Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2555: Hot and long-lasting battery business

Because of the huge demand for shipbuilding, Wu Hao's demand for their super solid-state batteries has surged. You know, this one is not tens of kilograms or hundreds of kilograms, but the hidden shield, which is often hundreds of tons or thousands of tons.

Moreover, these are still military projects, so there should be no hesitation or possibility of bargaining, and they must be completed unconditionally with guaranteed quality and quantity. And because super solid-state batteries have powerful performance and strong strategic value, the production plants and workshops of super solid-state batteries are strictly kept secret and supervised by military representatives. This should also be a beautiful production line in the super battery factory Bar.

In addition to the navy, other services and arms also have a huge demand for this super solid-state battery, such as the army, air force, rockets, and war branches, each of which has its own needs.

It also made this super solid-state battery come out, except for Wu Hao who used it in some products, most of the others were complained by the military, and only a small part was revealed to be used in some cutting-edge products.

So far, this super solid-state battery has been included in the national key control list, both in technology and in kind, and is not allowed to be exported.

The relevant formula of this super solid-state battery is also kept confidential, so far no technical information has been disclosed, let alone patented technology.

Therefore, the outside world, including some overseas technology giants, including the military of various countries, are very interested in this super solid-state battery, and have spent a lot of money hoping to obtain this technology, but so far, they have not overcome this technology.

They couldn't figure out how a pitch-like object could store such a large amount of electricity without two electrodes. In addition, the material of the asphalt-packed solid-state battery body is very special. It looks like it is cast in one piece, but in fact it has a very precise structural arrangement inside. This has puzzled many foreign experts as to how this internal structure arrangement was produced.

In any case, this super solid-state battery is still being over-produced in the battery factory under Haoyu Energy. Wu Hao and the others only need to be responsible for the production and manufacturing, and then wait to collect the money. They don't need to take care of the rest at all.

However, when the first all-electric submarine was launched, Wu Hao also attended the entire launching ceremony as an important representative. It's just that it has not been made public so far because of confidentiality.

In fact, as an important component supplier, Wu Hao has participated in various launching ceremonies, first flight ceremonies, and service ceremonies over the years. Maybe the army is the one that participated less. After all, the development of the army has basically not made much progress in recent years. Perhaps for the Army, it is not bad to have a new pair of military boots every year.

Compared with these special batteries used in the military and industrial fields, the new lithium battery should be said to be Wu Hao's signature and their representative in the battery field.

At present, the new lithium battery technology has been iteratively upgraded to the fifth generation, although the fourth generation technology and the fifth generation new lithium battery technology have not yet been widely used in the market.

The new lithium battery technology of the first three generations alone has killed the entire battery industry, basically monopolizing 80% of the world's new lithium battery and high-end battery industry.

At present, 80 to 90% of the on-board power batteries used in the mid-to-high-end models produced by domestic and international well-known electric vehicle manufacturers are using their new lithium batteries.

Because of this, even the four battery factories under Haoyu Technology have been continuously expanding and expanding production, and they have been operating at full capacity. These new lithium batteries produced are still not enough, which also led these car companies to directly send representatives to guard the gates of these factories in order to grab the production share of these new lithium batteries, just to grab orders.

There is even a saying in the electric vehicle industry that how many electric vehicles these new energy vehicle manufacturers can produce a year does not depend on their production capacity, but largely depends on the annual production capacity of Haoyu Technology’s battery factories .

In order to win these new lithium batteries, these car manufacturers also take the initiative to increase the price, the purpose is to **** more new lithium batteries. The crazy involution of these car manufacturers has also allowed most of the new lithium batteries to flow into the automotive field.

This is naturally conducive to the development of new energy vehicles, especially the electric vehicle industry, but it has brought other crises. Especially for the consumer-grade digital electronics industry that the battery industry relies on in comparison.

In order to cope with the rising battery prices brought about by the crazy involution of auto manufacturers, these consumer-grade digital electronics companies can only bite the bullet and increase prices in order to **** enough new lithium batteries for use.

This has also led to a soaring price of new lithium batteries, which has led to an increase in the price of the entire consumer-grade digital electronics. There was even a shortage of products in the consumer digital electronics market due to the lack of new lithium batteries.

Especially the shortage of personal communication products, mobile phones and various personal wearable communication devices, etc. The price of a new type of lithium battery has also been copied to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

In order to cope with the market industry crisis of this new type of lithium battery shortage, coupled with the country's relevant market regulation in this regard. Wu Hao and the others have increased the technical authorization for new lithium batteries and lowered the relevant authorization threshold.

The first-generation and second-generation products only need to pay relevant patent fees and obtain authorization to produce them. Wu Hao and the others will charge these authorized battery factories patent fees ranging from tens to hundreds of yuan per kWh of electricity.

Just these special authorization fees every year, let Wu Hao and the others already earn a lot of money. In addition, there are standards that all manufacturers producing new lithium batteries need to pass the safety certification of Haoyu Technology. This certification is quarterly, and its purpose is to supervise these batteries that have obtained technical patents. It is a manufacturer that can produce qualified new lithium battery products.

And this safety certification has also become a passport for these battery manufacturers to enter the high-end consumer electronics market and the automotive market. Only with this safety certification, consumer digital electronics companies and car manufacturers dare to use your related products.

Therefore, this safety certification is very important, so that these manufacturers attach great importance to it and actively maintain it. Although the certification is relatively strict and troublesome, once they pass the certification, the battery products they produce can be regarded as getting admission tickets, opening up sales, and naturally making money.

How could these production companies that have tasted the sweetness not actively maintain it. Therefore, in the taste of these companies, this safety certification has also begun to transform into an industry standard in the field of new lithium batteries.

(end of this chapter)


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