Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2509: landing in siberia


Zhang Xiaolei has changed, this is the topic of gossip in the company recently.

After quickly handing over the work at hand, Zhang Xiaolei asked for leave for a week, and a week later, Zhang Xiaolei's image and temperament after returning to the company have changed a lot.

Zhang Xiaolei, who used to have beautiful long hair, has now changed into a very capable short hair, and her attire has also been replaced by a more mature and capable lady's slim-fit suit, an international brand.

She is just an ordinary middle-level leader, but now she also has a car, a full-time driver and a personal secretary. Although they are the driver and the personal secretary, their clever eyes and capable movements can make outsiders feel that these two are not easy to mess with.

It turned out that these two people were bodyguards accompanying Zhang Xiaolei from the security department, but they were called drivers and personal secretaries in order not to be so sensitive and cause unnecessary disputes and attention.

Soon, Zhang Xiaolei's whereabouts and position became a hot topic among everyone.

Haoyu Industry, this newly established subsidiary suddenly aroused everyone's curiosity. You know, you have to know that the previous subsidiaries have their own clear and complex areas. For example, Haoyu Aerospace is in charge of aerospace technology, Haoyu Agriculture is in charge of agricultural technology, Haoyu Energy is in charge of new energy, and Haoyu Biology is in charge of biology, etc.

However, Haoyu Industry has not announced the scope of its business until now, which makes the outside world very curious. Is it possible that Wu Hao and the others are going to enter a new field again.

And it seems that Wu Hao attaches great importance to the new field of this new company, otherwise he would not have sent his first secretary, Zhang Xiaolei, who is a direct descendant, to be the person in charge of Haoyu Industry.

Wu Hao was delighted to see Zhang Xiaolei's new changes. The new image and new temperament correspond to the new job, which means that she has entered a new working state.

So Wu Hao didn't hesitate, and directly let her participate in the contact talks with a certain country. This also made Zhang Xiaolei, the focus of the company and the outside world, suddenly disappear from everyone's field of vision.

At a military airport in the middle of a certain country, a Gulfstream 650 special plane landed on the runway smoothly at dawn. Led by the ground guidance vehicle, the special plane taxied to the apron.

Several soldiers in military coats and several middle-aged men in black coats stood on the tarmac, welcoming the arrival of the special plane.

The private plane taxied to a stop, the cabin door opened, and a young and beautiful woman appeared from the cabin door. She was wearing a dark blue windbreaker and stepped on high-heeled shoes and walked down the hanging ladder from the cabin door. This person was Zhang Xiaolei. .

To be honest, Zhang Xiaolei is still a little dazed. Originally thought that Wu Hao would give her some time to adapt, but she didn't expect that she would be dispatched to Siberia shortly after taking over the job.

Of course, Zhou Yonghui was also with him, he was the second to walk down. Although he is the main person in charge of this negotiation, who made Zhang Xiaolei the person in charge of Haoyu Industry, he will have to listen to Zhang Xiaolei in the future.

Soon, all the team members who followed Zhang Xiaolei came down.

At this time, the group of waiting people also came up, and one of the Chinese people in a black windbreaker smiled and introduced to Zhang Xiaolei and Zhou Yonghui: "Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhou, let me introduce you, this is General Yevgeny. , this time he will mainly conduct contact meetings with you.”

"Hello, General Yevgeny." Hearing the introduction of the domestic broker, Zhang Xiaolei immediately stretched out her hand and smiled, and the accompanying interpreter behind her hurried forward and began to translate.

"Hello, Ms. Zhang, welcome to the Kingdom of Ice and Snow." Yevgeny shook hands with Zhang Xiaolei and smiled.

"This is Colonel Leonid." The guide pointed to a tall and thin officer and introduced them to Zhang Xiaolei: "He is a national hero. He participated in many wars and was wounded many times. There are countless battles. .”

Hearing this matchmaker's pointed introduction, this also made Zhang Xiaolei and Zhou Yonghui pay more attention to this tall and thin Leonid. It seems that this person is not easy to deal with.

After introducing the two parties, the matchmaker smiled and introduced himself to Zhang Xiaolei and Zhou Yonghui: "My name is Qian Zian, and I am a middleman sent by the superior. You can call me Director Qian."

The middle man was about forty years old, with a kind complexion, a little bald, with a big belly, and looked harmless to humans and animals. But after knowing each other's identity, Zhang Xiaolei and Zhou Yonghui didn't think so. How can one underestimate someone who can get to the level of a director in a special department and come out to take charge of this matter.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, everyone boarded a few green military vehicles and arrived at the military station at the airport.

Their residence has been arranged in the army hotel, a very typical Soviet-style building, antique and slightly decadent. The conference room used for the talks has also been cleared out, and guard posts have been set up. It seems that the other party also attaches great importance to this talk.

"Mr. Zhang, that Leonid is not easy to deal with." Inside the hotel, after the accompanying staff inspected and confirmed that there was no monitoring equipment and turned on the signal jammer, Zhou Yonghui said softly to Zhang Xiaolei.

Zhang Xiaolei also nodded when she heard Zhou Yonghui's words: "I think so too, the other party arranged for such a person to receive us, maybe it's because they want to calm us down and show us off.

But don't worry, the initiative is in our hands, let's see what they say first. "

Zhou Yonghui nodded when he heard the words, UU reading www. Then he looked at the young and beautiful girl sitting next to him and felt a little bitter in his heart. This is getting worse and worse, and now he actually let a woman, and such a young woman, be his boss.

To be honest, he couldn't figure out such an arrangement. Originally thought that he could fight for this position, but Wu Hao made a decision so quickly and sent Zhang Xiaolei here.

Originally, he had some opinions on this Xiaolei, thinking that she was promoted all the way by relying on Wu Hao's relationship. However, in the domestic contact, he also gradually recognized Zhang Xiaolei's ability, so now he has eliminated those messy thoughts.

But letting such a young girl lead, he still felt a little awkward. But it's already like this, he still has to adapt.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yonghui immediately adjusted his position and said to Zhang Xiaolei: "That being said, we still have to be cautious in the process of negotiating and contacting. After all, this is suitable for a foreign country, and there should be no negligence."

"Well, Mr. Wu made it clear when we came here." Zhang Xiaolei nodded and said, "In this regard, we can communicate with Director Qian and the others at any time. With their help in coordinating and communicating, there will be no major problems. Let's hurry up , to finalize the contract as soon as possible, and not to stay here for too long, so as not to attract attention."

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