Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2533: Quality is the key to success

Then use some hype or buy traffic to exaggerate how popular and popular the show is. In order to attract more viewers to watch and increase a wave of fans.

Of course, these are not important. What's important is that after the show becomes 'hot', these traffic stars will become 'famous'. At this time, they can use these fame and traffic to harvest a wave of leeks. For example, endorse some products, or participate in some commercial activities, publicity, etc., so as to make a lot of money.

In fact, don't look at these traffic stars who are glamorous on the surface, but in fact they are very pitiful. First of all, they are all cultivated by economic companies. Those who came to the fore may have better innate conditions, so they were lucky enough to stand out and become the best among the many so-called trainees. Behind him are many former partners, as well as many juniors who are debuting in a certain place.

So they are naturally under a lot of pressure, and if they make a slight mistake, or others may be replaced directly. Anyway, there are a lot of trainees, and there are still a steady stream of young people coming to pursue their dreams.

In order to fight for the top position and make a smooth debut, these trainees will sign very unfair contracts with these economic companies. For example, the contract lasts for seven or eight years, and it is very normal for more than ten years, and then a sky-high liquidated damages is set. They have paid so much, but they have received very little compensation. If there is no announcement, no commercial activities, or drama revenue, they can only get a very small amount of basic living expenses every month.

Even with these announcements, commercial activities, and salary income, because of the economic contract, they can only get a very small part, maybe 10%, and a better one may be 20%. There are even fewer, losing money.

Therefore, the first thing many traffic niches do after becoming famous may be to fall out with the original economic company, which may be caused by these harsh economic contracts and uneven distribution of spoils.

As for the economic company, these traffic stars want to get out of their control, of course they are not willing. But if the other party's attitude is firm, that's okay, just pay the additional liquidated damages.

Many traffic niche students finally choose to compromise because of the sky-high liquidated damages. And those who can break away from the control of these economic companies and pay liquidated damages are only a small number of people.

Even many unscrupulous economic companies, under the guise of training trainees to make their debut, lure some young people to come to train and sign such high-priced liquidated damages contracts. When these children regret and want to quit, these unscrupulous economic companies will come up with contracts to force these young people.

Or continue to stay and be squeezed and bullied. These unscrupulous economic companies will not really package you and push you to debut. Instead, they will pick up various commercial activities for you, many of which are illegal. In order to make money, these young people can only sell themselves, and then fall into the abyss step by step.

Many parents do not want their children to stay here and delay their future, so they can only go bankrupt to pay these sky-high liquidated damages.

For these unscrupulous economic companies, they only need to spend a small amount of money to get very generous returns. If you succeed, you can make a lot of money, and if you fail, you can make a lot of money. Why not do it.

"So, it is impossible for pies to fall for no reason, or discus. Young people must resist temptation and distinguish right from wrong." Wu Hao couldn't help sighing after hearing Lin Wei's explanation. He also didn't expect that this glamorous entertainment industry didn't expect it to be so dark. And this may just be the tip of the iceberg.

Lin Wei shook her head, sighed and said, "How do children know so much, let alone children, some adults are deceived everywhere, there are countless."

After sighing, Lin Wei went on to say: "These lucky ones who stand out from the many contacts will become the much-anticipated traffic stars. There are too many such stars, and there are a lot of major companies.

And these economic companies will not invest all their resources on one person, they usually select a few seedlings and invest them separately. Generally, they will test the water first and see that the market response is good, and then continue to invest more. And those who didn't respond well will be quickly frozen.

Or take advantage of a little fame, and then quickly arrange to realize it, participate in various commercial performances and activities, squeeze out their value, and then freeze it.

Of course, these traffic niches who have been hidden by the snow are not reconciled, so they can only find ways to get out of control, and often need to pay a very high liquidated damages.

In this way, these traffic niche students will not only use all the money they have earned in these years, but also go bankrupt and borrow money everywhere. He even agreed to requests from other companies just to get out of here. As everyone knows, they have just come out of the tiger's mouth and entered the wolf's den, and they are also an economic company, so how good will it be?

As for some traffic niches who are getting more and more popular, the economic company will also step up their control. For example, it is an excuse to increase the share for him to increase the contract period, increase the amount of liquidated damages, and so on.

So in the end, no matter what, these economic companies are guaranteed to make money.

It is precisely because of this that the film and television industry is basically controlled by these economic companies. They have funds, resources, and channels. Those directors and film and television companies who want to make dramas have to find them.

So in this way, the quality of these episodes will get worse and worse. Of course, in many cases, these traffic niches are not caused by themselves.

For example, the production budget is relatively small, which is a common fact.

Another example is that traffic stars have poor acting This is recognized. But whoever is born with acting skills is fine, these are things that need to be learned. Many traffic niche students have no time to study at all, and many of them have never attended a professional acting school.

Even if there are a lot of them, the time is very limited. It is a fast-moving consumer product, and the quality can be imagined.

In addition, there is another relationship, that is, these current traffic stars, in order to look good, generally have undergone surgery and plastic surgery. This also causes the body to be fragile, especially the facial muscles are stiff, so the performance must be unnatural and stiff. "

Speaking of this, Lin Wei paused for a moment, then changed her tone and said with a smile: "Of course, it's not like this, there are still many directors and production teams who have dreams and persistence, and there are also many excellent film and television companies.

In recent years, they have also launched a series of excellent film and television series. There may not be so-called traffic stars in these dramas, but with their excellent production, they have also gained a large number of fans and audiences.

This proves that traffic is not the only one, let alone the key to success, and excellent quality is the guarantee of excellent results. "

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