Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2618: A new generation of general-purpose unmanned combat robots

Chapter 2618 A new generation of general-purpose unmanned combat robots

Xiao Wu, can this stealth material be applied to other weapons and equipment to achieve visual stealth and optical detection stealth? Li Weiguo immediately started asking.

Hearing Li Weiguo's question, everyone's eyes lit up, and then they looked at Wu Hao.

Compared with stealth camouflage uniforms, the invisibility of these large weapons and equipment is also very important, and very troublesome and troublesome.

Large weapons and equipment have their own camouflage paint, so as to achieve better stealth effect. For example, armored vehicles, tanks, all kinds of ground vehicles, and equipment have this kind of camouflage painting.

In addition to land equipment, naval equipment also has its own painting. Whether it is the highly controversial navy camouflage or the low-visibility painting used by warships and fighters, they all have the function of stealth and reducing detection.

The same is true for the air force. Many fighters are painted with low-visibility, and many fighters are retained with camouflage paint, which is to further improve their stealth performance.

Not to mention the rocket force, its huge launch vehicle has always been the key target of the enemy, so it has higher requirements for stealth performance. A large part of the usual training revolves around the concealed camouflage of these launch vehicles and the ability to hit them at critical moments.

As for this stealth material, if it can be equipped on these equipment, their stealth performance will be greatly improved, which will greatly improve the battlefield survival and combat of these equipment.

Facing everyone's eager eyes, Wu Hao nodded with a smile: "Of course, we can make this kind of stealth camouflage material into a large camouflage net, or camouflage material, and use it to cover these large-scale equipment. Very good stealth performance.

In addition, if necessary, these materials can be pasted on the surface of these equipments, which can also achieve a better stealth effect. How to use the tool also requires communication and research with some weapons and equipment manufacturers, because it also involves some more specific issues. "

Hearing what Wu Hao said, everyone's faces could not help but overflow with joy. Especially looking at the expressions of the representatives of some exhibitors behind, I believe that someone will find them soon to discuss the cooperation of this material.

After the introduction of this stealth camouflage uniform, the exhibition area for individual soldier equipment and carrying equipment is basically over. Although there are still a lot of carrying equipment, but these are not worth mentioning in detail, so a brief introduction is over.

Walking out of the military tent, Wu Hao and the others realized that there were more and more people following them. In addition to Li Weiguo and Wang Lianggong, there are also officers and soldiers from various special forces of the military, as well as leaders and representatives from various exhibitors. In addition, it also alarmed several reporters from the military newspaper who were recording there with video cameras and cameras at the moment.

However, compared with ordinary reporters, these military newspaper reporters have also received training in secrecy, so he doesn't have to worry about this.

Even so, Wu Hao said hello to Zhang Xiaolei, and asked her to send someone to communicate with these military newspaper reporters after the visit, and to delete some pictures and content as much as possible, so as not to leak secrets and cause trouble. Some unnecessary controversy. For example, introducing the performance of these weapons and equipment, as well as Wu Hao's face, these are all to be hidden.

After all, as the head of a private technology company, he still has to pay attention to his personal image. In particular, they also operate a huge international market, so they need to pay more attention to their personal image. On the one hand, they will be processed and used by those with ulterior motives, and become a tool to attack them and slander them, and also avoid being used by some people to suppress them. Excuse.

After leaving the individual soldier equipment exhibition area, Zhang Xiaolei led everyone into the unmanned combat equipment exhibition area. This should be the exhibition area that everyone is most looking forward to, because the unmanned combat equipment technology has always been Haoyu Technology's specialty technology, and it was also with this technology that Wu Hao and his young boys were killed The military took a fancy to it, and finally jumped up and became a world-famous technology giant.

And since then, Wu Hao and the others have been making very fruitful achievements in the field of unmanned technology and equipment. A large number of unmanned weapons and equipment have also been deployed in the army. Some of them have emerged in some hot spots abroad and achieved great results. Battle exploits.

Compared with the individual equipment and carrying equipment exhibition area, this unmanned combat equipment exhibition area is larger. It is made up of two large tents, so the space inside is larger.

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Walking into this huge tent, you will be greeted by a series of various unmanned combat equipment, including those on land, in the air, and in the water. The child entered an unmanned combat equipment arsenal, or it was like a supermarket, the shelves were full of equipment.

However, most of these equipments have been seen before, and only a few weapons and equipments are relatively new, which should be the 30% of the new equipments that Zhang Xiaolei mentioned for the first time.

First of all, the most eye-catching thing is an unmanned combat vehicle. The size of the entire unmanned combat vehicle is not large, and UU Kanshu is only the size of an ordinary civilian SUV.

The track-driven chassis is used, and the car body is equivalent to the ridge line of a general amphibious combat vehicle, and a folded anti-wave plate is equipped in front of the car body.

On the vehicle body is an intelligent turret. Its main weapon is a triple-mounted 12.7mm rotary machine gun. A set of quadruple-mounted missile launchers are equipped on both sides of the turret. The diameter of the single barrel of the missile is not large. , what is equipped is not an ordinary anti-tank missile, but a bit like a general-purpose loitering missile developed by Haoyu Technology.

The turret is also equipped with a wealth of optical sighting equipment for the crew, as well as environmental perception sensors. There is also a 7.62 mm automatic machine gun on the top of the turret, which should be used for air defense and targeting some small targets.

Watching the crowd gather around, Zhang Xiaolei smiled and introduced to everyone present: "The unmanned combat vehicle in front of you is a new generation of general-purpose unmanned combat vehicle developed by us, and it can also be called a new generation of general-purpose combat vehicle." Unmanned combat robot.

Compared with our previous similar products, it is very different. The biggest difference that catches the eye is that we have changed the shape of the car body and changed from eight-wheel drive to crawler drive.

In addition, the entire car body is more like an amphibious combat vehicle, which also means that it can fight in water and can serve as an amphibious combat vehicle for amphibious combat missions.

For example, unmanned combat vehicles such as command remote control are used as the first attack echelon to attack the enemy's beach positions, suppress the enemy's firepower, and cover the landing of follow-up troops.

Or directly destroy the enemy's tidal flat defense force, establish a landing position, and open up a landing field for the subsequent landing of large troops. "Previous chapter table of contents bookmark the next chapter

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