Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2459: Please come to cloud supervisor

You hope to increase the public's trust in us in this way, and avoid being said that we are marketing to satisfy hunger, deliberately creating the illusion of hot products. Tong Juan asked Wu Hao thoughtfully.

Wu Hao nodded with a smile: "Partly, in addition, I also use this method to eliminate consumers' impatience and worries, so that everyone can supervise the entire production and sales process through the live broadcast room, so as to relieve everyone's anxiety and wait patiently. .

So not only the live broadcast room, but also all the people who ordered, we should give them an accurate arrival date, such as how many days it will take to produce the product he bought, how many days it will take to ship and transport, and when will it arrive in their hands superior. "

But in this way, as our product sales continue to increase, the gap will become wider and wider. Consumers knew from the beginning that they would have to wait for so many days, whether it would be counterproductive to persuade them to quit directly. Zhang Jun asked.

I don't think so. Zou Xiaodong shook his head and said, "Our output remains constant, and even increases slightly. And the growth of our product sales will gradually slow down, so it won't take long for these two lines to overlap. So it won't be too long even if we wait."

Hearing Zou Xiaodong's words, Tong Juan also nodded, but she still looked worried and said, "It's okay to do it online, but it's more difficult to do it offline.

There is nothing wrong with our offline official experience stores. The problem is how to realize the many agency channels. "

After Tong Juan's words fell, everyone couldn't help thinking and discussing. But Yang Fan, who was silent all the time, said: "There should be no technical problems. A system like this can be designed. As long as consumers place an order in these physical stores, the in-store system will be able to display the arrival time and notify you." Consumers. In this way, on the day of the arrival of the goods, these physical stores will deliver the products to consumers, either by mail, or by consumers to pick them up in person.”

Since there is no problem, let's do it. Wu Hao made a final decision when he heard the words.

Seeing Wu Hao's decision, everyone nodded and stopped talking.

Wu Hao thought for a while, and then looked at Liu Yufeng: "We must pay more attention to the announcement and distribution, so that there should be no troubles. In addition, there is no need to hide and hide the fact that the stock is sold out. You can be generous. Speak out, and then send out the news of our live broadcast at the right time, and continue to create heat.”

Understood, we'll get right to it right away. Liu Yufeng raised his hand in response.

Wu Hao nodded, then looked at the people sitting and said: "Before the Lunar New Year, the company will not make any big moves, so our main task at present is to do a good job in the sales of new products. All departments should also be responsible Take responsibility and actively cooperate with the marketing department's operation and sales work."

After finishing speaking, Wu Hao looked at Lin Jianliang and said, "How is this year's school recruitment going?"

Seeing that Wu Hao changed the subject and asked about this matter, Lin Jianliang immediately sat up straight and reported to Wu Hao with a smile: "It went very smoothly, because our company's influence is constantly increasing, and the company's benefits are very generous. Therefore, it has attracted a large number of fresh and non-fresh graduates to actively seek jobs. 50% of them are fresh undergraduate graduates from major universities, and the remaining 30% are fresh masters and doctoral research institutes of these universities. Another 10% are non-graduates.

However, according to your request, this year we have raised the recruitment threshold and selected the best from the best. Compared with previous years, the number of recruited talents has been greatly reduced. As of the end of last month, we have only recruited a total of more than a thousand talents of various types this year. Among them, masters and doctoral students account for about 60%, and undergraduate students account for 40%.

But even so, the enthusiasm of the students could not be restrained. Every time we went to a school, a large number of students applied for the job, and the scene was very hot. "

Speaking of this, Lin Jianliang paused for a moment, and then said to Wu Hao and the others: "Of course, there were some problems during the recruitment process. Since the recruitment threshold has been greatly raised this year, in our opinion, very outstanding talents But because he couldn't meet the conditions, he was dismissed, which is really a pity.

I am here

I wonder if we can lower the bar a little bit and give a green light to these outstanding talents.

In addition, regarding the internal employee management of the company, I think we should pay close attention to the assessment, gradually eliminate some employees with poor comprehensive ability, and achieve regular replacement, so as to speed up the flow of personnel within the company, so as to improve the overall performance of the company. Competitiveness. "

Hearing Lin Jianliang's words, Tong Juan expressed her worries first: "If this is the case, will it make people panic, and it will be counterproductive."

After Tong Juan finished speaking, Zhang Jun also nodded and said: "The overall atmosphere within the company is good, I don't think there is any need to raise the assessment standards.

There is nothing wrong with weeding out some employees with poor comprehensive abilities, but we must also grasp the scale. Although some employees have poor comprehensive abilities, they work very hard and are serious and We should give these employees more encouragement and tolerance, instead of just opening up like other capital enterprises. What we want to weed out are those who don't work hard enough, and who behave badly and have impure thoughts. After all, lack of ability can cultivate learning, but misbehavior and impure thoughts, the greater the ability, the more harmful it will be. "

Zhang Jun's words drew everyone's nods, Lin Jianliang explained with a smile when he saw this, "Actually, our company has been doing internal training, and it's doing very well.

In addition to providing relevant skills training courses for those who are not strong enough and need to be transferred, as well as new recruits. Some charging courses will also be started for ordinary employees. For example, some departments and industry elites are invited to give lectures to continuously improve everyone's professional knowledge level, so as to continuously improve the personal abilities of employees.

The employees with poor comprehensive abilities I am talking about are employees who are indeed weak in all aspects, especially many salted fish who plan to spend their days in retirement. When we recruited them, we took a fancy to their ability and aggressiveness. As a result, they lost both of these things not long after they came in. So is it necessary for us to keep such people? "

Hearing Lin Jianliang's words, everyone present nodded again. Lin Jianliang's words are very reasonable. There is no need to keep these people who are just waiting to die. Leaving them will only affect the aggressiveness of other employees of Shanghai.

Why don't you work hard when others work hard, but just hang around waiting to die? There is no such good thing. Therefore, for this group of people, we must not be soft-hearted, and we must resolutely fire what should be opened.

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