Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2466: Old photos from New Year's Eve

Latest website: Under the management of the stepmother and mother-in-law, this year's 30th New Year's Eve dinner was very popular. Both of them tried their best to show off their special dishes one by one, filling the huge dining table.

The two families, no, the whole family sat together lively and kindly, sharing the beautiful reunion moment of this Spring Festival.

As the emotional bond between the two families, Wu Hao and Lin Wei naturally became the center of everyone, and many topics naturally revolved around them. Among them, what both parents care about the most is the lifelong event of the two.

The two have been together for so many years, but they have never been married, let alone have any plans to have children, which makes the parents on both sides extremely anxious. Today, the two families finally got together, and this matter naturally needs to be mentioned.

Although Wu Hao and Lin Wei refused vaguely and changed the subject, they were still given a good talk by their parents, which made them look embarrassed and helpless. But fortunately, both parents also clicked a few words and passed quickly, which made Wu Hao and Lin Wei somewhat relieved.

After the New Year's Eve dinner, everyone gathered together to watch the Spring Festival Gala and make dumplings together. According to the traditions of Anxi and my hometown, the New Year's Eve dinner is on the 30th day, and the dumplings are eaten on the morning of the first day of the new year.

Therefore, dumplings are generally made at night, and dumplings are made while watching the Spring Festival Gala. This year, the team of making dumplings has expanded. In addition to stepmother Zhang Xiaoman and mother-in-law, Lin Wei and Wu Tong joined in. Originally, Wu Hao wanted to intervene, but was driven away by several people.

As for Wu Tong, although she was a bit reluctant, she was forced by her stepmother to make dumplings there with an aggrieved expression on her face.

As for the Spring Festival Gala, except for the skits performed by a few old acquaintances and the good dance, Wu Hao didn't watch the rest. It's all nonsense and meaningless.

But despite this, everyone still watched it, as if the entire Spring Festival Gala had become a necessary custom for them to celebrate the New Year. Because of the ban on release, the New Year without firecrackers became more and more deserted. But at this moment of the countdown, Wu Hao and the others could still hear someone cheering in the community.

There are also some sneaky, little children who set off fireworks, big children.

Originally, according to the custom, Wu Hao and the others should have returned to their home before midnight. But, it doesn't seem to matter so much now. With the help of the old man and the others, Wu Hao and the others stayed here at night.

Wu Hao also directly moved into Lin Wei's boudoir, this was the first time they had been together for so many years. Although they had lived together for several years, Wu Hao rarely stayed overnight at the old man's house, let alone Lin Wei's boudoir.

According to the tradition, the mother-in-law would give Wu Hao a pillow, but they have lived together for so many years, so naturally they don't need this.

It was past one o'clock in the morning when they returned to the room, and Lin Wei went to the bathroom to take a shower. As for Wu Hao, he began to look at the layout of Lin Wei's room with more interest.

This is a very typical girl's boudoir, very clean. It can be seen that this room is often cleaned. The room is actually not big, just a normal suite. In addition to a bed, there is a desk and dresser. There are many books and many photos on the desk. These photos were taken at various times. There are photos of Lin Wei when she was a child. Lin Wei was chubby when she was a child, wearing a red jacket, wearing blush, and accidentally put a red spot on her face.

The older Lin Wei wore a school uniform and a ponytail, and she was already a slim girl. The white teeth showed a sunny smile, and it could be seen that Lin Wei was very young and beautiful at this time.

And then this should be a photo of Lin Wei when he was in college. At this time, Lin Wei has changed a lot. The ponytail was cut off, leaving an inch of hair flowing. The dress is also very mature, wearing a black leather jacket, a short white T-shirt with a navel inside, a pair of skinny jeans underneath, and a pair of boots, which outlines the perfect figure. Leaning against a motorcycle, with gloves and a helmet in hand, the girl's wildness and sexiness are fully displayed.

Then this photo should be taken when I was studying abroad

, wearing a formal attire, she should be attending some event. At this time, all the wildness in this girl has been restrained, and what is revealed is introverted, mature, and intellectual.

What are you looking at? Lin Wei came out while wiping her hair, looked at Wu Hao sitting there and asked with a smile.

Look at your past photos. Wu Hao turned his head and said with a smile.

Don't look at it, who asked you to dig it out. Lin Wei blushed when she saw the photo of the little girl in the red coat when she was a child, and walked over quickly, wanting to **** her away.

Seeing this, Wu Hao grinned and said, "I've seen them all, isn't it too late to grab them now? Besides, these photos are right here, so it's hard for me not to see them."

Pooh! Lin Wei poohed lightly, but still took away the photo of her childhood.

Seeing this, Wu Hao asked with a smile, "How old was that filming?"

Five or six years old. Lin Wei glanced at herself in the photo frame and replied.

Very cute, how about this one? Wu Hao picked up the photo of the student in school uniform and asked.

Seeing this, Lin Wei glanced at Wu Hao, then chopped up the photo, looked at herself in the photo and said, "This was taken at the sports meeting in junior high school."

At this time, he still looks like a three-good student. Why did he change when he was in college. Wu Hao laughed and joked while pointing at the **** photo with short hair.

Leave me alone. Lin Wei glared at him angrily.

I don't care about you, let alone, it's cool, do you have flowers for girls? Wu Hao said with a wicked smile.

To die. UU reading www. Lin Wei blushed when she heard the words, and immediately rushed over to prepare to speak. Naturally, Wu Hao would not let her get what she wanted, and soon the two scuffled together. Under Wu Hao's all-out effort, Lin Wei finally surrendered and snuggled into his arms, and then said softly: "There was a girl who was very close to me at that time. When I was broken in love, she still They sent me flowers, but I didn't pick them up."

Ha ha ha ha…

Hearing Lin Wei's words, Wu Hao couldn't help laughing, but after a few laughs, he felt a stabbing pain in his waist, which interrupted his laughter, and then there was a sound of sucking and begging for mercy.

Satisfied, Lin Wei finally let go, and Wu Hao, who breathed a sigh of relief, moved his **** a little away, then leaned into Lin Wei's ear and whispered: "It looks very sexy, why don't you wear it sometime."

Die! Hearing Wu Hao's words, Lin Wei blushed, and immediately made a gesture to rush towards Wu Hao, but Wu Hao stepped away, and then went to the bathroom with a smile.

Only Lin Weikong was left sitting on the head of the bed, the blush on his face could not dissipate for a long time, his eyes stared at the young self in the photo, and he didn't know what he was thinking. Mobile phone users please browse and read, palm reading is more convenient.

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