Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2634: People can't compete with "cheating machines"

Hearing Wu Hao's introduction, the surrounding special forces members were a little less convinced. It's fine if you lose in this martial arts competition, but how can you still beat it in shooting?

Looking at the special forces members who were eager to try, Wu Hao said with a smile: "You don't have to care so much, in fact, it is inevitable.

Our humanoid bionic robot is a machine after all, so it has stronger strength and stronger limbs than us humans.

So it can control these firearms very well, especially in maintaining the stability of the firearm design, which is unmatched by us. We humans want to hold our guns steady, which requires a long time of patrolling, but this humanoid bionic robot does not require such a long training time, it can directly keep the gun in a stable state.

And with its powerful strength and solid body, it can still maintain stability even under the huge recoil force at the moment of firearm shooting, which can greatly increase the accuracy of shooting.

In addition, it is equipped with an advanced intelligent optical aiming fire control system, which can adjust shooting parameters anytime and anywhere according to the distance of the shooting target, wind direction, air humidity and other factors, so as to shoot accurately.

Let's put it this way, an experienced sniper can guarantee the accuracy of the first shot at a target 500 meters away at more than 95%, which should be considered very high.

You must know that at a shooting distance of 500 meters, there are too many factors to consider. The first-shot hit rate can reach 95%, which can only be achieved by very experienced and very good snipers.

As for our humanoid bionic robot, with its excellent performance, it can control the initial design accuracy of a target 500 meters away to more than 99.5%.

As for the remaining 0.5%, it is those uncontrollable factors within such a long distance.

In addition to hitting fixed targets, our humanoid bionic robot can hit moving targets very accurately, including some long-distance moving targets, and even moving targets with uneven speed.

The fire control system can calculate the real-time movement data of the target, the flying speed of the bullet, and the shooting distance, and then adjust the shooting parameters according to these data, so that it can attack the moving target very accurately in the distance. "

Hearing Wu Hao's explanation, everyone present nodded their heads one after another. Those special forces members who were excited just now have all died down, and they never mentioned the competition again.

How can people compare with cheating machines? Isn't this asking for trouble?

After seeing everyone's reaction, Wu Hao said with a smile: "In fact, this set of intelligent fire control system is not only applied to this humanoid bionic robot, but also to some of our air defense weapons and active defense weapons. .

Using it, we can very accurately calculate the flight trajectory, speed, and distance of incoming missiles, aircraft, and even artillery shells. It can even calculate the reaction time, shooting time, and flight time of the interceptor bomb to the target for intercepting the rapid-fire gun, so as to intercept these incoming targets more accurately.

Using this intelligent fire control system, we can increase the interception rate of incoming targets to over 95% on average, and we can achieve 99.5% of the interception success rate of incoming rocket shells.

The interception success rate of incoming missiles can be increased to over 95%, and the interception success rate of incoming aircraft can be increased to over 90%. "

Are planes more difficult to intercept than missiles? Wang Lianggong couldn't help asking.

Before Wu Hao could answer, Li Weiguo, the director of the Institute of Aeronautics and Space Research, who was standing aside, explained for him: "Although the flight speed of the aircraft is slower than that of the missile, the flexibility of the aircraft is stronger than that of the missile, especially when maneuvering. Flexibility. So direct-firing weapons such as rapid-fire guns will have a lower intercept success rate, and the same goes for missiles."

Glancing at the humanoid bionic robot still standing in the middle of the field, Li Weiguo continued: "Rapid-firing guns are always the last line of defense in our self-defense.

Whether it can intercept incoming missiles determines the safety of warships, positions, important military facilities, and command posts, so it is very important.

In order to be able to break through the interception of rapid-fire guns, these incoming missiles will continue to accelerate when attacking at the end, increasing the speed to the maximum, thus giving the rapid-fire gun-based close-in defense system very little reaction time, thereby enhancing Its penetration capability.

On the other hand, it uses super-exciting orbital changes to fly some special trajectories, increasing the difficulty of calculation for the near-fire control system, thereby reducing the success rate of interception.

So if this intelligent fire control system is really as powerful as you said, it will raise the terminal defense and interception capabilities of our military's various arms to a new level. "

Speaking of this, Li Weiguo glanced at Wu Hao, and then said with a smile: "Actually, the air defense interception weapons you have developed in the past few years are very good, whether it is air defense interception drones, active defense systems, laser interception The systems are very good.

These weapon technologies have also been widely used in various troops, and have achieved excellent results in some contests and exercises.

Listening to what you said just now, this intelligent fire control system has been greatly improved compared to your previous generation products. "

Hearing Li Weiguo's words, Wu Hao nodded with a smile: "Technology is always improving. We can't always be immersed in the glorious achievements of the past. Let's stay where we are."

"Well said, is this intelligent fire control system brought again this time, when will we open our eyes." Wang Lianggong praised him, and then asked him curiously.

Upon hearing such good things, UU Reading naturally couldn't bear to ask. Not only him, but also many people at the scene wanted to see the intelligent fire control system that Wu Hao said had an almost 100% interception success rate.

Wu Hao shook his head with a smile when he heard the words: "This time the shipments are mainly technical products of individual special equipment, and such weapons and equipment have not been shipped over."

"Oh, let's do it next time. I will definitely see it when I have the chance." Wang Lianggong said with some regret. Not only him, but everyone else on the scene also showed regretful expressions. After all, not everyone has the opportunity to witness the display of such advanced weapons. After this time, for many people present, I am afraid that there will be no such opportunity.

Hearing Wang Lianggong's words, Wu Hao thought for a moment, then smiled and said: "It's simple, we have a live-fire interception test video about this intelligent fire control system, if you are interested, we can play it now and have a look. "

Oh, everyone's eyes couldn't help but brighten up, and then they became excited.

"Go, go and see!"

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