Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2622: no bad weapons

Having said this, Zhang Xiaolei paused for a moment, then smiled at everyone and continued to introduce.

"Our submarine-launched attack drone has some unique advantages over submarine-launched anti-ship cruise missiles and submarine-launched cruise missiles.

The first is the most important range. The range of general submarine-launched anti-ship missiles is basically about 100 kilometers, and the range of some new anti-ship cruise missiles can reach about 200 kilometers to 300 kilometers.

The range of our submarine-launched attack drone is about 600 kilometers to 800 kilometers, which is equivalent to the range of some short-range cruise missiles.

If a rocket booster is added to this submarine-launched attack drone, its range will be further increased to about 1,200 kilometers to 1,500 kilometers. This range means that it can already match most cruise missiles.

In addition to range, the most important thing is its air time. Because it uses the blade propulsion method, it can stay in the air for a longer time, which is unmatched by conventional anti-ship cruise missiles and cruise missiles.

Therefore, it can stay in the air for a longer period of time like many drones, so that it has enough time to monitor and reconnaissance the entire battlefield, and look for enemy targets to launch precise attacks. "

Speaking of this picture, Xiaolei paused for a moment, and then continued: "In addition, the biggest advantage of our submarine-launched attack drone is its low price, and its overall cost is only about 1/3 of that of ordinary anti-ship cruise missiles. .Even this price can be further reduced.

This also means that we can use lower-cost precision attack weapons to attack some of the enemy's conventional targets, even low-value targets, which is very suitable for some daily expendable strike mission requirements.

Many times our commanders will have this entanglement, that is, the value of a missile is much higher than some enemy targets, but in order to destroy the opponent, they have to use it, which is not worthwhile.

At this time, this lower-cost attack drone can become the best choice to strike these low-value enemy conventional targets. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Xiaolei breathed a sigh of relief, and then continued to speak to everyone present.

"Of course, this submarine-launched attack drone also has its shortcomings and shortcomings. For example, its speed, especially at the end of the attack, is certainly not as fast as conventional attack missiles, which also means that it is The attack end is easier to intercept.

Any weapon has its advantages and disadvantages, which is unavoidable. How to use it specifically, to maximize its strengths and avoid weaknesses, depends on the wisdom and determination of the user. "

After listening to Zhang Xiaolei's introduction, everyone present nodded slightly. The drone's attack speed is slow, which is a consensus, because it is determined by its structure and power.

As Zhang Xiaolei said, each weapon has its advantages and disadvantages, and how to use it depends on the choice and decision of each commander.

There's no such thing as a bad weapon, it's just not used in the right place.

After hearing these words, Wang Lianggong turned his head to Li Weiguo and Wu Hao and said with a smile: "This submarine-launched attack drone will help improve and expand the strike weapon arsenal of our submarine force, allowing them to have one more weapon. Choose. But how to use it depends on the specific requirements and actual needs of the submarine force. After all, the submarine force is special, and the tasks it undertakes are even more special, so the requirements and selection of weapons are more cautious.

But on the whole, this submarine-launched attack drone is still in line with the urgent needs of the current submarine force, especially the conventional submarine force, in the diversification of strike methods. I believe they will be very interested. "

After exaggerating the advantages, Wang Lianggong said immediately: "Of course, this will also bring some new problems. The number of ammunition that can be carried on the submarine force is limited, so if it carries this submarine-launched attack drone, then it will carry other The amount of ammunition may be reduced as a result.

Due to its particularity, submarine combat is fast, precise and ruthless, killing with one blow, and then fleeing thousands of miles away. Is this slower submarine-launched attack drone really suitable for the operational needs of the submarine force? I'm afraid this has to be decided in actual combat. "

Wang Lianggong's words were recognized by everyone at the scene. He is right. Whether this attack drone is suitable for the needs of the submarine force will not be known until it has been verified in actual combat. But now it is a time of peace, and it is basically impossible to do actual combat. It can only be verified through some actual combat exercises or back-to-back exercises.

Li Weiguo nodded with a smile, and then asked Wu Hao with a smile: "Xiao Wu, isn't this submarine-launched attack drone generally used for submarine operations? Then why did you put it in the special forces this time?" What about your equipment booth? There seems to be no buyers here that meet your requirements, right?"

Hearing Li Weiguo's words, everyone present couldn't help but looked at Wu Hao curiously.

Wu Hao smiled at this, and then looked at Zhang Xiaolei. Zhang Xiaolei, who understood, nodded immediately, and said to everyone present with a smile. UU reading

"Our submarine-launched attack drone can be launched not only on a submarine, but also by a single soldier underwater. It can even be launched on land if necessary.

This also means that it does not need any launch platform, and can complete the entire launch and strike process by a single soldier.

For our special warfare, the frogman can carry this submarine-launched attack drone to sneak into the enemy's territorial waters or offshore coasts, inland waters, and then bypass the enemy's important air defense circle firepower network, from the gap to the The enemy's important target launched a precise attack.

If desired, it can be launched from multiple directions by infiltrated special operators, so as to launch a precision strike on the same target. In this way, even with a powerful air defense firepower network, it is still unable to withstand precise strikes from multiple directions, or even saturated precision attacks.

That's why we put this submarine-launched attack drone on the special forces equipment booth. "

After listening to Zhang Xiaolei's introduction, everyone present also understood that this is an attack drone that can be used in special operations.

Although Zhang Xiaolei's introduction may be a bit exaggerated, in fact, if this submarine-launched attack drone is used properly, it can really launch unexpected surprise attacks on the enemy's deep and high-value important targets as Zhang Xiaolei described, thus Easier to achieve great results.

"Is it easy for a single soldier to launch such a large submarine-launched attack drone? How to transport and control such a large drone." This time it was Luo Kai who raised the question very specifically. Immediately, everyone agreed.

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