Military Technology

: 2480 Air Seal Underwater Bionic Patrol Robot

Chapter 2487 Underwater bionic inspection and warning robot [modified version]

Hearing Chang Shengjun's words, Wu Hao said with a smile: "There is nothing to reveal about this. We have already explained it. This is a supercomputer, which is the brain of our artificial intelligence system. You should know this best, right? Why don't you even believe it?"

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Chang Shengjun and the others all laughed, and Feng Kun said with a smile: "Our main duty is to externalize, we really don't know about domestic affairs.

Besides, this thing is not a big killer, we are not interested. "


Hearing Feng Kun's words, everyone at the scene laughed. As for Wu Hao, he shook his head with a smile, and then said to Chang Shengjun and the others, "Of course I brought you here not to watch the Rubik's Cube, but to watch the fish."

"Look at the fish, where are the fish here?" Everyone couldn't help looking at the lake when they heard the words, and they couldn't help but wondered, there are no fish in this lake, isn't Wu Hao joking?

While looking at it, suddenly a young officer in the crowd shouted, "What is that?"

Following the guidance of the young officer, everyone couldn't help looking over, and saw a huge fish suddenly appearing at the bottom of the water, about three meters in length, in a streamlined shape, a bit like a shark.

"Is this a shark?"

"How could there be sharks in this lake."

"As long as it is sea water, it can be raised."

"This is an artificial lake. How could it be sea water? It's a bit like a sturgeon."

Hearing all the people chattering there, Chang Shengjun couldn't help but looked at Wu Hao and said with a smile, "Xiao Wu, what kind of fish is this?"

"What kind of fish do you think it is?" Wu Hao didn't answer directly, but asked rhetorically.

Hearing that Wu Hao was playing tricks here, a few people thought about it and turned their eyes to the strange fish swimming slowly in the water.

"There is one more!"

"There is one more."

"A lot, there are more."

"this is…"

Feng Kun stared at the strange fish gathering more and more in the water for a while, then thought of something, then turned his head and said to Wu Hao: "I remember reading relevant information, the water in this entire artificial lake will be used For the cooling of your super quantum computers and super server clusters inside your 'Torch Building'.

Therefore, no fish was released in the entire artificial lake. And for the cleanliness of the lake, there will be many robots cleaning the water day and night in the lake.

These fish are the robots in the water mentioned in the data. "


Hearing Feng Kun's words, everyone couldn't help showing a look of surprise, and then carefully looked at the strange fish swimming in the water, wanting to see if it was a real fish or a robot in Feng Kun's mouth.

Chang Shengjun looked at it for a while, but didn't see any results, then looked at Wu Hao, waiting for his answer.

Wu Hao nodded with a smile, and then said to everyone: "Who has a mobile phone with him?"

Hearing Wu Hao's words, the officers behind Changsheng Army were taken aback for a moment, and then took out their mobile phones one by one. The models were different, but there were only two brands, either Z Star or H Wei.

Wu Hao scanned around, then took a mobile phone from a school officer, looked at it, and then said to the school officer, "Is there anything important in your mobile phone?"

Hearing Wu Hao's words, the school officer was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head, because there was nothing stored in his work phone.

"Wait a minute, I'll ask someone to pay you for a new one."

Upon seeing this, Wu Hao said something, then looked around at the crowd, and then casually threw the phone into the artificial lake in front of him.

"My cell phone!"

Amid the exclamation of everyone, the mobile phone fell into the water, causing splashes. Immediately, the entire phone sank into the lake, and everyone stared at the phone intently, wanting to know Wu Hao's intentions.

At the moment when the mobile phone sparked water, it was a strange fish swimming slowly in the lake. Suddenly, as if it was activated, its eyes all lit up red, and then they quickly swam towards the mobile phone one by one.


With the sound of sizzling, several splashes appeared on the surface of the water.

And some flashes of light appeared on the falling mobile phone.

"It's discharging!" Zeng Kecheng stared at the phone in the water and said solemnly.

Everyone nodded when they heard his words. They never expected that just a mobile phone falling into the water would develop such a violent reaction. Fortunately, this is a mobile phone. If a person falls into the artificial lake, wouldn't he be directly hung up?

Facing everyone's surprised and different looks and gazes, Wu Hao smiled and explained calmly: "The strange fish in the water you see are actually our underwater patrol and warning robots, or they can be called Underwater bionic patrol robot, robot fish.

This underwater bionic inspection and warning robot presents the shape of fish in the water. It can be designed to camouflage and call different aquatic creatures according to needs, such as freshwater finless porpoise, sturgeon, big herring and other freshwater creatures. It can also be Dolphins, sharks, sailfish and other fish in the ocean.

Its task is actually very simple. It is mainly responsible for the security and defense of the waters in the entire artificial lake, and organizes people to sneak into the water to cause sabotage.

Of course, that's its job here. Put it in natural waters, its tasks are also diverse and can adapt to different combat needs.

For example, guard patrols in relevant waters to prevent enemy frogmen, or submarines from diving in from underwater. When necessary, it can also use the high-voltage discharge device on its body to attack these enemy frogmen diving underwater.

If necessary, we can also install underwater weapons for it to attack some underwater targets.

In addition, it can dive into deep seas, shallow seas, ports, rivers and lakes, etc. UU Reading collects relevant hydrological information and detects the activities of enemies in these waters.

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You can even attack or suicidally attack the enemy's offshore docks, ships, submarines, frogmen, etc. as needed.

Finally, its patrol and alert function can directly allow it to establish an underwater security protection network around our offshore waters and important ports and wharves for alert patrols to prevent the penetration and sneak attack of enemy underwater forces.

Whether it's a frogman, a submarine, or a torpedo, it can't escape its eyes, so as to prevent the enemy's raid and sabotage.

If necessary, it can also be deployed like a mine in some important sea areas and waterways to snipe the enemy's underwater forces, and even assist our submarines in combat.

Isn't the Air Force doing some kind of loyal wingman, and this underwater bionic patrol robot is the loyal wingman of the underwater loyal version of the Navy submarine. "

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