Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2539: Gamble with the Mafia

Turning his head to look at Zhang Jun, Wu Hao smiled and said, "Don't worry, we will be responsible for the operation in the future. They just want to gain the initiative and ensure the stable and safe operation of these systems."

Hearing what he said, Zhang Jun immediately had the feeling of seeing the sun through the clouds and mist, and immediately nodded and smiled: "Then I will prepare here, and contact and negotiate with them after this accident."

As for Wu Hao, he shook his head: "Wait, wait until they contact us first, so that we can take the initiative. In addition, we must also pay attention when talking, don't be blinded by immediate interests, and focus on long-term benefits."

Well, when I go back, I will ask someone to hold a seminar on this aspect to see how we can maximize the rights and interests of this negotiation, which places can be given up, and which places cannot be backed down. Zhang Jun also nodded in a deep voice.

Seeing Zhang Jun responding, Wu Hao smiled, thought for a while, and then said to Zhang Jun: "That's right, affected by the accident last night, some of our systems were shut down, causing some people to suffer losses.

In this regard, you can ask people to investigate and make statistics, and give appropriate compensation to these people who have suffered losses. "

Compensation, is it necessary? Zhang Jun asked at him.

Wu Hao nodded with a smile: "The more it is at this time, the more generous we have to be. Rather than scrambling to shirk responsibility, it is better to be generous, so that at least we can establish a responsible person in the hearts of the people." Corporate image."

OK, I'll get people to start working on the statistics right away. Zhang Jun nodded after hearing the words.

Well, Wu Hao nodded and continued: "This accident is a wake-up call for us. In the future, we should conduct more emergency response drills in this regard, so that we can calmly deal with accidents.

Although our response and handling this time are not bad, but we are still passing the test, and there is still a lot of room for improvement. "

I've noticed it too, let's discuss this matter with Yang Fan later and see how it turns out. After all, he is in charge of emergency response, so it's better to listen to his opinion first. Zhang Jun nodded and suggested to Wu Hao.

Row. Wu Hao complied when he heard the words. He also knew that this matter must not bypass Yang Fan's link, and now he said that he was just talking to Zhang Jun.

By the way, how is Yu Chengwu's preparation going? Zhang Jun immediately asked Wu Hao.

At present, both the rocket and the spacecraft have been transported to the South China Sea launch site, and the vertical assembly has been completed. They are currently in the intense testing and joint training phase, and there should be no problem in welcoming the launch early next month. Wu Hao replied with a smile.

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Jun also showed joy on his face, he smiled and said, "That's great, it's good that everything goes well.

You know that now all parties are paying attention to our launch mission, some are sincerely paying attention, some are watching the fun, and some are hoping that we will fail this time, so that it will be a big somersault.

It's been a while, but many people call me, and I'm almost annoyed by the questions. "


Hearing Zhang Jun's complaints, Wu Hao laughed: "Normal, normal, and it's the same on my side.

The day before yesterday, Xiao Ma called me to ask about the situation. He was a little surprised and asked why we made such a big move so quietly.

Hearing what he meant, it seemed that he regretted participating in Haoyu Aerospace's investment at the beginning, and bought too few stocks. "

Hahaha, I regret it now, it's over! Zhang Jun laughed and said: "At the beginning, we sent invitations to them all, and you called them yourself, but they all made excuses one by one. Seeing that our Haoyu Aerospace is getting better and better, the stock price As they got higher and higher, they regretted it one by one. It was over, how could there be so many regret medicines in this world.

It's the same with me, and they were all beaten back by me one by one. You, you really should give him a good meal. "

Haha, no need. Wu Hao smiled and waved his hands, then looked at Wu Hao and said, "That's right, the stock price of Haoyu Aerospace has indeed risen sharply recently, so we should pay attention."

Hearing what Wu Hao said, Zhang Jun nodded immediately, and said with a grim expression: "Indeed, I have also noticed that, logically speaking, every time before and after such a major space launch mission, our stock price will have a corresponding increase. growth, but this growth is a bit too unusual, as if someone is leading it, I think we should be vigilant."

Wu Hao nodded: "Someone must have taken a fancy to it and wanted to use it for some operations. If our launch is successful and the stock price increases, then they can get more profits.

If there is a problem with the launch, the stock price will inevitably plummet. At that time, they will take the opportunity to sell the stocks they hold and continue to depress the stock price, thereby shorting us. Anyway, they are making money. "

So what to do, now that the arrow is on the string, I have to send it. If this launch mission is terminated, it will not only affect the implementation of the entire plan, but also bring us greater losses and influence. But if this is allowed to continue, once there is a problem with the launch, it will be a disaster for the stock. Zhang Jun said with a worried face.

Wu Hao lowered his head and thought for a moment, then shook his head firmly and said, "They just want to gamble, so let's play a gamble with them to see who can win."

Speaking of this, Wu Hao glanced at Zhang Jun, smiled comfortingly, and said, "Don't worry, I have confidence in our technology, and I have confidence in Yu Chengwu and the others.

Although this task is very difficult, the relevant technology has passed the drill and is a relatively mature technology, and the overall risk is controllable, so the chances of success are relatively high.

Even if there is a, don't worry. The next Jianmu-9 heavy-duty rocket has been successfully developed, and the next transport spacecraft is also under development. If this launch fails, we have the ability to arrange the next launch mission within half a year.

Besides, haven't we accumulated a lot of scientific research results in aerospace and haven't announced them? We can still use these scientific research results to promote and save the market, and we won't give those people a chance. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao thought for a while, and then continued: "How about this, I will report this situation to the higher-ups later, and see what the higher-ups think.

If we dare to play such a game in our country, how could we let their plot succeed. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Jun heaved a sigh of relief and nodded, "Now that's the only way, so tell me, should we fly to the South China Sea in advance to cheer up Yu Chengwu and the others."

No, no, just normal. If we are too deliberate, it will put pressure on them, just let them perform normally. Wu Hao smiled and waved his hands.

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