Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2591: A new record in the history of world spaceflight

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When the news and news of the success of the lander were still causing heated discussions among netizens on the Internet, a video was suddenly released on the official community account of Haoyu Technology, which immediately detonated the Internet.

This is a short video of 1 minute and 30 seconds. At the beginning of the video, it shows a long-range surveillance video from the surface of the moon. In the originally endless plain of Zhihai Basin, an object suddenly fell from the sky and then moved smoothly. Landing is not far away.

This video is the final stage of the lander's descent and landing captured by the high-definition camera on the Wangshu-2 patrol probe. The Wangshu-2 patrol probe took a relatively complete video of the lander's descent and landing, but because of the need for frequent and confidentiality, only the last video was intercepted.

Just this video, but it also created a new record in the history of the world's spaceflight. This is the world's first technical video of another human probe (lander) descending and landing on the surface of an extraterrestrial planet, taken by an unmanned human probe.

In just these ten seconds, it has high scientific research value, allowing the public and many scientists to witness the whole process of the lander descending and landing.

Immediately afterwards, the screen switched, and what occupied the middle of the entire screen was a huge and very spectacular lander. The entire lander presents a shape with a large bottom and a small top.

At the top is the docking port connected to the orbital service module, and the lower part is gradually enlarged, and then there are some shells wrapped with a golden protective film. There are many shelves around the entire shell, some of which are empty, and some of which are still bundled with goods.

On the front of the entire cargo compartment, there is a door, which is the hatch of the entire cargo compartment. Because it is a cargo spacecraft, the cargo compartment of the entire lander does not have an airlock for people to enter and exit. On the one hand, this design has no use and necessity in this regard, and on the other hand, it is to leave as much internal space as possible to equip more materials.

Under the heightened square cargo compartment, there is the lander system. In addition to the four strong and powerful landing frames, there are the engine nozzles at the rear.

The bottom of the nozzle is affected by the exhaust jet of the lander's descending engine, so the lunar soil below is blown out of a large crater.

There are some external equipment on the lander, and a small solar panel has been turned on, facing the sun at the moment, powering the entire lander.

Around the lander, there are many white rectangular cargo packages that have been unloaded from the shelves outside the lander.

What the entire lander came out of was a flat plain of lunar soil, with some small craters scattered on it. What attracts the most attention behind it is the raised Rifei Mountains, which is actually the western edge of the entire Zhihai Ancient Crater.

As the screen rotated, everyone also saw the environment around the lander. Then the picture turned through the external camera on the lander, and everyone finally saw what was under the camera lens of the lander.

It turns out that this is a robot similar to a lunar rover. The whole robot has a big reminder, and there are four pairs of eight hollow wheels underneath. However, unlike ordinary metal wheels, this hollow wheel appears thicker, and the surface seems to have a layer of rubber-like material attached to it.

The above is the theme of the robot, and the overall body shape is a cuboid. The devices compared above are relatively simple, and the overall appearance is white. It may be because white is more likely to reflect light and heat insulation.

The robot body is above, but it is its most critical thing. First of all, of course, is the robot’s eyes. It is deployed on a mast and is a set of high-definition compound eye cameras with multi-eye synthetic aperture mirrors, integrating multiple functions.

Immediately afterwards, there are the two mechanical arms in front of the robot, like the two hands of the robot, or the two pincers of a crab. The two robotic arms are very flexible and can be folded behind the back, or unfolded for work, such as carrying these goods.

And behind the robot, there is also a super-large intelligent robotic arm. This robotic arm is very large and is installed near the tail of the robot. When it is unfolded, it looks like a scorpion's tail.

However, the robotic arm is in the folded state at the moment, so it can be seen from the video that it is a relatively large robotic arm, but no one can see clearly what it looks like when it is unfolded.

At the back is a solar panel. The entire sail is like a tilted sail. At this moment, it has been turned on and tilted towards the sun to generate power for the robot.

On the side of the back of the robot that is also close to the tail, there is also a mast erected. On the mast is a hollowed-out small pot antenna. In addition, there is a long antenna on the back of the robot. I don’t know what it is for. of.

This robot is exactly the intelligent control robot in the list. It can be seen through the external camera on the lander. At this moment, this intelligent control robot is using the two flexible mechanical arms in front of it to carry the cargo briskly. It will be scattered The messy cargo around the lander was picked up by the robotic arm, and then transported to the side and neatly placed together.

The screen switched again to the surveillance camera on the intelligent control robot, and I saw the work of this intelligent control robot for the first time.

And when this intelligent robot raised the camera, the sky was pitch black, but in this pitch black space, there was this round of bright, pale blue moon.

This is not the moon, but the earth.

At this moment, the earth is like a bright moon, hanging on the moon, accompanying this lonely robot to survive in the wilderness on the moon.

Here, the video came to an abrupt This video immediately attracted everyone's attention, and took advantage of the trend to reach the top of the hot search list. Immediately afterwards, it was quoted by major media and TV stations, and appeared in various reports and news.

For many people, this is simply unbelievable.

First of all, of course, is the opening scene. This is the first time everyone has seen such a real scene. All the videos of the landing of the lander that you have seen before, in addition to the first-view landing pictures taken by the external camera on the lander, the third-view pictures, especially the landing pictures of the lander taken on the surface of the extraterrestrial planet They are all computer-generated.

Then there is the lander as a whole, and this nimble and brisk robot.

This should be the most efficient extraterrestrial robot that everyone has seen, because before this, all the ground detection robots for extraterrestrial planets were slow, traveling one or two meters a day, and traveling more than ten meters is regarded as drag racing .

But this time, this intelligently controlled robot is so flexible, carrying the goods so briskly, how can it not be shocking.

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