Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2642: Special compressed biscuits

this... lan

Seeing this, what everyone present felt was no longer shock, but a kind of deep fear and powerlessness.

The biggest advantage of this intelligent fire control system is that it can complete the automatic aiming work of various weapons, that is to say, this is a plug-in, automatic aiming plug-in.

All the operator needs to do is to confirm whether it is the target he wants to attack, and then pull the trigger.

This also means that with this technology, the technical requirements for personnel will be lower and lower, and even long-term training is not required, only need to know how to identify targets and learn to pull the trigger.

Moreover, the intelligent fire control system is more accurate and quicker than manual operation, and its comprehensive performance and combat effectiveness are naturally much stronger than manual operation. Perhaps a team that has worked together for several years is no better than a spearhead boy who has used this intelligent fire control system and learned it for an hour.

At the same time, it also means that once this technology spreads, it will pose a huge threat to the security of the entire region and even the world. After mastering this technology, an ordinary person can control advanced weapons and equipment, and wrestle with well-trained and well-equipped regular troops without losing the wind.

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes on Wu Hao became more and more complicated. Even in the eyes of many people, such technology should not be displayed. roundabout

Sure enough, at this time, Wang Lianggong spoke to Wu Hao and said, "For the practical application of this technology, we still need to study it carefully.

In this way, I will also compile a document for me, and I will also want to report to it after I go back. "

Hearing Wang Lianggong's words, Wu Hao nodded slightly. He didn't speak, because he had said enough before.

Zhang Xiaolei, who was instructed, stood up at this time and led the crowd to visit the related weapons and equipment exhibits in the entire comprehensive weapons exhibition area.

First of all, Zhang Xiaolei led everyone to a special booth. What this booth displayed was not weapons and equipment, but food. To be precise, it was military food, or special food.

Seeing this, everyone showed puzzled expressions. When did Wu Hao and the others set foot in the food field, and it was still in the field of military food. How could they compete with those canned military food factories for business?

Facing everyone's doubts, Zhang Xiaolei smiled and said. roundabout

"This is our military food and special food exhibition area, and here are some of the military emergency food and special food we have developed.

In fact, we are not newcomers in this field. Our parent company Haoyu Technology has been involved in the field of agricultural food a long time ago, and has a huge intelligent unmanned farm in Xijiang, and has launched a series of products that are very popular in the market. Agricultural and sideline products.

In addition, we also set up a food research laboratory in the Linghu headquarters park in Anxi, mainly to carry out the research and development of some special foods.

First of all, I would like to introduce to you this special compressed biscuit. "Speaking, Zhang Xiaolei took out an aluminum foil packaged food similar to chocolate from the booth, and then showed it to everyone.

The entire aluminum foil bag of food is small, cuboid, and square, a bit like some wafer biscuits. It is vacuum-packed in aluminum foil, so the edges and corners are very obvious.

There is no special text pattern on the entire aluminum foil packaging bag, only the words No. 001 of special compressed biscuits, and the words of Anxi Haoyu Technology Food Technology Laboratory below.

Compressed biscuits? roundabout

When everyone heard Zhang Xiaolei's introduction, they couldn't help but wonder, what is there to introduce. There are many such compressed biscuits, and they are very mature. What's more, our country is also a big producer of compressed biscuits, which are widely used. As early as the eighty years of counterattacks, they have been used on a large scale to supply frontline soldiers.

To be honest, everyone doesn't like it very much. Although it is a military ration, it is an important emergency food. But the taste and taste are really not good, so it is not very popular among soldiers in the army.

Even during the field training of many troops, soldiers would rather eat instant noodles and cook instant noodles than eat these compressed biscuits. What's more, our army's military rations, especially self-heating foods, are very rich, so everyone can't fall in love with this kind of compressed biscuits.

So after hearing Zhang Xiaolei's introduction, everyone will naturally have a lot of doubts. Is a compressed biscuit worthy of Zhang Xiaolei's enthusiasm to introduce to you? No matter how good the compressed biscuit is, it is not a compressed biscuit.

Facing everyone's suspicious eyes, Zhang Xiaolei smiled and handed some compressed biscuits to Li Weiguo, Wang Lianggong and the others, then she picked up a compressed biscuit in front of everyone, tore open the aluminum foil packaging bag, revealing the tight compressed biscuits.

The entire compressed biscuit looks very compact, because there is some gloss on the smooth square structure, which is obviously pressed very tightly by the machine, so the gloss is produced.

The compressed biscuit has a light yellow overall appearance, with some brown, black and green particles mixed in it, which looks like a square candy. roundabout

"This compressed biscuit is very firm, and there will be a relatively crisp sound when it is knocked on. The whole volume is small, but the weight is considerable. This one weighs 200 grams.

The composition of this compressed biscuit is very rich. We have mixed a lot of rich raw materials in it. There are a variety of high-quality grains, such as wheat oats, rice, corn, etc. In addition, there are very rich meats, such as compound Minced meat, compound vegetables, compound premium, dairy products and more.

In addition to these raw materials, we also added a lot of trace elements to it, such as vitamins and minerals to maintain the needs of the human body, as well as some formulas that can maintain the vitality of the human body and refresh the mind.

Of course, in your opinion, all compressed biscuits may be like this, which is nothing unusual.

In fact, the characteristics of our compressed biscuits are still in its production process, taste and eating method.

Its production process is very special. During the production process of UU reading, we smashed all the materials, and then reorganized the food molecules to form a fluffy structure similar to a sponge, and then we Compress this structure, crush it into particles, and then recompress different particles, which forms the compressed biscuit in my hand.

Don't look at it as small or only 200 grams, but it can provide nearly 1,600 calories of energy for us humans. That is to say, the compressed biscuit in your hand is equivalent to three cans of 500 grams of canned beef. The calories are much higher than the calories of a pack of self-heating rice. "Lan

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help being surprised. It's unbelievable that this small compressed biscuit of only 200 grams can be compared to two cans of beef.

Almost everyone questioned Zhang Xiaolei's words, thinking it was an exaggeration.

Note: [Calories of canned braised beef: 103 calories (100 grams), military compressed biscuits calories: 460 calories (100 grams), 09 individual self-heating food 480g (4500kj) is approximately equal to 1075 calories. 】

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