Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2443: Huge space research and exploration program

Wu Hao's words seemed to be a reply to the reporter's question, but they were actually meant for those friends and businessmen. In addition, at the end, there is also the meaning of ridicule and ridicule these friends and businessmen.

He just wants to convey this meaning, don't spend all your thoughts on intrigue and malicious competition, and spend more time and energy on your own products. As long as your products are of good quality, excellent performance, and good user experience, do you still have to worry about selling them or not being able to compete with your competitors?

These reporters obviously understood the meaning of Wu Hao's words. As for how they understood and how to report this, I don't know. But one thing is for sure, his words will still cause a lot of controversy. Who makes their current products sell well? How can we promote our products without targeting them.

"Mr. Wu, hello, I am Guan Xiaobo, a financial news reporter. Since the listing of Haoyu Aerospace under your company, the stock price has been growing rapidly, and it has broken several domestic records during this period. May I ask you about this? How do you see it, and what does this rapid growth in stock price represent? Also, can you talk about your company’s future plans and plans in the aerospace field, as well as the important space launch plan for the next year.”

Wu Hao nodded with a smile when he heard the words, organized his language, and then replied: "First of all, of course, we are grateful to the majority of shareholders for their trust and support. Without everyone's support and trust, Haoyu Aerospace's stock price would not have grown so much. quickly.

Of course, I also want to thank all the employees of Haoyu Aerospace for their efforts. It is their spirit of overcoming difficulties and forging ahead that allows us to achieve so many excellent results in such a short period of time. This is due to everyone's hard work. Giving is inseparable.

Why Haoyu Aerospace is favored by the market, I think this has a lot to do with the country's policy support and encouragement to promote development. In recent years, the state has been encouraging the development of the aerospace industry, especially the introduction of a series of relevant measures to encourage the development of private aerospace enterprises, which has also led to the emergence of a large number of private commercial aerospace enterprises in the country.

And we are gradually growing stronger with the help of this shareholder style. It can be said that the development of Haoyu Aerospace is inseparable from the support and assistance of the state. It is also due to this good industry environment that our domestic aerospace industry has flourished and achieved many major achievements.

Under the influence of such a series of factors, investors are naturally more interested in the aerospace sector. And as the first private aerospace listed company in China, it is quite normal for our stocks to be welcomed by consumers.

We believe that with the continuous vigorous development of the domestic aerospace technology field, especially the private commercial aerospace technology field, more and more capital funds will start to flow into this industry in the future to help the development of this industry.

I have also mentioned on many occasions before that the aerospace industry is still an industry and an industry of the future. Human beings have stayed in the cradle of the earth for long enough, it is time to get out of this comfort zone and explore the unknown world.

On the other hand, everyone knows that the resource consumption of our planet is gradually on the verge of exhaustion, while the world's population is constantly increasing. It has reached more than eight billion people. It is estimated that in the middle of this city, it may take reach a population of 10 billion.

The earth's space is limited and cannot support more population growth. The rapid growth of population will not only consume a lot of living space, but also consume a lot of resources.

For example, these new populations need new residences, which will occupy a large amount of land and require more food, water, energy, and various resources. It will be more and more difficult to continue to obtain these things from the earth.

So we have only one way, and that is to turn our eyes to this vast space. In this vast space, there are inexhaustible resources for our human beings, which are enough to support the better development of our human beings.

Let's not talk about other things, just talk about the resources on the moon, Mars, and other stars in the solar system, which can be used by us humans for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years.

On these stars, there is enough space for human immigrants to settle. These spaces can also be used to develop agriculture and animal husbandry to provide humans with a stable source of food.

In addition, there are very rich resources on these planets, such as various mineral resources, various energy sources, such as helium three, and relatively precious water resources and so on.

The development and utilization of these resources can solve these many problems that we humans are currently facing.

Of course, this also prepares for us humans to start the real interstellar spaceflight era and lays a solid foundation.

In the future, we will continue to increase our investment in aerospace and continue to support the development of several major projects. For example, our lunar scientific research station plan, lunar city plan, lunar mineral resources development plan, lunar interstellar terminal plan and so on.

In addition to the moon, we will continue to detect other planets and stars in the solar system. For example, develop a Mars rover on the basis of the relatively mature Wangshu lunar rover, and then send it to Mars to conduct a more comprehensive and detailed detection and analysis of Mars.

For example, the distribution of water resources on the moon, especially the distribution of liquid water. There are also geological structures of various regions on the moon, mineral resource divisions, and so on.

These series of exploration plans are preparing for us to send people to Mars and build a scientific research station on Mars.

Like the lunar exploration program, the Mars exploration program is also divided into several steps to follow the strategy. First of all, conduct a comprehensive and detailed exploration of Mars, and then choose a suitable location to build a Mars scientific research station. With the continuous expansion of the scale of the Mars scientific research station, we will start to try to build a Martian city on Mars, and then absorb more people to go to Mars and develop Mars.

In addition to the Mars exploration program, we also have other celestial body exploration programs, such as the drifting bottle program for Venus, the treasure hunting program for the asteroid belt, and the exploration programs for Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter and its satellites, etc. Wait.

Of course, relying solely on our own strength, it is definitely impossible to complete so many and such a huge scientific research and detection project. In the future, we will continue to seek like-minded partners, and insist on opening up to the outside world, seeking more cooperative institutions and individuals to join these huge space scientific research and exploration programs.

Only in this way can we gather strength to complete these huge scientific research and detection projects. Only in this way can we jointly promote the development of aerospace technology around the world and gradually lead human beings into space.

And now, as a forerunner, we are constantly working hard to move forward. "

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