and sat down.

Seeing this, Su Qian, who had been standing there, immediately raised her own question: "Mr. Wu, your New Year's conference this year has had a great impact and has attracted enthusiastic attention from people all over the world.

The series of products you released at the press conference have also become topics that everyone talks about and discusses. Compared with other digital products and technologies you released this year, we can see that you seem to have devoted most of your time and space to the technology of medical devices in your press conferences. What are your considerations for this? Does it mean that Haoyu Technology will transform into the field of medical device technology in the future? "

Hearing this question, UU Reading Wu Hao couldn't help but secretly nodded in his heart. Fortunately, it is a CCTV reporter, this first question is so professional and difficult. After sorting out his language a bit, Wu Hao said with a smile: "First of all, to answer your last question, we have not specifically transformed into the medical device technology industry. The medical device field has always been one of our key industries. In fact, from several Years ago, we launched related project plans in this area. Many of our projects and technologies were launched at that time. If we want to talk about transformation, we may have transformed since then.

The reason why we were the first to introduce medical technology products and spend a lot of space to introduce our achievements in the field of medical device technology at the press conference is because we have always attached great importance to the development of this field.

It is also because of such attention and investment that we have achieved such rich results, and the two complement each other.

With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, the happiness index of the people is also rising. For most people, material life and spiritual life are rich now, and there is nothing to worry about.

The only thing that affects happiness should be disease. At present, disease and medical treatment have become one of the most concerned issues of the people.


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