Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2608: Air Filtration Oxygen Circulation System

Chapter 2608 Air Filtration Oxygen Supply Circulation System

Observing everyone's reaction, Zhang Xiaolei did not rush to explain in panic, but said calmly with a smile: "The development of technology is changing with each passing day, and many things that we think are impossible and incredible may suddenly have a breakthrough.

There are too many such examples, so I will not introduce them here. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Xiaolei glanced at everyone, and then continued: "Through long-term scientific research on the human respiratory system and the combination of relevant information, we know that the air we exhale is basically the same as the air we inhale, with only slight changes. .

The first is nitrogen, which is the heaviest in the air and in our breath. Although it is not absorbed by the human body, it also participates in the operation of the entire respiratory system.

Therefore, its content in the inhaled gas and exhaled gas of our human respiratory system is the same, and there is no change in the sound.

This is followed by oxygen, the only gas useful for the entire respiratory system to be absorbed by the alveoli. The air we inhale contains 21 percent oxygen as air, but the air we exhale contains only 16 percent oxygen.

This also means that about 5% of the oxygen is absorbed by the alveoli of our human lungs and dissolved in the hemoglobin of our red blood cells.

And it is this 5% oxygen supplier that meets the oxygen demand of our body and maintains the normal operation of various organs in the body. As for the remaining 16% of oxygen, these are not being used.

From this aspect, the working efficiency of our lungs is relatively low, only about 25%. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Xiaolei paused for a moment, gave everyone a little time to react and digest, and then continued: "Under normal circumstances, the volume of air inhaled by our lungs is equal to the volume of air exhaled. How much air is inhaled depends on It means that how much air is exhaled, too much or too little, will affect the normal operation of the lungs and even the whole body.

While the hemoglobin in the red blood cells in the alveoli absorbs oxygen, it also filters out waste products produced by various organs of the body. These wastes are also about 5%, of which 4% is carbon dioxide and about 1% is water vapor.

This is why we often say that the gas we exhale contains carbon dioxide. In fact, its content is not much, about 4%. However, the 4% carbon dioxide makes the exhaled gas waste gas and cannot be used again.

As for the remaining one percent of other gases, the inhaled and exhaled volumes are the same and will not be absorbed by the human body. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Xiaolei glanced at the crowd, and then went on to say: "After figuring out the breathing operation principle of our human lungs, then we are thinking, can we make a fuss about these inhaled and breathed gases, so that these airs can also Being able to recycle it allows us to use very little gas to sustain a person breathing underwater for long periods of time."

Hearing Zhang Xiaolei's words, everyone present showed doubts. What she said not only did not alleviate the doubts in everyone's mind, but also deepened their curiosity. What kind of technology is this.

Seeing that everyone's curiosity was almost mobilized, Zhang Xiaolei smiled and said: "It seems a bit whimsical, but this technology has actually been used in many submarines, this is the air filtration system and oxygen generation system.

We all know that a submarine can submerge underwater for a long time, which depends on it having a complete air circulation system.

This air circulation system will absorb the carbon dioxide exhaled by the submarine crew in the confined space, then use a variety of methods to generate oxygen, and then deliver the oxygen to each cabin. In this way, the oxygen content in the interior space of the submarine can be maintained at all times, and the carbon dioxide concentration in the cleared air can be reduced.

So can we apply these technologies to this set of underwater special warfare mechanical exoskeleton protective armor, and install an air circulation system in its back backpack.

In simple terms, this is a set of air filtration and oxygenation circulation system.

Its basic principle is to eliminate the carbon dioxide in the exhaled gas of the human body, and then supplement the 5% oxygen in the air, so that the gas can be restored into breathable air for our frogmen and divers to breathe. "

Seeing the stunned expressions on everyone's faces, Zhang Xiaolei took the transparent folding tablet handed over by the staff, and then slid the tablet to display a picture on a nearby TV screen.

In fact, the principle of this air circulation system is very simple. We can see that it is regarded as an artificial lung. Its principle and structure are the same as those of human lungs. Alveoli that filter gases.

The exhaust gas discharged from the human body will be transported to the artificial lung through the gas collection system, and then transported to the numerous alveoli through these pipes. Through the filtration system in these alveoli, the carbon dioxide and water vapor in the exhaust gas can be well removed. Filter it out.

As for the filtered carbon dioxide and water vapor, UU Read Book will be discharged slowly. Because the capacity is very small, it is like some fish spitting bubbles in the water, it is finely broken, and the sound noise formed is also very small.

And the air that has been filtered out of carbon dioxide and water vapor cannot be breathed directly, because the oxygen content in it is too low, only 16%. Moreover, the gas capacity is also less than 5% of the filtered carbon dioxide and water, so direct inhalation will cause hypoxia in the human body, and insufficient lung relaxation will also occur.

Therefore, before inhalation, we need to dissolve oxygen in these gases, release high-concentration liquid oxygen from the oxygen cylinder, and then dissolve the vaporized oxygen based on 5% of the oxygen content in the inhaled gas in the air In the middle, let the oxygen content in the air return to 21%, so that the human body's oxygen and inhaled gas needs can be met.

You know, oxygen can be liquefied. The 12-liter gas cylinder we use for diving can hold about 12 liters of liquid oxygen, and the 12 liters of liquid oxygen can get about 12 liters of oxygen. Twelve times Twelve is 144 liters of oxygen.

The capacity of a normal person to inhale a mouthful of air is about 500 milliliters, and the capacity of an exercised and well-trained special combatant is about 600 milliliters.

In 600 milliliters of air, the concentration of oxygen is 21%, the content is about 130 milliliters, and the content of 4 percent oxygen is about 25 milliliters.

This also means that with this system, our diggers and special forces only need to consume 25 milliliters of oxygen for each breath underwater. Previous Chapter Contents Bookmarks Next Chapter

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