Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2626: Infantry version of "Loyal War Dogs"

"For example, we can equip this robot dog with an automatic machine gun, so that it can perform reconnaissance and attack tasks autonomously like many robots. We can even equip it with different weapon systems, such as grenade launchers, rocket launchers, etc. , even missile launchers and so on.

In this way, it can replace our special forces to perform some high-risk combat tasks in some narrow and dangerous terrain environments, such as fortresses heavily defended by the enemy. Authentic caves and more.

In addition, it can reach the battlefield in a variety of ways to support infantry operations.

For example, by airdropping and hanging umbrella bags, we can airdrop this robot dog on a large scale in the air. After landing, these robot dogs will automatically hook up with the parachute, and can be launched autonomously or jointly to carry out various combat missions. It can also be received by combat personnel on the ground and operated remotely.

In addition to airdrops, it can also arrive at the battlefield by land and water transportation. It even has certain cross-country capabilities and wading capabilities, and can travel to the battlefield autonomously to support other combat units in combat.

In other words, our robot dog can carry out various combat tasks independently, and can also cooperate with other combat units to conduct joint operations.

Doesn't the Air Force have a loyal wingman project, then this robot dog can be used as an infantry version of a loyal war dog. It can cooperate with our soldiers to carry out combat missions, and when danger comes, it will respond quickly to intercept these dangers and protect the safety of soldiers to the greatest extent.

In addition, it can understand human instructions, and can carry out some special tasks or high-risk combat tasks under the remote command of soldiers. "

At the end of the introduction, Zhang Xiaolei leaned over slightly, knocked on the black outer armor of this robot dog, and then introduced to everyone: "We have also equipped this robot dog with a composite armor with excellent performance. The composite armor on the special mechanical exoskeleton protective armor is the same, so it can effectively resist enemy fire attacks.

Conventional rifle bullets hit its body and cannot cause damage to it. As long as rocket missiles do not hit, splashing shrapnel cannot harm it either.

And with its quick and agile action ability, it can avoid the enemy's attack very flexibly, which will also greatly increase its battlefield survivability.

In addition to performing combat tasks, this robot dog can also be used in some field expeditions, security and safety, and emergency rescue.

We can install relevant additional equipment on it, such as more powerful equipment, or intelligent robotic arms, life detectors, etc., so as to meet the task requirements in various scenarios. "

After Zhang Xiaolei's introduction, everyone present exchanged and discussed. Obviously, this seemingly ordinary equipment product is not ordinary, and even exceeds their information in many aspects.

Of course, these are Zhang Xiaolei's one-sided opinions, but the flexibility and speed of the robot dog shown in the video just now left a very deep impression on everyone. At least among all the robot dogs, this robot dog in front of them is the most flexible and smartest.

How long is the battery life of this robot dog. Luo Kai looked at the robot dog and asked Zhang Xiaolei.

"We have equipped it with two new-generation super solid-state batteries, so it can maintain high-load operation for six to eight hours in high-intensity tasks. If it is a routine task, its battery life will be further improved, reaching More than ten hours.

In addition, we also equipped it with an emergency power supply system, which can still work for about 30 minutes when the two batteries are exhausted. In addition, its battery system also supports hot-swappable technology, which can replace the battery during work.

In addition, a foldable solar panel is actually attached to the hatch of the left and right battery compartments of this robot dog. In some extreme cases, it can be charged by two solar panels, so that it can achieve long-term Battery life. "

What about the cost? Wang Lianggong asked. As a leader in science and engineering, he knows that whether a weapon can be equipped with troops is not only excellent in performance, but also has a lot to do with cost. If the cost is too high, no matter how advanced this weapon is, it cannot be equipped, let alone used.

Wang Lianggong's question has also attracted the attention of other people, especially the special forces members of various units. They are naturally coveted for such an excellent robot dog, and hope to be able to equip it. But if the price is too high, it may not be equipped. After all, their annual military expenditure is only so much, so they can't use it all.

Zhang Xiaolei replied with a smile: "The cost and price of this robot dog is not much higher than other similar products. Of course, it depends on the purchase volume. If the purchase volume increases, then the cost can naturally be further reduced."

Everyone knows the meaning of Zhang Xiaolei's words. The cost of UU Kanshu's weaponry does not lie in its manufacturing and materials, but in its technology research and development costs. The price of a product not only includes the cost of manufacturing and raw materials of this product, but also includes the cost of research and development of this product.

The technical content of high-tech products is very high, so the research and development costs are naturally high. If the output is relatively low, then the high R&D costs will be allocated to these small number of products, and naturally the selling price will be relatively high.

If the sales volume of this product increases, the R&D cost allocated to each product will naturally decrease, and the price of the product will naturally decrease accordingly.

Therefore, in many cases, the price reduction of products actually reduces the cost of research and development. Unless the cost of manufacturing and raw materials fluctuates greatly in the industry, it is difficult to have room for price reduction.

However, a robot dog like this is destined to be used as special equipment, and it is basically unrealistic to popularize large-scale equipment, so its cost is bound to be high, which everyone has expected in their hearts.

This is why there are some medicines on the market with very high prices. A medicine may cost thousands or tens of thousands of yuan, and an injection may cost hundreds of thousands. This is not because of the high cost of its materials, but because of its R&D costs are expensive.

Fortunately, this robot dog can be used not only in the military field, but also in scientific research, security, and rescue fields. This means that its application range is wider, and it also means that its sales will be more, so that the average R&D cost will be relatively low, and the price will naturally be cheaper.

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