Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2612: The "Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle" that makes the frogmen's desc

"For submarine operations, such a thin optical fiber cable certainly has no effect. Because the range of general fish is about 15 kilometers to 20 kilometers, and even some torpedoes can have a range of more than 40 to 50 kilometers. , the range of heavy torpedoes can reach one hundred kilometers.

At such a long distance, such a thin line is naturally insignificant, it is difficult to be detected, and it is difficult to reveal the position of the opponent's submarine.

However, for underwater frogman combat, the combat distance is very short, and it is easy for the opposing frogman to find it along this fiber optic cable, so as to obtain the position of our frogman troops, so as to attack or call the water surface Force strikes.

Therefore, this wire-guided miniature individual torpedo needs to be quickly transferred after launching an attack to avoid being traced by the enemy.

Another passive sonar technology is applied to this miniature individual torpedo, so that the torpedo can track the sonar signal, and then find the edge to attack the opponent's frogman or other underwater targets. "

At the end of the introduction, Zhang Xiaolei paused and then continued: "This miniature individual torpedo is small in size and light in weight. It can be used alone or equipped on this underwater special warfare mechanical exoskeleton protective armor. .

According to its load capacity, a set of underwater special warfare mechanical exoskeleton protective armor can carry up to 20 miniature individual torpedoes. "

"What is the power of this miniature individual torpedo?" Zhao Chenggang, who had already stepped forward at some point, asked Zhang Xiaolei urgently.

Facing Zhao Chenggang who came closer, Zhang Xiaolei replied with a smile: "Its power is still very impressive. Although it is very small in size, it is equipped with 500 grams of high-explosive ammunition in its warhead, which is quite In the explosive power of 500 grams of TNT in water.

In addition to this simple high-explosive warhead, we also specially designed a lethal warhead for the frogman’s underwater combat characteristics. Our engineers gave it a very martial name, called the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle.

We know that the splash distance of bullets and marbles in water is not far. Even powerful bullets can only fly two to three meters in water.

So in order to expand the range of bullets in water, we specially developed an underwater rifle. Of course, it is not so much the development of an underwater rifle as it is the development of a bullet specially designed for underwater shooting.

Compared with ordinary bullets, the biggest feature of this underwater bullet is that its warhead is very long, very long. This design is also based on the principle of underwater hydrodynamics, so that this warhead can travel a longer distance underwater.

Based on this principle, we changed the marbles that were originally to be filled in this lethal warhead into steel needles. This kind of steel needle is very thin, just like a sewing needle or a small steel nail.

They were inserted around the entire warhead like candied haws on the grass handle, which made the entire warhead look like a pineapple covered with thorns, or like a mace.

When the torpedo is close to the target, the fuse will detonate the warhead immediately, and these steel needles will be fired in all directions like fast-fired bullets. Because it conforms to the design of underwater hydrodynamics, it has a long range, and its maximum range can reach about fifteen meters, with strong penetration.

In fact, the trauma that these steel needles can cause is relatively limited, at most it can cause the opponent to explode into a hedgehog. Although it is not deadly enough, it can greatly kill the enemy and make the enemy lose its combat effectiveness.

Just ask, can a digger whose whole body is covered with steel needles continue to fight underwater. "

Hearing Zhang Xiaolei asking everyone with a smile on her face, everyone present felt a chill down their backs. Especially those special forces members, and officers and soldiers of the Marine Corps.

Good guy, they have only now seen what the most poisonous woman's heart is.

The little girl spoke Wu Nong softly, but what she said made people shudder. Once this weapon becomes popular, it will be the nightmare of all frogmen.

As soon as they imagined that they would encounter such a weapon attack underwater, all these powerful soldiers who almost had "Lao Tzu number one in the world" on their faces felt a little trembling at the moment.

Among them, the officers and soldiers of the Marine Corps have the most complicated feelings. What they are happy about is that this weaponry will be a sharp weapon for their future battles, and if they make good use of it, they will be able to go anywhere.

The worry is that once this weapon falls into the hands of the enemy, they will also face a cruel situation. Maybe in a future mission, they suddenly encountered this kind of torpedo without any precautions.

As an experienced frogman, they are all too aware of the damage this weapon can cause underwater. Once injured underwater, the person is basically useless. The underwater environment is no better than that on the shore, and you can bandage to stop bleeding at any time. In many cases, underwater injuries can only be simply tied up, and it is even more difficult to stop.

Coupled with the special underwater environment, the wound is exposed to the water and is very susceptible to infection. Once injured, it is really close to death.

Noticing everyone's expressions Zhang Xiaolei wanted to laugh. She turned her head to look at Wu Hao, and saw Wu Hao nodding slightly at him, which made her happy, and immediately calmed down, and then continued to introduce to everyone.

In view of the considerable power of this miniature individual torpedo, we believe that there is still potential to continue to be explored in it. So we designed and developed a variety of improved models on the basis of it.

For example, the heavy anti-frogman torpedo, which is larger and heavier, can be launched alone or through a torpedo launcher.

It can be equipped to launch on ships, can also be used to launch on submarines, and can also be launched on roadbed islands and reefs. If necessary, it can also be airdropped by anti-submarine aircraft or anti-submarine helicopters.

It is more powerful and has a larger killing range, and it is specially used to target enemy frogmen troops lurking underwater and waiting for an opportunity to destroy.

There is also this kind of rocket-extended anti-frogman torpedo, which uses rockets to increase its range and is used to attack some long-distance suspicious targets.

What's more, it is the underwater anti-frogman mine designed and developed by us using this warhead.

This kind of underwater anti-frogman mine can be designed in different sizes according to the needs. For example, small anti-frogman mines can be arranged by our frogman team members.

It can be used to block submarine passages and important sea areas. It can also be used to set traps to ambush enemy frogmen. It can also be used to block the pursuit of enemy frogmen and retreat safely.

For example, large-scale anti-frogman mines can be used for launching by ships or aircraft to block the sea area and protect our important facilities from the harassment and destruction of enemy frogmen.

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