Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2645: Different self-heating cans

Under the introduction of everyone, they also picked up a functional candy on a plate, and peeled off the outer packaging tin foil, revealing the chocolate-like candy inside.

It looks like a chocolate. Everyone looked at it for a while, then put it in their mouths, and bit it lightly, the whole candy was bitten open like chocolate, and then melted in their mouths.

But it has the pure sweetness of chocolate, a slightly bitter taste, and a hint of milky fragrance, and in the milky fragrance, everyone also tasted the fragrance and floral fragrance.

All in all, the taste is delicious. Apart from the function, the taste of this candy is really good. Everyone present nodded in unison.

And as the juice that melted the candy was swallowed, everyone felt a coolness from the throat to the stomach. It's like swallowing a mint, but compared to the coolness of mint, this coolness is different. It is from light to strong and very stable.

Everyone's spirits seemed to be shaken by the coolness and stimulation, and they felt much more relaxed. It was summer itself, and the weather was relatively hot, but this piece of candy brought them a touch of refreshment, so naturally everyone couldn't help but smile on their faces.

Seeing the smiles on everyone's faces, Zhang Xiaolei continued to introduce with a smile: "In addition to candy, we also specially made this kind of functional drink granule and this kind of capsule.

"This functional drink can be brewed with hot or cold water, and can be drunk for a long time. It can also refresh the mind while replenishing water. It is also rich in minerals and vitamins, which can supplement soldiers The vitamin requirements in the body can also be supplemented with trace elements to maintain the electrolyte balance in the soldiers' bodies.

This capsule product is also a refreshing drug developed by us, and it belongs to a high-concentration preparation. It needs to be taken orally near the stomach with water, and then dissolves slowly.

The entire capsule preparation will slowly dissolve under the action of gastric acid. The entire dissolution process is very environmentally friendly and can last for about eight to ten hours, which is twice as long as this candy.

Of course, because of its high concentration, you can only reuse one tablet at a time. If you reuse too much, it may irritate the stomach, and it may cause some gastrointestinal problems in severe cases. "

After quickly introducing these, Zhang Xiaolei led everyone to a new booth.

I saw that there were all kinds of canned food on this booth, which surprised everyone. It seemed that Wu Hao and the others were really planning to grab the business of those canning factories.

Zhang Xiaolei picked up a gray packaged can from the booth and showed it to everyone: "This is a self-heating can for individual soldiers developed by us. That way, need to add water or something.

There will be such a pull ring on the top of the can. When we are eating, we only need to pull the pull ring hard, and the can can be heated by itself.

Generally, it only takes five minutes, and the food inside can be fully heated. And the whole heating effect can last for about ten minutes, that is to say, you can cook something in this can to make it taste richer. "

Is this sealed heating dangerous. After listening to Zhang Xiaolei's words, Luo Kai frowned and asked.

No, Zhang Xiaolei shook her head with a smile: "The moment the tab is pulled open, there will be a gap at the top of the can, which can allow the steam inside to escape, so there will be no danger."

Hearing Zhang Xiaolei's words, everyone nodded involuntarily. This design is really ingenious. It puts the opening and heating together, which is really convenient. When eating, there is no need to heat it up, just pull the ring.

As for Zhang Xiaolei, she forcefully pulled off the tab of the canned beef in her hand, and then placed it on the plate. I saw that the can began to heat up slowly, and a slight water vapor was escaping from the opening at the top of the can.

In addition to self-heating, this self-heating can has a special advantage over other canned foods, that is, its texture and taste are better than other canned foods.

As she said that, Zhang Xiaolei asked the staff to open the tabs of several cans in a row, and then let them be placed on the booth to heat up by themselves. After a while, a strong fragrance began to emanate from the can, which aroused everyone's appetite.

We know that the taste of canned food is usually very poor. Because of the pasteurization process and canned stew, the meat in these cans is very soft and rotten, so everyone feels much worse when eating. Soft rotten is soft rotten, but it has no texture, especially beef, mutton, and some other meats and vegetables, which taste like elbows, hooves and braised pork.

As for our canned food, it adopts a special heating and disinfection process, so it retains the best taste of these foods and makes it much tastier than ordinary canned food.

When Zhang Xiaolei introduced it, the cans had already begun to steam, and the fragrance immediately filled the entire tent. Seeing that the time was almost up, the staff immediately came to open the boxes of the cans one by one. The opening method was also very easy, with just one pull, the entire lid was pulled open. Unlike ordinary military cans, it is very troublesome just to open them. Many times, bayonets, pliers, and screwdrivers are used together. This time, it was very difficult to open.

As the lids of these self-heating cans are opened, the frozen meat inside begins to melt gradually, and the aroma becomes more intense with the heat. And the can of beef that Zhang Xiaolei opened first also started to boil.

Zhang Xiaolei picked up the plate, then took a pair of chopsticks from the staff and handed them to Li Weiguo and Wang Lianggong. They smiled and said, "We don't need to be intuitive when we say this. Everyone will know how the texture and taste are after a taste. UU Reading www.uukanshu .com"

Oh, what you said made me even more hungry. Wang Lianggong smiled when he heard the words, and then smiled at Li Weiguo and Luo Kai: "Then let's try, is this canned food as delicious as she said?"

Li Weiguo and Luo Kai took the chopsticks with a smile after hearing the words, and took out a piece of beef from the boiling can in turn. The whole beef is cut very squarely, and each piece is basically about three centimeters.

The color is very ruddy, which looks like the color of ordinary braised beef. Several people looked at the beef on the chopsticks, then put it in their mouths, and then slowly refused.

"It's very strong, it keeps the original taste of the braised beef, and it can maintain the texture of the beef itself while being soft and rotten. It's delicious!" Li Weiguo praised with a smile while refusing.

"The taste is very good, the saltiness is just right!" Wang Lianggong also nodded in praise.

(end of this chapter)

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