Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2553: Codename: "Ocean Ghost"

In addition to the above major uses, super industrial solid-state batteries are also very popular in the civilian market. Especially with the implementation of the city traffic restriction policy and the new energy policy, in order to solve the problem of city traffic restriction for fuel vehicles, more and more trucks have begun to switch to electric trucks.

In the past, because the price of power batteries for vehicles was too expensive, this kind of freight demand was not very suitable. With the release of super industrial solid-state batteries, many car companies have begun to develop electric trucks with such super industrial solid-state batteries.

This kind of electric truck is equipped with super industrial solid-state batteries, and the cruising distance can reach about four to five hundred kilometers, but it can realize fast charging. In the high-speed server wireless remote fast charging station cooperated by Haoyu Energy and the power grid, it can realize high-speed charging , basically 15 minutes and 20 minutes can be fully charged.

If you use wired fast charging, the charging can be completed in about ten minutes. And this super industrial solid-state battery pack can also be replaced quickly, using forklifts or automatic mechanical equipment to replace, and the entire replacement time is about ten minutes.

Therefore, the logistics freight vehicles of many logistics companies are basically electric trucks that can replace the battery pack. Because they use electricity, these electric trucks save these express logistics companies hundreds of millions of dollars in fuel costs every year.

In addition to being used in electric trucks, these super-industrial solid-state batteries will also be used in urban bus systems. Because they are cheap, have a long life and are solid, they are popular with many urban bus companies.

In addition, more and more families, especially middle-class families, have begun to move from cities to suburbs, and suburban housing and country villas have also become the first choice for these middle-class families.

And having an emergency power supply in these country villas or small courtyards is also a safeguard facility that many people play with, or build. With this set of emergency power supply, even if there is a typhoon or a power outage during the peak period of electricity consumption, this set of emergency power supply can maintain the basic electricity demand of the whole home.

So for this reason, there have been many companies that focus on household power supplies. And the battery they use is this super industrial solid-state battery.

It's just because Haoyu Technology's super industrial solid-state battery production capacity has been in a saturated state, and there are very few exports. Unless these companies are some big brands, it is difficult for small companies to obtain battery shares.

Therefore, these small companies will also change their thinking, such as purchasing these super solid-state batteries from some shipping companies or other channels, then dismantling them, reassembling them into emergency power supplies for each family, and then selling them to the outside world.

In addition to this kind of household emergency power supply, isn't there a popular camping culture now, so this kind of outdoor power supply that meets the lighting and living electricity needs of the entire outdoor camp is also very popular.

Compared with the kind of outdoor power supply that costs tens of thousands of yuan, but only a few kilowatt-hours of electricity. Relying on this super industrial solid-state battery, they can make this outdoor camping power supply more than ten kilowatt-hours, or even tens of kilowatt-hours. In this way, with such an outdoor power supply, the electricity demand of the entire camp can be realized.

This is not only for lighting, but also for driving many electrical appliances, such as TVs, air conditioners, refrigerators, microwave ovens, ovens and so on.

Battery factories that produce ultra-industrial solid-state batteries have been operating at full capacity and have been expanding production because of strong demand. The factory area has also directly grown from more than 1,000 mu to more than 2,000 mu, and is now heading towards more than 3,000 mu. According to the latest agreement they reached with the local area, the local area requisitioned a thousand acres of land next to the battery factory for them to use as land for expansion of the factory area.

At present, this battery factory has become an important pillar industry in the local area. Although it uses intelligent and unmanned production, it has not brought jobs to the local area, but its production has brought rich taxes to the local area. .

It is also because it brings taxes to the local government, so the local government spares no effort to promote development, and even personally expropriates land for them. The purpose is to keep this factory, which has become an important task for local leaders.

Of course, under Haoyu Energy, not only this battery factory is operating at full capacity, it should be said that all battery factories are operating at full capacity.

Because these battery factories under Haoyu Energy not only produce super industrial solid-state batteries with huge demand, but also produce new lithium batteries that are sold online in market demand. This is the main product of several major battery factories at present, occupying their Seventy percent of capacity requirements for all battery factories.

In addition to these new lithium batteries, there are also super solid-state batteries. Although the current output of this super solid-state battery is very small, because of its super performance, this super solid-state battery has been used in cutting-edge product fields, including cutting-edge civilian products and cutting-edge military fields.

For example, the first all-electric silent submarine built with this super solid-state battery has a displacement of 8,000 This should be regarded as the largest conventionally powered submarine in the world, and also the largest in the world all-electric submarine.

You must know that the general displacement of conventional submarines is around three or four thousand tons, or even two or three thousand tons. And such an 8,000-ton all-electric submarine has approached or even reached the tonnage of a nuclear submarine.

The entire submarine adopts all-electric shaftless pump technology and uses super solid-state batteries as the power storage system. Therefore, this all-electric submarine can achieve ultra-low decibel quiet-level routes.

A general conventional silent submarine means that the noise during navigation is lower than 90 decibels. Because as long as the noise of the submarine drops to about 90 decibels, it can be "submerged" in the background noise of the vast ocean, which is not detected by most sonar.

And this all-electric drive submarine, because it is driven by batteries, coupled with the use of shaftless pump technology, and a new generation of flexible sound-absorbing tile technology, makes the noise of the entire submarine can reach 60 decibels during silent underwater navigation.

This noise is well below background ocean noise, which makes it very quiet during sailing. Because it is extremely quiet, foreign opponents directly gave it a nickname - "Ocean Ghost".

It got such a nickname because it is very quiet, elusive like a ghost, and difficult to catch.

Also because it uses a super solid-state battery to store electricity, it has super endurance. Conventional submarines may need a week or ten days to float and recharge, and their battery life is not affected by fuel and is very limited.

But this all-electric submarine has an endurance comparable to that of a nuclear submarine. In the case of carrying enough supplies, this all-electric drive submarine can submerge underwater for more than a month at a time after it is fully charged.


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