Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2530: Hard line

Just do what you say, act vigorously and resolutely.

Soon the company's legal team reported to the relevant departments for the malicious poaching of these headhunting companies and the illegal infringement of citizens' personal information.

At the same time, it also complained to the relevant departments about the unfair competition of the companies behind these headhunting companies.

For a time, the news in this regard became the focus of public attention. Whether it is illegal for headhunters to poach people maliciously has also become the focus of public debate.

But obviously, these headhunting companies are really too much, judging from some disclosed evidence, especially some videos. These headhunting companies frequently harass and contact the company's employees, and some even intercept them directly at the company's gate, which has seriously affected the normal business activities of Haoyu Technology.

In addition, these headhunting companies obtained their relevant resume information without the knowledge or authorization of the parties involved, and frequently made phone calls to harass them. Related information. It is impossible for these data and information to come from the employees themselves, let alone from the disclosure of Haoyu Technology, so there is only one channel, which is illegal.

Therefore, focusing on this aspect, the purpose of filing a lawsuit against these headhunting companies is to combat the arrogance of these headhunting companies. In order to be able to win this case and to teach these headhunting companies a lesson, this time, Wu Hao made the company's legal team fully prepared and invited famous lawyers to participate.

In addition, there is also the operation of public opinion. Starting from various aspects, we must let these headhunting companies understand and provoke their fate.

This series of tough tactics made these headhunting companies feel scared, and they began to train Wu Hao and the others one after another, expressing goodwill, hoping to reconcile. But Wu Hao and the others didn't respond directly to this.

It is precisely because many companies hold the attitude that more things are worse than less things, love makes these hooligans so arrogant and unscrupulous.

Don't think that these headhunting companies are philanthropists looking for jobs for you. In fact, these are a bunch of vultures, or human traffickers. They usually search for suitable targets, and then send the target information to those interested companies. When these interested companies are interested in candidates, they will naturally pay a part of the commission to ask these headhunting companies to poach the candidates.

As for the recruited parties, they also have to pay a referral fee to the headhunting company, which is tantamount to a two-way fee.

So what these headhunting companies usually do most is to collect data through various channels, the more common one is the so-called hr exchange group in the brother area, and then share resources. The information of the people is shared internally by these groups, but I don't know it.

In addition to this kind of internal communication, this is the purchase through some channels, such as some job search websites. Generally, the formal way is more troublesome, so it is a private and illegal way.

Therefore, it is actually very easy to check these headhunting companies, because they have too much black material. These are not counted, and there are some darker ones, such as some threats and temptations, but many of them can be passed.

But this time when they met Wu Hao and the others, they were more serious, which naturally made these headhunting companies start to worry.

Sure enough, under the seriousness of Wu Hao and the others, none of these headhunting companies could escape, and they were punished by law one after another, and the relevant parties and persons in charge were also arrested and brought to justice. Relying on the influence of this incident, relevant departments and the industry have also started related investigation and rectification work, investigated and dealt with a number of problematic enterprises, and also investigated and dealt with a group of criminals.

As for the corporate giants behind it, they were also investigated by relevant departments. If it is found that there is unfair competition, it will face huge fines.

So for the companies behind them, the most important thing for them to do now is to put aside the relationship and minimize the negative impact of this matter as much as possible.

The best way is to find Wu Hao and the others for reconciliation, but because of Wu Hao's firm attitude this time, the representatives of these companies hit a wall several times.

In the end, Haoyu Technology reached a settlement with these companies under the help of the seniors in the industry. Wu Hao and the others will no longer pursue the relevant responsibilities of these companies, and these companies have naturally paid a corresponding price.

After the reconciliation, relevant penalties were also imposed. These companies had unfair competition and were given administrative penalties. This matter is over.

After this incident, Wu Hao and the others also held a special seminar on this incident, and made relevant revisions to the company's personnel regulations, employee rules, including the non-compete agreement, which can be regarded as making up for the loopholes in this area.

It's not too late to make up for it, although some talents have been lost, which is a pity. But fortunately, it's not too late now, and it's not long in time.

No way, excellent talents in key positions are really important. Their growth is not only cultivated by the company's resources, but they also have various scientific research results, technical secrets, etc. of the company.

Losing them means that these scientific research achievements and technical secrets may be leaked. Although there is a non-compete agreement, the agreement period is limited, which means that once the agreement period expires, these technologies and secrets are likely to be leaked out.

Although the salary and treatment given by the company are already very generous, but I can't bear other companies' wrong What these companies want is not the individual employee, but what the employee has in hand Relevant technical information, as well as the resources accumulated in this position. These resources belong to the employees themselves, but they also use the company's platform resources.

It is precisely because of this that many companies have such crooked ideas and poach people from other companies, the most famous of which is a large Internet company.

The so-called 'created by the original team' originated from this company. It can be seen that there are many people who don't like the image and reputation of this company in the industry.

In addition to these, those who are poached often bring the customer resource information of the original company, which is equivalent to poaching people and these customer resource information. It not only fattened oneself, but also hit the opponent, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone, so many companies are willing to do this kind of poaching.

In order to limit this situation, various companies have also thought of many ways. However, the Tao is one foot tall and the devil is ten feet tall. This situation is still difficult to eliminate.

Especially for those companies that mainly connect with customers, it is difficult to manage in this area, so the competition in this area is particularly fierce.

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