Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2524: Does this project make money?

"Please tell me!"

Hearing Tong Juan's question, Zhou Xiangming immediately looked at the other party to respond.

Tong Juan looked at Zhou Xiangming and Yu Chengwu and said: "I don't know much about technology, especially aerospace technology. But I understand the system of market operation.

What I want to say is that such a huge project, such a huge lunar scientific research station, will undoubtedly consume huge resources and funds.

In addition, operating this lunar scientific research station also requires a considerable amount of money. So after the completion of this lunar scientific research station, it can really bring us revenue.

I'm not saying that this project has no development prospects, no, everyone knows that lunar exploration and space exploration have great development prospects, but it will take time, and it will take a long time.

So, does it take a long time for our project to see benefits? If that's the case, I'm afraid we won't be able to last that long.

I believe that investors do not have the patience to wait for such a long time. Once the lunar scientific research station is completed and no objective benefits are seen in the port, it will inevitably dampen investor confidence. At that time, the shares of Haoyu Aerospace may not be as stable as they are now.

So, have you thought about these carefully and made relevant countermeasures. "

After hearing Tong Juan's words, everyone present couldn't help but nodded, and then focused their attention on Yu Chengwu, Zhou Xiangming and Yang Xiaoyun, waiting for their answers.

But Wu Hao and Zhang Jun, who knew the inside story, looked at each other, and didn't make a sound, but gloated at the few people, waiting for their answer.

Let’s answer this question separately. Firstly, Mr. Yang (Yang Xiaoyun) will help us answer the questions about cost control and current operating income of the company. Yu Chengwu nodded, then looked at Yang Xiaoyun and said.

Seeing that Yu Chengwu ordered her general, Yang Xiaoyun immediately sat up straight, and then said to Tong Juan and the others: "Okay, first of all, let's briefly report to everyone about the operation of our company.

Since the establishment of Haoyu Aerospace, we have been actively carrying out commercial aerospace activities and achieved some small achievements. Last year alone, we conducted a total of 21 space launch missions, five of which were our own experimental projects, and 16 commercial space launches, sending a total of 53 satellites and spacecraft into the sky.

These 16 commercial launches have brought us a total of more than 1.2 billion in revenue. After deducting costs, they can probably bring us about 700 million in profit.

In addition, many of the satellites we launched last year were satellites developed and produced by us, and these satellites brought us about 600 million in total.

That is to say, all the commercial aerospace projects of Haoyu Aerospace last year brought us almost 1.8 billion in revenue and more than 1 billion in profit.

This proves that the profitability of commercial space launch projects is still very considerable.

In addition to commercial aerospace projects, we are also actively carrying out related operating projects, including related patent licensing fees, which brought us a total of nearly one billion in revenue last year. That is to say, the company's revenue last year was almost 3 billion.

Of course, this is obviously much worse than our huge investment in this area. But this is a long-term beneficial project, and as our business continues to expand, revenue will also increase.

In addition, the valuation of the company quadrupled last year, which also means that the company's market value tripled last year. Although there are some bubbles, it is enough to prove investors' support for Haoyu Aerospace and the aerospace projects we have carried out. "

Speaking of this, Yang Xiaoyun paused for a moment, and then continued to speak to everyone: "Of course, for us, it's not like we spend money without restraint after we have money, that's not the case.

All our expenditures and scientific research investments are made after careful decision-making, and we spend nothing that should not be spent. Every account is very clear. If you have any doubts, you can ask professionals or hire a third-party accounting firm to conduct a comprehensive accounting of our company's accounts. "

After listening to Yang Xiaoyun's words, Yu Chengwu followed up and said: "The investment of all major projects of Haoyu Aerospace has always required the approval of the company before they can be implemented. The whereabouts of each fund is very clear. I can assure you of this. , we didn't mess with a penny.

Yes, the current revenue of the company is far less than our huge investment in these projects. But this is only temporary, and I believe that with the successful implementation of our plans, our company's revenue situation will get better and better.

As for whether your proposed lunar scientific research station project will be profitable in the foreseeable future, I am very optimistic about it.

The Lunar Scientific Research Station is a lunar commercial scientific research station facing the whole world. It is open to the outside world. It is mainly for other people to spend money to go there for research or tourism.

In this way, we can attract the interest of countries and regions all over the world, as well as various enterprises, and believe that they are the temptation of moon landing and lunar research.

Therefore, this aspect will bring us almost billions of dollars or even tens of billions of dollars in revenue every year.

Apart from other things, let’s just talk about those wealthy countries in West Asia. Aren’t they very keen on investing in their own space projects in recent years? Didn’t those countries even launch their own probes to the moon?

Now the opportunity is here, as long as they spend a sum of money, they can send their own astronauts or scientists to the moon to carry out related scientific research activities.

In addition, UU Reading also has some countries that do not have aerospace capabilities, but are keen on the aerospace industry. Such as Europe, or some emerging developing countries.

We believe that the market in this area is very broad and has great development prospects. "

Speaking of this, Yu Chengwu paused for a moment, and then smiled at everyone: "There is one more thing we didn't say, that is, this lunar scientific research station project is actually supported and funded by the state and aerospace authorities.

Moreover, they are also our important customers in the future. With this big customer, we don't need to worry.

In addition to these, there is the moon mining business that we have been thinking about. The most worth mining on the moon is helium three.

According to the current international price of helium 3, one ton of helium 3 is worth 3 billion U.S. dollars, converted into 1 gram of helium 3, it is 3,000 U.S. dollars, and 1 kilogram is 3 million U.S. dollars.

In other words, we only need to mine one ton of helium-3 on the moon every year, and we can get three billion dollars in revenue, which can be said to be a huge profit. "

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