Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2632: 2 against 1, it's too contemptuous

All the onlookers started to cheer for the veteran, their blood boiled with enthusiasm, as if they wanted to go up and tear this humanoid bionic robot apart.

At this moment, everyone no longer distinguishes between troops, but has become comrades-in-arms. And this humanoid bionic robot has become the villain in everyone's mind.

The veterans became more and more cautious facing this humanoid bionic robot at this moment. He watched this humanoid bionic robot with all his attention, while carefully defending against the opponent's sudden attack, and on the other hand, he was waiting for the opportunity to take advantage of the opponent's flaws.

He didn't take the initiative to attack, and the humanoid bionic robot didn't directly take the initiative to attack, so the two confronted each other.

As time passed by, the technician who controlled this humanoid bionic robot became a little impatient, and then swipe a few times on the military tablet in his hand, and saw that this humanoid bionic robot The robot's body paused first, then became flexible, and then rushed towards the veteran.

Seeing this, the veteran quickly started to block, but in an instant. But the moment he stretched out his hand to block it, the rushing humanoid bionic robot clamped one hand, then turned around and twisted the veteran's hand behind his back.

Seeing this, the veteran immediately wanted to turn over, but this humanoid bionic robot put one foot on his leg and the other hand on his back.

The controlled veteran was anxious to break free, and then suddenly kicked on the humanoid bionic robot, causing the robot to shake. She took the opportunity to flip her arms, but she didn't expect to be pinned by the robot again with her legs, and she fell to the ground directly. Before the veteran could struggle, the robot's legs pressed up, and then grabbed his hand and came directly with a very famous cross-bolt in fighting skills.

The veteran who was locked was naturally very unconvinced and wanted to struggle, but Naihe had already been locked with a cross. In this case, there was basically no possibility of a comeback.

Of course, this is a normal fight. Of course, it is impossible to perform such moves in actual combat, unless you want to capture the enemy. In actual combat, it is actually very simple to encounter the enemy cross solid. Using one's other hand or even one's own teeth can relieve the crisis, but this is not allowed in the game.

Good guy!

Everyone at the scene was surprised by this scene, and even many people felt that the younger generation was a little chilled. The robot is so flexible that it doesn't look like a robot at all, but like a fighting master. The whole action is fast, coherent, accurate and deadly!

This is just a competition, and if this is done in actual combat, I am afraid that this veteran soldier would have died several times long ago.

Seeing that the goal was achieved, Zhang Xiaolei nodded to the technicians. Technical staff meeting, and then swiped a few times on the tablet. In the middle of the arena, the humanoid bionic robot that was locking the veteran got up immediately and released the veteran.

Seeing this, the veteran immediately stood up. While doing defensive actions, he moved his locked arm just now and his neck that was pressed by the robot's iron legs.

As for this humanoid bionic robot, it clasped its fists and bowed to thank, which stunned the veteran for a moment. Immediately, unwillingly, he nodded at the robot, and then walked to the edge of the circle a little depressed, and returned to the team.

Seeing this, several comrades in arms quickly surrounded him and began to comfort him, helping him move his arms.

Is there any squad leader who wants to come up and try? Zhang Xiaolei asked with a smile to everyone present.

Although Zhang Xiaolei has an excellent appearance, a slender figure, and a sweet voice, but at the moment her voice is extremely harsh to the ears of these special battles, making everyone secretly annoyed, but at the same time not convinced.

But seeing this humanoid bionic robot still standing in the middle of the field, everyone's atmosphere was not as enthusiastic as it was at the beginning.

Apart from other things, the performance of the robot just now dispelled the enthusiasm and courage of many people present. Although it seems that they have only played against each other these two times, everyone has already seen how powerful this robot is.

The old squad leader didn't feel wronged when he lost. Although it can be seen that he also has a solid foundation, but he is far worse than a robot. Especially in terms of responsiveness and flexibility, the difference is too far.

The scene immediately became a commotion, and the special warfare teams were all fighting, hoping that someone could go up.

It seems that the scene just now stunned everyone, and they didn't dare to go up. Seeing this, Wang Lianggong said with a smile.

After hearing Wang Lianggong's words, Li Weiguo also nodded, his expression a little unsightly. He is also a member of the army, although the veteran just now is not an airborne soldier, but he will also feel unhappy about the competition just now.

"Although the confrontation just now was short, the speed, responsiveness, and power of this robot were fully displayed. This naturally aroused everyone's fear. But it is obviously impossible to convince this group of soldiers. Look, someone will stand up soon."

Sure enough, not long after Li Weiguo finished speaking, two loud voices came from the scene.

I come, I come!

Following two shouts, two soldiers, a corporal and a sergeant, came out from both sides of the crowd at the same time. One is tall and the other is short, and the person is a little thin, but he looks very strong.

The two veterans stood up and saw each other, and looked at Zhang Xiaolei with a look of wanting to be the first.

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaolei looked at the two veterans who stood up, and then said with a smile: "Since you two have come out, why don't you go together."


Hearing Zhang Xiaolei's words, the scene at UU Reading was quiet at first, and then boiled up. The onlookers couldn't help but feel indignant one by one, "two against one, this is too much contempt for them."

The same is true for these two veterans, and they even feel a little humiliated, especially in front of such a beautiful girl, and in front of so many comrades-in-arms and leaders, they actually said such words, which makes them feel embarrassed.

The two asked for a separate written test, and Zhang Xiaolei was about to speak when she heard Wu Hao next to her say with a smile: "This is just an ordinary test, so you don't need to pay too much attention to it.

It is an indisputable fact that the reaction ability and strength of robots are indeed much stronger than that of humans, so there is no need to force them too much.

How about this, since both of you stand up, then go up together, and the rewards will be the same. "

Hearing what Wu Hao said, the noisy sound at the scene became much quieter. Although the two veterans were a bit unconvinced, since Wu Hao had said so, they had no choice but to look at each other, then nodded a little unconvinced, and then they started to talk to the one in the middle of the field that was still there. The standing humanoid bionic robot walks.

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