Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2610: Underwater Extreme Survival Tactics

Chapter 2610 Underwater Extreme Survival Tactics

Hearing what Zhang Xiaolei said, everyone present became interested. If this air filtration and oxygenation circulation system can only be assembled on the exoskeleton protective armor of underwater special operations machinery, then everyone's interest will naturally not be so high.

Although many special forces are now capable of amphibious operations, including underwater and underwater operations. However, the main body of operations of other special forces is still on the vast land. Only the Marine Corps and Marine Special Forces focus their operations on ocean waters, underwater environments, and water, land, island and reef areas, and are compatible with combat requirements covering other geographical environments.

So for these special forces, although they are envious of this air filtration and oxygenation circulation system that can allow divers to stay underwater for fifty or sixty hours, they will not buy a special underwater combat mission. Special operations mechanical exoskeleton protective armor equipment.

Therefore, after hearing Zhang Xiaolei's clear and positive answer, these people were naturally ecstatic. Only the marines remained calm, and there was even a trace of resentment, grievance, and displeasure.

"This air filtration and oxygenation circulation system can be designed and manufactured as an independent air supply system, which can be carried on the diver's back like a diving backpack, and then used normally like a gas cylinder.

Of course, this independent air supply system, because of its limited power and limited capacity, is naturally inferior to the performance of the air filtration and oxygenation circulation system equipped on the exoskeleton protective armor, and its time for diving underwater is only about Half, that is, about twenty to thirty hours.

However, we believe that even 20 to 30 hours is sufficient for various underwater combat missions. And most of the diving suits have only two types at present, one is dry and the other is wet.

Even a dry suit only prevents the water flowing into the suit from flowing out, and does not completely isolate our divers from the water. This will also cause our divers to stay underwater for too long. On the one hand, it may accelerate the loss of body heat, resulting in hypothermia of the upper body. This is not only harmful to health, but may also be life-threatening. On the other hand, long-term contact of water with the skin can also cause a series of skin and physical diseases.

Finally, there is the way of breathing. Regular diving needs to breathe with a respirator in your mouth. This way is not comfortable, and it is also a kind of consumption for people. If used for a long time, it may cause a series of problems, such as abrasion and inflammation of the inner wall of the oral cavity.

The other one wears a respirator, which means that divers cannot eat or drink, and staying underwater for a long time is also very exhausting for the body.

If things cannot be replenished in time, the physical strength of the divers will drop rapidly, which will not only affect the completion of the task, but also bring some life-threatening.

Therefore, if you are wearing this separate air filtration and oxygenation circulatory system backpack, we recommend that you spend no more than eight hours in a single underwater dive. If the amount of underwater exercise is too large, the time should be correspondingly reduced to five or six hours, or even shorter. "

After listening to Zhang Xiaolei's introduction, everyone present also nodded, and the expressions on the faces of everyone in the Marine Corps also looked better.

Indeed, Zhang Xiaolei was right. Diving underwater for a long time is very exhausting for divers. Moreover, the underwater temperature is usually very low, and it is easy to lose temperature if you stay underwater for a long time. You must know that this is life-threatening.

As for Zhang Xiaolei, after she finished speaking, she was always paying attention to the reactions of the people present. After everyone had digested it for a while, she smiled and walked to the protective armor of the underwater special operations mechanical exoskeleton and introduced it with a smile.

"And our underwater special warfare mechanical exoskeleton protective armor uses a fully enclosed protective suit, which means that we can completely isolate people from the water, so that our wearers are always in a dry, constant temperature environment. middle.

In this way, the problem that conventional diving suits cannot prevent water and keep warm can be solved.

In the second aspect, please pay attention to the inside of our head armor. There is a straw through which our wearer can replenish water and fluid food.

We set up a food storage box in the back backpack system, which stores water, food, refreshing drinks, and you can freely equip some food that can improve your mood according to your preferences.

Through the menu control, the straw can be switched anytime and anywhere to choose water or different foods. Of course, these foods are required to be easily digestible and less excreted.

After all, you have to stay underwater for so long that you can't go to the toilet. In this way, the best way is not to eat, but people always have to excrete.

Therefore, at this time, it is necessary to strictly control the diet, so that basically all the supplemented food can be absorbed. Of course, this is impossible.

Then our wearers can only wear diapers or urine bags. "

"Of This is an extreme method of warfare in a very extreme environment. After all, staying underwater for such a long time is a severe test for a person's willpower, physical strength, and spirit. Therefore, if conditions permit, try to control the mission within ten hours. If you want to perform missions continuously, it is best to be able to carry a watertight cabin, or go to land for repairs at regular intervals."

After listening to Zhang Xiaolei's words, everyone present whispered to each other.

At this time, a lieutenant colonel from the Marine Corps group with a navy flag on his armband stood at attention and gave a military salute to Zhang Xiaolei.

"Manager Zhang, I'm Zhao Chenggang from Jiaolong. You just introduced the air filtration and oxygen supplement circulation system on this underwater special warfare mechanical exoskeleton protective armor, which can allow frogmen to stay underwater for fifty or sixty hours. May I ask for this data? Have you tried it?"

Hearing the question from the lieutenant colonel of the Marine Corps, Zhang Xiaolei immediately smiled and replied to him: "No, this is just theoretical data, and the actual use may be due to different environments, so the results may be different.

During the development of this air filtration and oxygenation circulation system, we used the swimming pool for experiments, but it is impossible for us to let our testers stay underwater for fifty or sixty hours. It can only be tested by multiple people taking turns. According to the results of many tests, under normal circumstances, our air filtration and oxygenation circulation system is equipped with 12 liters of liquid oxygen, which can maintain our testers for 40 hours underwater. hours or more.

This result may be different from the theoretical data, mainly because we cannot accurately estimate the normal physiological state of a person underwater, so naturally it is impossible to estimate its oxygen consumption underwater. "Previous chapter table of contents bookmark the next chapter

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