Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2506: morning run

Anxi, Linghu Wetland Park.

In the early morning, the Linghu Wetland Park is fresh, the reeds have put on new leaves, and the water plants have sprouted new shoots. The edge of the lake is crowded with various tadpoles, and a few swallows are playing there in mid-air.

One was wearing a white headband, an orange sports jacket, a white tank top, leggings and white sneakers.

Such a decent outfit set off her slender and fit figure, coupled with a beautiful face, all the people who came to the park in the morning couldn't help but take a few glances.

There were even a few young guys who couldn't help but come over to strike up a conversation and want to add friends, but she refused them all. At this moment, she was standing on the corridor of Linghu Wetland Park, looking into the distance, as if waiting for someone.

This beauty is Zhang Xiaolei. Yesterday she suddenly received a notice that Wu Hao would invite her to run in Linghu today. This made Zhang Xiaolei a little at a loss. You must know that she hadn't contacted Wu Hao in private for a long time except for some daily work matters. She suddenly received the news that she was asked to run, which made her a little nervous and at a loss. Did she do something wrong again and failed his expectations, so Mr. Wu wanted to talk to him.

So she didn't rest well all night, so she packed up early in the morning and came to Linghu Wetland Park to wait for Wu Hao to appear.

Around seven o'clock, Wu Hao finally appeared in her field of vision. Today's Wu Hao is wearing a white short-sleeved, white baseball cap, shorts and tight leggings on his lower body, and a pair of black shoes, giving him a sporty feel.

Of course, behind him were two security team members who were also wearing sportswear. There is no way, when he appears in such a public place, the security personnel must follow him for protection, which is also for his safety.

In fact, for this run, some security guards conducted an overall search of the entire Linghu Ecological Park last night to prevent any hidden dangers.

"Boss Wu!"

Seeing Zhang Xiaolei's figure, Wu Hao greeted with a smile: "Xiaolei, wait for a long time."

No, I've only been here for a while. Zhang Xiaolei smiled and shook her head.

Wu Hao shook his head slightly when he heard the words, and then started to move his body, and said to Zhang Xiaolei: "Let's move our body first, and then you can run with me for a while."

Seeing what Wu Hao said, Zhang Xiaolei immediately nodded and began to move her body.

Wu Hao stretched his body, then started to run while cupping his fists, beckoning to Zhang Xiaolei, "Go!"

it is good. Zhang Xiaolei responded, and then started running following Wu Hao's footsteps.

Wu Hao glanced at Zhang Xiaolei, then asked with a smile: "I heard that you are now a fitness expert, and you insist on taking a little time to exercise every day."

Hearing Wu Hao's question, Zhang Xiaolei immediately replied: "No, it's all their nonsense. I don't exercise every day. Sometimes I'm busy with work, or I give up when I'm too tired.

But if I have time, I still take a little time to sweat and relax. "

Well, no matter what you do, your body comes first. Without a good body, nothing can be done. Speaking of this, Wu Hao took a look at Zhang Xiaolei's body with curvy **** and pretty buttocks, and said with a slight smile, "Your figure is well trained!"

Um, yes! Seeing Wu Hao's sweeping gaze, Zhang Xiaolei blushed subconsciously, and then stammered.

I just practiced casually, and didn't pay too much attention to it.

Wu Hao shook his head with a smile, then continued to run. Seeing this, Zhang Xiaolei pursed her lips, and then followed.

After running for a while, Wu Hao, who was slightly sweating on his forehead, smiled and said to Zhang Xiaolei: "You have good physical strength, you have done a good job recently, and you Mr. Tong often praise you in front of me."

This is all because of your good teaching, Mr. Wu. Without you, I would not be where I am now. Zhang Xiaolei responded quickly.

Wu Hao shook his head: "This is all the result of your own hard work, and has nothing to do with me."

After speaking, Wu Hao glanced at Zhang Xiaolei, then continued to run and said: "How about it, I have worked in this position for a long time, do you have any experience, tell me about it."

Hearing Wu Hao's question, Zhang Xiaolei's heart tightened. Knowing that Wu Hao was testing her, she thought for a few words, and then answered.

"The harvest is actually quite big. It is also the first time for me to have such systematic contact with specific affairs related to foreign trade commodities and overseas markets. This is much more complicated than what I did in Shanghai, and it is also very cumbersome to deal with.

It's still about our mess in the western market, so it was a bit overwhelming at the beginning. But I got used to it slowly, and I was able to get used to it. "

Hearing Zhang Xiaolei's words, Wu Hao nodded, then glanced at the other party, and then said: "Do you think our next step is to develop for the market, tell me your thoughts and let me think about it."

This is all my humble opinion, which may not necessarily be correct. Zhang Xiaolei hesitated and said.

Wu Hao smiled and waved his hands, then turned around and said to her: "You are the person in charge of overseas markets, and you are familiar with this area, so I want to hear your thoughts. As for whether it is right or wrong, that is my thinking." The problem has nothing to do with you.

Be bold, be blunt, and not be so coy, I don't like it. "

Hearing what Wu Hao said, Zhang Xiaolei hurriedly greeted him. After thinking for a while, she said to Wu Hao: "At present, the main problem we encounter in the overseas market is the market in Western countries. Because of their targeting and attack, our markets in these regions have been greatly affected. , which also led to a big problem in our product sales, and a sharp drop in market share. UU Reading

However, we can see that there are still many loyal users in these areas. And our products still occupy the high-end market of similar products in these regions.

So for us, we can only maintain this status quo in a short period of time, and it is not appropriate to make too many moves. When the blows and restrictions on us are loosened in the future, then we will go all out to grab back the entire market.

Therefore, I think our current main focus is still on developing countries and third world countries and regions. Although the economic level, technological level, and social infrastructure in these areas are relatively poor, they are all growing at a high speed.

This is a rare opportunity for all enterprises, and we naturally cannot miss it. Therefore, I think we should increase our investment in these regions to gain a larger market share and expand our brand influence in these regions.

This is a huge market, and once it develops, it will not be weaker than the current existence of the entire western market. Once we occupy these markets, we will be able to further expand our international market share.

Even if there are any changes in the western market at that time, it will not affect our company's overseas influence. "

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